
A Bend in Time

Before there ever was a boy that ever lived in a cupboard on Four Privet Drive, there was a similar boy in a far worse home that lived on Spinner’s End. We all know the tale of that abused boy who grew up to become a bitter spy. But not all tales end the same for in the many parallel worlds that exist in the universe there are far better endings, and equally as many worse ones. This is a tale of one such condemned universe that for better or for worse chooses to change its own fate at through the sacrifice of the bitter spy. (All rights to the Harry Potter world and characters belong solely to J. K. Rowling. However, I do claim creative fanfiction rights. Please do not post my fanfiction elsewhere without my express permission. This work will also be partially hosted at RoyalRoad, Wattpadd, and Archive.)

EsliEsma · Derivados de obras
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1206 Chs

Latest Appointments Ⅲ

The younger of the two Black brothers, Harmon raises his hand. "Might I make a suggestion or rather a request, Professor McGonagall?"

"Be brief, Mr. Black."

"Well, if the Chamber of Secrets is large enough," Harmon suggested, "it may be used an indoor track and field to run. It would be simply to mark a path for students to follow and practice or walk on their own if they desire."

 Professor McGonagall thoughtfully considers the suggestion. "I will relay your suggestion to the Headmaster to relay to the board."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall, and my apologies for interrupting," Harmon politely bowed having pureblood manners beat into him by his countless female cousins, especially by Walburga.

Another hand pops up this time from Ondine Ponce. Professor McGonagall with a resigned expression says, "Be succinct, Mr. Ponce."

"The only suggestion is that the waters themselves can be utilized to create an aquatic nursery," Ondine Ponce helpfully suggested. "I am used to tending to an aquatic nursery having helped my father tend to our family's aquatic plant nursery since I was young."

Professor Pomona Sprout claps her grubby hands excitably together. "This would be perfect, Minerva! We always pay so much for aquatic ingredients, but if we could grow our own, we would be able to save so much of our budget!"

"It is a rather prudent suggestion, Mr. Ponce," Professor McGonagall approvingly said sending a warning look at Pomona, who innocently glanced away. "I shall be sure to relay that to the headmaster."

"Now for any other amenities, they may be added at a future date," Professor McGonagall clearly stated, "but for now these are what the Board has approved and determined."

Several new policies are brought up by Professor McGonagall as a short wizard with sleeked back hair and a hooked nose kept quietly to himself. Professor Manzil Snipe was a wizard with sly-looking eyes but was an honorable goblin. Well, he hadn't been born with a lick of goblin, but as an infant, he had been adopted by a caring goblin family. He considered himself part of the goblin nation even if he had not been born a goblin.

Manzil Snipe did not know what was going on, but he had a sense something big was coming. His father had been spoken to by their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather Kostilb. Their grandfather Kostilb is the fourth oldest goblin in the world. His grandfather had requested that he report the slightest tidbit regarding the chamber of secrets and whether it would be suitable for a forge.

Hogwarts belonged to wizards and witches, it always had. So how would a forge ever be possible in the Chamber of Secrets? Manzil Snipe had been raised as a goblin and could easily make the connection. The goblins and wizardkind had been at peace for hundreds of years, what could have possibly changed?

Whatever it was, it made Manzil Snipe sick to his stomach. He was a wizard but also a goblin. If it came to war, he frankly wasn't sure what side he would choose.

The last of the policies is wrapped up as Professor McGonagall overlooks the staff. "Are there any further questions to be asked before being dismissed?"

Master Strauss met the eyes of Professor McGonagall. "My only question is concerning the safety of the Chamber of Secrets. Salazar Slytherin was cunning and suspicious by nature. It would be most unusual for there to be no deadly traps or treacherous snares to catch the unwary. It may be inadvisable for the students to actively use the Chamber of Secrets without proper supervision."

Several of the professors look alarmed, especially Thruman and Harmon Black, who are squibs. They have no magic from which to defend or save students from! Not to mention, they themselves would be sitting ducks...

