
AΩ: Reincarnation of the creator of the heavens

Itsuka is known to be an ordinary boy, at least that's what his classmates and the entire Kingdom of Flare believe. One day, while Itsuka is eating lunch on the school rooftop with his friends, the school catches fire and explodes, killing all students and teachers and reincarnating them into a new world. Excited by this new life, Itsuka and his friends soon face betrayal. Under the command of the first princess, his comrades turn against him after he interacts with the fourth princess. As a result, during a raid in the Atoma labyrinth meant for leveling up, they betray Itsuka and his friends, causing them to fall to the deepest part of the labyrinth. This incident kills his best friend and gives his other friend amnesia. Struggling with his emotions, Itsuka walks to the final level of the labyrinth, where he encounters and becomes the holder of DeathxLife. Half of its power goes to Ray Skyrish, his amnesiac friend, transforming Ray from male to female. After dealing with Ray's gender change and the power of DeathxLife, Itsuka defeats and tames the labyrinth's final boss, who transforms into a beautiful dragon girl. Escaping the labyrinth with his new allies, Itsuka enrolls in a new school in this world, the same one his previous classmates now attend. They believe Itsuka and his friend perished in the Atoma labyrinth, which was officially deemed an accident. From here on, Itsuka seeks revenge while creating a low-profile background character at school. Secretly, he is Death, the leader of the Death Pieces, an organization he forms that becomes a significant threat to the Flare country. Unbeknownst to many, he is actually Itsuka Yagami, a student at Akura Academy and a former victim of Mitsuri Mine, the first princess of Flare. Check out the first chapter—you might enjoy it! If you do, keep in mind that the main character, Itsuka, is a badass and likely has a harem of more than ten members. Enjoy reading! Average Words per Volume 1 Chapter: 1500-3000, though Chapter One of Volume One has over 5000+ words for it's recreation debut.

FakeMast3rmind · Fantasía
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22 Chs

The X'es - Mazuri Drama queen

The next day, Itsuka found himself in the school library once again, drawn to the pages of The Genesis of AΩ. His gaze lingered on the page detailing the X-Opposite, and he realized there were more X's than he had anticipated—twelve in total.

Itsuka thought to himself, "Twelve ranks of the LuckXBad Luck, or LuckyXUnlucky. This X possesses the ability to manipulate luck itself, bringing both positive and negative effects. It can curse individuals with bad luck, though its power remains passive unless provoked into combat."

"Eleventh is FearXCourage, or FearXFearless," he continued his silent reflection. "This X manipulates fear like mind control and instills courage, rendering itself fearless. However, it's ineffective against those devoid of emotion, such as sociopaths."

"The tenth rank is HunterXPrey," Itsuka mused. "This X excels in both chasing and being chased, akin to a hunter and its prey. It's known for its deadly efficiency, surpassing even the eleventh and twelfth ranks."

"As for the ninth, FireXWater, or HeatXCold," he pondered. "This X controls all forms of liquid and temperature, from scorching heat to freezing cold. Yet, its power comes with the risk of inadvertently endangering allies due to its volatile nature."

"Now, the eighth is The HeroXThe Villain, or the ProtagonistXAntagonist," Itsuka recited. "This X wields holy and undead weapons and commands the elements of fire, water, earth, wind, and light for the hero, and darkness for the villain. Remarkably, it possesses no apparent drawbacks."

"Seventh is AetherXUnderworld, or HeavenXHell," he continued. "This X governs over demons and angels within both realms. However, its control is limited to twenty-four hours, with a cooldown period of thirty hours before it can be used again, as the celestial and infernal beings will resist against prolonged manipulation."

"The sixth, known as MortalXImmortal," Itsuka concluded, "is primarily offensive. It grants immortality to some and mortality to others, while the wielder gains various forms of immortality. Remarkably, the wielder can even end their own immortality by reverting to mortality."

Fifth is The Seven Deadly SinsXThe Seven Heavenly Virtues. This X exerts full control over these fourteen beings, without limitations or drawbacks.

