
AΩ: Reincarnation of the creator of the heavens

Itsuka is known to be an ordinary boy, at least that's what his classmates and the entire Kingdom of Flare believe. One day, while Itsuka is eating lunch on the school rooftop with his friends, the school catches fire and explodes, killing all students and teachers and reincarnating them into a new world. Excited by this new life, Itsuka and his friends soon face betrayal. Under the command of the first princess, his comrades turn against him after he interacts with the fourth princess. As a result, during a raid in the Atoma labyrinth meant for leveling up, they betray Itsuka and his friends, causing them to fall to the deepest part of the labyrinth. This incident kills his best friend and gives his other friend amnesia. Struggling with his emotions, Itsuka walks to the final level of the labyrinth, where he encounters and becomes the holder of DeathxLife. Half of its power goes to Ray Skyrish, his amnesiac friend, transforming Ray from male to female. After dealing with Ray's gender change and the power of DeathxLife, Itsuka defeats and tames the labyrinth's final boss, who transforms into a beautiful dragon girl. Escaping the labyrinth with his new allies, Itsuka enrolls in a new school in this world, the same one his previous classmates now attend. They believe Itsuka and his friend perished in the Atoma labyrinth, which was officially deemed an accident. From here on, Itsuka seeks revenge while creating a low-profile background character at school. Secretly, he is Death, the leader of the Death Pieces, an organization he forms that becomes a significant threat to the Flare country. Unbeknownst to many, he is actually Itsuka Yagami, a student at Akura Academy and a former victim of Mitsuri Mine, the first princess of Flare. Check out the first chapter—you might enjoy it! If you do, keep in mind that the main character, Itsuka, is a badass and likely has a harem of more than ten members. Enjoy reading! Average Words per Volume 1 Chapter: 1500-3000, though Chapter One of Volume One has over 5000+ words for it's recreation debut.

FakeMast3rmind · Fantasy
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22 Chs

The Genesis of AΩ

Anme heated up the bathtub as Itsuka and Anme undressed, covering their private parts with towels. They entered the bathroom, with Itsuka heading for the shower and Anme moving to the bathtub after cleaning herself. As Itsuka soaped his arms and body, he suddenly felt something smooth against his back. Turning, he saw Anme smiling and giggling, hugging him from behind and pressing her chest against his back.

"So, how do they feel?" Anme asked playfully.

"Flat," Itsuka replied, smirking.

Anme backed up, still smiling. "Don't worry, I still have time to grow. When that happens, my body will become more seductive than you can imagine! I'll make sure to have big boobs like Kaname, and I'll let you squeeze and touch them whenever you want to. *Fufu*"

"I think that's not really something a child would say," Itsuka responded, shaking his head.

Anme giggled. "Anyway, I'll wash your back."

"Hm? Do whatever you want," Itsuka said, shrugging.

"Really?" Anme asked, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

Anme then reached around and grabbed Itsuka's D*ck, catching him off guard. He stiffened instantly as she smiled and giggled.

"Is this what you're after, Anme?" Itsuka asked, feeling a mix of surprise and confusion.

"I'll clean it for you," Anme said, her tone playful yet serious.

"Um, fine. I guess I've never really done this kind of thing before," Itsuka admitted, trying to relax.

As the two got out of the bathroom, Itsuka flicked his fingers, instantly drying his clothes. He put them on as Anme blushed, thinking about what had just happened.

"Itsuka, can you tell me more about the Genesis of AΩ now?" Itsuka asked.

"Eh? Sorry, what was that?" Anme replied, still flustered.

"I said, can we get to the Genesis of AΩ now?"

"*Fufu* Sure," Anme said, regaining her composure.

Anme rummaged through her belongings while Itsuka lay on her bed, covering his eyes with his right arm. Suddenly, Anme jumped onto the bed, landing directly on top of him, sitting on his waist. Itsuka removed his arm from his eyes and saw Anme holding the book, The Genesis of AΩ.

