
5 missing in Valhalla

Valhalla is a heaven that angles live but one day have 5 angles are missing in Valhalla. How this happen?

Darkknightks · Fantasía
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25 Chs

Unexpected (2)

Makel's expression remained unchanged, but instead turned his arm into a sword and walked towards Mia Winton.

"Did you not heard what your wife said? Aren't you going to give up? (Pick up a bear card with saw blades attached to both arms.) Come out to protect the person who summoned you." Mia summoned a large brown bear with continuous blades on both arms.

"Haruntool V2 use code387." Makel commands the Haruntool V2 and launches an attack against the summoned Brown Bear.

The battle had begun, a huge brown bear swung its arms attached to both saw blades, alternating attacks against Makel. But Makel dodges and slips under its legs and rises with his arm transformed into a sword, slashing into the middle of the bear's back. The rest of Mia Winton took out a cage card and summoned it to have it trapped Makel, but Makel flew away into the walls of the house and flew back in and kicked Mia's face. The kicked Mia made her stagger and her head hit the hard wall of the house until she lay down. Makel turned around to deal with the bear. The bear swung its right arm but Makel dodged it under its right arm, but the bear refused. Makel ran through the bear body and cut off both of its arms and used his blade changing arm to slash it at the joints on both legs, causing the huge brown figure to fall, and Makel cut off its head. It immediately fell and when its body fell, Makel walked over to Mai.

Makel: I told you not to come in alone. Almost died. (Makes eyes fierce at Mai.)

Mai: Nah, I think I can handle it. And don't make scolding eyes on him. (Mai begs Makel with a pleading voice)

Makel:....(Makel turned the other way. and slightly annoyed Mai for not listening to him)

Mai: Sorry. Please forrrrrrrgiveeeeee meeeeeee. (Pinch Makel's cheeks)

Makel: Alright.

Mai: By the way, what was code387?

Makel: Oh, I made a system for a Haruntool named Hurantool V2. When enabled this code can execute commands in the head and use the capabilities of those robots' shirts.

very helpful Well, let's deal with the problem first.

Makel walked over to Mia Winton who was sleeping. [There is only one wing like me. Maybe she do all this because she want to take revenge on someone who said bad things to her?]

Makel ties up the unconscious Mia and waits for her to wake up, then asks why. In the meantime, Makel would go to explore the house where he ordered Mai to watch over Mia Winton. If she wakes up, He want Mai immediately call him. Makel walked up to the second floor of the house to find information and the five missing people. Which on the second floor is a long hallway with only one room at the end of the corridor. In Makel's opinion, he thinks it's very strange that no other stylist should have done this. He walked in, but to his surprise, he didn't find any of the five prison cells, or even Kyoro, who was probably the one who experimented with the Cuna puppets. What Makel finds is only a comic book, which he presumes to be Mia. A hand drawing by Mia Winton and cards with various characters that Mia Winton should probably draw it by herself as well.

"What is this!!! Why, where did I go wrong? All evidence has already punched Mia Winton" He turned his arm into a sword and slashed everything and kicked to the storage rack until the card box fell. When the box fell, there was a card that came out, and one of the cards that made Makel the most eye catching was the one that had a black outfit similar to the one the Cuba puppet was wearing. He picked it up and gave it to the Haruntool. Check if it's the same outfit as the Cuba puppet. Soon, Haruntool analyzed that it was the same. Let Makel know immediately that Mia Winton is also able to add talent to her designs, not just invites, and she certainly isn't the real villain.

Another important piece of evidence is the recorder that also spits out from the camera and Makel plays it. "The 15th recording of the Perton series. The Perton costume has been designed as you ordered and all that's left is to invite in large numbers and this is your plan for world domination. I must thank you for giving me a new life, sir..." The recorder was cut because it was probably damaged from the impact a moment ago.