The fourth is ColorXShape. The holder can manipulate everything possessing color and shape, exerting control over entities beneath their power scaling. They can manipulate the very concept of existence as long as they perceive it inferior.

DeathXLife, or the DeadXThe Living, holds the fourth rank. As long as the holder desires death, their target will perish; conversely, as long as they desire life, their target will remain alive. The holder possesses every lethal weapon and power, able to kill or heal at will. Escaping the holder's grasp is futile, as Death, an inevitable force, spares no one. It is the great equalizer, claiming all without distinction, reminding every soul of its mortality.

In the grand theater of existence, there are no eternal players, no everlasting roles. Every soul, no matter how illustrious or obscure, is but a fleeting character in the epic saga of time. Immortality remains an elusive dream, fading into the echoes of mortality. For in the end, the curtain falls on all, and even the brightest stars must yield to the eternal night. The prophecy suggests that Death, akin to the brother of the grim reaper, embodies the ultimate certainty of mortality.

The second-ranked X is TimeXSpace, or Eternity. The holder of TimeXSpace wields control over time itself, capable of manipulating dimensions and creating new worlds. In the boundless expanse of existence, where time and space intertwine like threads in an infinite tapestry, manipulation becomes possible. To wield such power is to shape reality itself, but it requires great responsibility, as even the slightest disturbance can upset the delicate balance of the cosmos.

The first and strongest X, the SeraphimXEldritch, or SeraphXRitch, is the creator of all X'es. This being is not created conventionally; it emerges through the presence of Lord God Azatoth and Adonai, the Creator of the heavens and all existence. The holder of the SeraphXRitch can manipulate fiction at will, and only one can possess this power. The holder of the SeraphXRitch cannot die, continuously reincarnating until their existence is erased, unless they choose to erase themselves. Alternatively, they can assert their invincibility through fiction manipulation.

Itsuka closes the book after reading and takes his leave. As he walks back to his classroom through the hallway, he ponders the nature of the X'es once again.

Itsuka pondered, "I see, my concept of power is admirable, but I suppose Anme, the TimeXSpace holder, is far superior. Although, if you think about it, neither of us have actually fought yet, and besides, I haven't yet met another X except for Anme."

As Itsuka mulled over these thoughts, he sensed someone running behind him. The person pushed Itsuka aside and continued to run, drawing the attention of all the students to Aoki Natori, a classmate of Itsuka who sat in the front left side of their classroom. Mazuri walked over to Itsuka and offered him a hand to stand up.

"Damm, who was that? Was that Aoki? Why was he acting like Death was chasing him?" Mazuri questioned.

"I see," Itsuka replied. He stood up without needing Mazuri's help, wiping his pants as he glanced down the hallway where the person had disappeared. Itsuka sighed and looked at Mazuri.

"He's sick. I guess he's not coming with us," Mazuri explained.

"Where to?" Itsuka inquired.

"To the new carnival in the city!? Wait, did you not know about this?" Mazuri asked.

"No," Itsuka admitted.

"Well, it doesn't matter anyway. Let's head back to our classroom now before we get punished for being late," Mazuri suggested.

As the two walked, Itsuka observed the students enjoying various activities, laughing and giggling.

"So, what do you think of Lea?" Mazuri asked.

"Why do you ask?" Itsuka responded.

Mazuri sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "That's because I have a crush on her, bro. For such a long time. The moment she transferred here, I fell in love with her immediately. And it really broke my heart to know that she doesn't have feelings for me, but for you instead."

Itsuka raised an eyebrow. "Chill, bro."

Mazuri clenched his fists, then took a deep breath. "Tsk, you're right. I should stay calm."

Mazuri turned and ran off, tears streaming from his eyes. The students around them had already gone back to their classrooms for the third period. Itsuka, feeling a pang of concern, chased after Mazuri. He searched the library, the school gym, and more. As the third period ended, Itsuka finally found Mazuri sitting by a tree. Itsuka collapsed to the ground in relief.

Mazuri looked up, his expression a mix of surprise and frustration. "What are you doing here?"