"Eh? Where did you get this exactly?" Itsuka asked, surprised.

"You'll soon know enough," Anme replied mysteriously.

"I see. Why don't we take a look into it?"

As they both sat on the bed, they opened the book together, revealing the records on its pages.

"Elohim Adonai Full power - In the vast symphony of existence, Elohim Adonai emerges as the quintessence of power and strength, a divine force resonating through the very fabric of reality. From the celestial realms of Heaven to the mortal plane of the Overworld and even to the darkest depths of Hell, his influence is undeniable, shaping the cosmos with an unwavering might that transcends mortal comprehension. As the stalwart ally of Cosmic Expansion, Elohim Adonai stands as a beacon of divine authority, his presence anchoring the universe in a delicate balance between order and chaos. His power permeates every corner of creation, manifesting in the shaping of galaxies, the breath of life into the void, and the command of cosmic forces with unparalleled sovereignty. Even amidst the tumult of cosmic conflict, his resolve remains unyielding, a testament to the boundless might that defines his being. In the eternal struggle against his adversary, Daemon Sultan, Elohim Adonai's strength serves as a steadfast bulwark, ensuring that the cosmic tapestry remains intact and that the forces of chaos are held at bay. Through his unwavering commitment to upholding cosmic order, Elohim Adonai stands as a testament to the incomprehensible power that resides within the divine, a power that transcends the boundaries of time and space, shaping the very essence of existence itself, And bypassing Fiction and reality with ease, As he Created Existance by his own hands." Itsuka exclaimed as he readed it in the book as Anme continues it. "The big bang or cosmic expansion, the cosmic expansion—the breathtaking phenomenon at his form that birthed our vast universe from a singular point of unimaginable density and energy. It's a journey back to the very beginning, to a moment when time and space themselves began their epic dance of expansion. A minuscule speck containing all the matter and energy that would eventually unfurl into galaxies, stars, and planets. This infinitesimal singularity held the blueprint for everything we see today—a cosmic symphony waiting to unfold. Then, in an instant—a fraction of a second—the Big Bang unleashed an incomprehensible surge of energy, propelling space itself to expand rapidly. As this primordial firework exploded into being, matter and radiation burst forth, setting the stage for the intricate tapestry of celestial bodies we now observe. Since that explosive genesis, the universe has continued to expand, carrying galaxies away from each other like ink droplets on an ever-expanding canvas. The fabric of space itself stretches, carrying with it the echoes of that primordial explosion—the cosmic background radiation—a faint whisper from the universe's birth. This ongoing cosmic expansion is not just a physical process; it's a testament to the dynamic nature of our universe. It fuels our curiosity, inspiring questions about the origins of existence and our place within this grand cosmic saga. As we gaze into the depths of space and time, we're reminded of the awe-inspiring journey that began with the Big Bang—a story still unfolding, inviting us to marvel at the wonders of cosmic evolution, As his birth is the creation of Existance as he can very very can do anything he want as he controls all of the mechanics and entirety of Fiction and reality."

As those two pages described the Alpha Omegas, showcasing their unparalleled strength and potential, the last page was written in a very strange manner. Itsuka read it with growing curiosity and unease. "And last but not the least Daemon Sultan, the mysterious and enigmatic entity known as Azathoth—the cosmic figure shrouded in primordial chaos and madness, said to dwell at the center of the universe, oblivious to its creation and destruction. Azathoth, the blind and mindless deity, embodies the ultimate chaos and entropy that threatens the very fabric of existence. Imagine a being beyond comprehension, an entity whose presence alone distorts reality and drives mortals to madness. Azathoth sits at the center of all creation, surrounded by the ceaseless piping of mindless flutes, while cosmic dancers swirl around in an eternal, chaotic ballet. This entity, often depicted as the ultimate villain of existence, embodies the terrifying concept of an indifferent and destructive force—an abyss from which nightmares and horrors emanate. Azathoth's existence defies reason and order, representing the terrifying unknown that lurks beyond the veil of our understanding. In tales of cosmic horror, Azathoth is the epitome of existential dread—a reminder that the universe is indifferent to our desires and fears. To encounter Azathoth's essence is to confront the nihilistic abyss, where all meaning and purpose dissolve into the cosmic void. Despite its malevolent reputation, Azathoth is also a symbol of cosmic insignificance, reminding us of our humble place in the vastness of the cosmos. Daemon Sultan's influence looms large in the realms of horror fiction, embodying the darkest depths of cosmic terror and the unfathomable mysteries of existence, As his presence and dreams created Existance he can Literally Manipulate The Entirety of Fiction and Reality with ease, This Contents at this book is just understandable, of why there could be three of them and how am I one of them?"