"The Board was just as concerned, Master Strauss," Professor McGonagall sagely replied. "It is for that exact reason that the headmaster is absent. He is collecting Vaibhav Marwah," she pronounced the name with difficulty. "Mr. Marway is a well-known parselmouth originated from India who specializes in parselmouth magic. He is more than amply qualified to resolve any issues or concerns that may arise from opening the Chamber of Secrets to the students."

"A parselmouth," there are various hushed whispers from the staff members. Parselmouths did not have a stellar reputation among wizardkind. Even though there were those who did good, the infamous parselmouths were the most remembered such as Herpo, the Foul or Salazar Slytherin.

"Vaibhav Marwah," Professor Sprout murmured under her breath before her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. So excited that her tattered hat tilted on her flyaway hair. "Varibhav Marway is a world-renowned botanist! Might I be permitted to meet with him?!" She desperately pleaded for the opportunity to meet with the enigmatic botanist whose works she had all read at least the ones translated and available in English!

I cannot speak for Mr. Marwah's time," Professor McGonagall stiffly replied clearly thrown off by Pomona's enthusiasm.

"Oh," Professor Sprout wilted a little before perking up again. She would find the means and the way. Hufflepuffs are hardworking and never give up!

Turning her attention to Caretaker Argus Filch, Professor McGonagall sees a slightly hunched-over squib with a less pasty face, bulging pale eyes, and round cheeks. Clearly, Irma had been feeding him. His thin neatly trimmed grey hair is stylishly combed back and it helps that he no longer wheezes. Still obviously thin, but with a bulbous nose. He wore a clean auburn coat that fit him well. 

Professor McGonagall stifled a smile at seeing how comically small Caretaker Filch appeared sitting between the two large and rather muscled figures of Trevor and Gray Peterson. The two men are identical twins. They are the color of dark chocolate with long dreadlocks that are always neatly done. They have a slight Trinidad accent when they speak but nothing else denotes their place of birth.

"Caretaker Filch," Professor McGonagall addressed the smaller man, "with the continued influx of students the board has requested your observation on the status quo. They are aware that you may be understaffed this year. They request a detailed report in order to provide reasons for further staff to be added as needed at the end of the upcoming school year.

"We will be sure to take careful notes," Caretaker Filch earnestly promised.

"Excellent, well if that is all, the meeting is adjourned," Professor McGonagall dismissed the staff.

Argus Filch leaps to his feet and whispers urgently to Trevor and Gray. "I've been permitted to visit my nephew today with Irmy. I'm sorry to leave you in a rush."

"It is fine," rumbled the low male voice of Trevor. "Go to him."

"You have spoken of nothing else," Gary added. "We understand."

"You're the best of mates," Argus Filch genuinely smiled before hurrying out of the staff room.

Trevor and Gary both nod at each other and rise in silence. They had always been together in the good and in the bad. They had been bitten when young as punishment for their fathers' incurred debts. In the end, the only place that offered them a stable job was Sanderson. Even after the cure for lycanthropy, they had remained with him out of loyalty.

When Sanderson closed down the business, they had initially been wary of accepting the job of Sanderson to continue to work for him. All he requested is that they work at Hogwarts and keep an eye on Rowan and Severus Prince with all debts settled between them. It seemed too good to be true but to their great astonishment, they found a true friend in Argus Filch.

It had been strange at first to live in Hogsmeade as the two of them stood out for obvious reasons. However, soon enough their wives were chatting with the neighbors and trading the best cooking recipes and housecleaning spells. Their children fit right in and played with the other children. Since their children were magical and would someday attend Hogwarts. It was a relief to know that they could keep a close eye on them once they started school.

The only cause of fear had been the attack on Hogsmeade. Their wives and children had been in the village when the attacks had occurred. They had been at Hogwarts and would have rushed to their aid but then the injured children arrived. They could not abandon them and quickly worked to carry them to the infirmary to be treated.

With great relief, Trevor and Gary had received the patronus messages of their wives, a glistening swan, and a swift sparrow stating that they were all safe and sound. Their wives had managed to apparate out of the village in time with their children. Their homes had been damaged, but nothing that could be fixed. Overall, they knew they had been very fortunate as not everyone had been as fortunate.

And that's a wrap!

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