Itsuka caught his breath and replied, "Mazuri, as you navigate the labyrinth of emotions woven between you and your crush, know that amidst the tangled threads of desire, the steadfast pillar of your friendship stands unwavering. Though your crush may cast her gaze upon me with unrequited longing, let it be a testament to the enigmatic nature of the heart, rather than a fracture in the bond we cherish. In the gentle glow of our camaraderie, may understanding flourish and empathy bloom. For in the garden of friendship, even amidst the thorns of unspoken desires, the blossoms of companionship bloom eternal."

Mazuri looked down, pondering Itsuka's words. "I'll think about it."

He stood up and walked away, leaving Itsuka laying on the ground, exhausted.

Itsuka thought to himself, "A friend of mine has his anger towards me right now, and doing something about it might make it worse. Trying to help might only make him jealous of how kind I am to him, even though he's blaming me. As you think this might be helping, in truth, you're actually just making him envy you more by your actions. Since these actions might be the reason why his own beloved fell into your arms."

As night fell, Itsuka entered his dorm and lay down on his bed. Itsuka lay on his bed, gazing at the ceiling, lost in thought. Suddenly, he sensed a presence in the room. Izayu had appeared, kneeling beside him.

"Itsuka, what is it?" she asked, her voice steady yet respectful.

"I detected a supreme power not far from here," Itsuka replied, his tone measured. "This person might be stronger than most of our pawns."

Izayu nodded, waiting for further instructions.

"I have an order for all of you," Itsuka continued. "I want the three of you to detect the X'es."

Izayu's brow furrowed. "What are they?"

Itsuka threw a book to her. She caught it with both hands, her eyes scanning the cover.

"What is this?" she asked.

"Make that suggestion of mine a top priority," Itsuka said firmly.

"Yes, Master," Izayu replied, turning to leave.

As she reached the door, Itsuka stood up on his bed and grabbed her hand. "Izayu, we haven't really interacted that much in the past few days."

Izayu looked puzzled. "Eh? What are you talking about?"

Itsuka smiled. "Wanna go on a date with me, Izayu?"

Izayu blinked in surprise. "Me?"

"Yes," Itsuka affirmed.

A blush spread across Izayu's cheeks as she smiled and nodded. "Master, there is something I really want to say to you."

Itsuka looked at her curiously. "What is it?"

"I love you," Izayu confessed, her voice trembling slightly. "Not as a comrade, but romantically. And to top that, I want to hear your honest answer, Master, right now."

Itsuka's expression softened. "Don't worry, Izayu. I love you too. In fact, you're actually my first love."

Izayu's eyes sparkled with joy as she embraced him, the weight of her confession lifting as they stood together, bathed in the quiet glow of their newfound love.

Izayu ran to Itsuka, tears of joy streaming down her face. She embraced him tightly, finally accepted by the one she loved.

To reveal the depths of one's heart is to embark upon a journey fraught with uncertainty and vulnerability, Itsuka thought. Confessing is not merely a declaration of truth but an act of courage, bravely unveiling the hidden chambers of the soul in the hopes of forging a deeper connection.

In the garden of love, amidst the blossoms of devotion and the fragrance of commitment, I stand content knowing that I am but one petal in the bouquet of your affections, Izayu reflected. Whether you have many wives or stand alone, my heart finds its joy in being a cherished part of your life's garden. For in the vast expanse of your love, I am grateful to be counted among the chosen, basking in the warmth of your embrace and the radiance of your devotion.

In the delicate dance of love, where hearts entwine and emotions soar, I hold dear the understanding that multiple hearts may find solace in my presence, Itsuka mused. Rather than breaking any heart or turning away affection, I choose to embrace each soul as a cherished part of my beloved. For in the tapestry of love, there's room for all to find warmth, understanding, and a place to call home within the sanctuary of my heart as long as I feel the same way.

Their embrace was a silent promise, a mutual understanding that their love, though part of a larger tapestry, was unique and precious. In that moment, under the quiet watch of the stars, they found solace in each other's arms, knowing that their bond was a cherished thread in the intricate weave of their lives.