As Anme slides the next page here wrote the fate of this three as she read it"In the annals of cosmic history, there arose a confrontation unlike any other—a battle of cosmic titans that reverberated across the fabric of existence itself. It was a clash of unimaginable forces, pitting the Daemon Sultan, or Lord God Azathoth, against Elohim Adonai, or you, Itsuka, and Cosmic Expansion, the Big Bang—a struggle that would determine the fate of universes.

The cosmic stage was set, the backdrop a tapestry of swirling galaxies and shimmering nebulae. Elohim Adonai, the divine architect of creation, stood alongside Cosmic Expansion, the embodiment of infinite cosmic potential. Together, they faced the Daemon Sultan, Azathoth, the blind and mindless deity at the center of all chaos.

As the confrontation escalated, realities quaked and dimensions trembled. Azathoth, emanating primal madness and entropy, unleashed torrents of cosmic upheaval—a maelstrom of unbridled chaos threatening to unravel all existence. Elohim Adonai, wielding the power of divine order, and Cosmic Expansion, the embodiment of universal expansion, countered with cosmic energies that shook the very foundations of reality.

The battle raged with cataclysmic intensity. Elohim Adonai weaved intricate patterns of celestial light, attempting to impose order upon the chaos, while Cosmic Expansion surged forth with waves of expanding energy, seeking to counterbalance the forces of destruction. Amidst the cosmic turmoil, a pivotal moment emerged. The combined might of Elohim Adonai and Cosmic Expansion managed to momentarily subdue the Daemon Sultan. As Azathoth succumbed to a deep slumber—a rare respite in its eternal frenzy—the universe held its breath.

But victory came at a cost. Elohim Adonai, in a twist of fate, lost his divine memories and was reborn in mortal form. Meanwhile, Cosmic Expansion, having expended immense cosmic energy in the struggle, was rent asunder. The once boundless and eternal entity was fragmented into myriad lifetimes—each a shard of its former self, scattered across the cosmos, destined to experience existence in finite, mortal forms.

The aftermath of this cosmic battle left echoes across galaxies and epochs. The Daemon Sultan, now in slumber, lay at the heart of the entirety of existence. Thus concluded the most epic and poignant confrontation in cosmic history—a testament to the boundless possibilities and profound sacrifices woven into the fabric of existence. The battle between the creators."

Itsuka asked, "May I take this book back to my dorm, Anme?"

Anme replied, "Do whatever you want."

"I see," Itsuka acknowledged.

He opened the balcony window, his clothing changing to that of Death in the blink of an eye. With the book in hand and his mask on, he prepared to leave.

"Anme, can I ask you one more thing?" Itsuka inquired.

Anme responded with a light chuckle, "What is it?"

"Why were you crying when we were caught in the rain?" Itsuka asked curiously.

"Don't worry about that. You'll understand sooner or later," Anme assured him.

"I see. Bye," Itsuka bid farewell.

As Itsuka left, Anme closed her balcony window and turned off her light, tears silently streaming down her cheeks beneath the shadow of her facade, her smile never faltering.