
5 missing in Valhalla

Valhalla is a heaven that angles live but one day have 5 angles are missing in Valhalla. How this happen?

Darkknightks · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Cat and mouse game.

"Fuck!!!! Don't tell me the enemy is so careful that they send the ore to Mia and have Mia send it again. How dare you!!!!" Makel got irritated and yelled out, [Calm down, frustration is a fool's way. Damn it, we're acting like this again. I've been like this since I was a kid and I get frustrated with the things we don't accomplish or make mistakes. Calm down, slowly thinking about what to do next] "Makel !!!!!!!"

As Makel was thinking, suddenly heard the sound of Mai screaming in shock from the first floor. Make Makel use Haruntool V2 and used Perton's ability to quickly penetrate the ground to the first floor when he came down to meet Mia Winton's body is Headless

When he looked out of the window, he saw a Cuna clad in Perton suit running away. Makel saw that, punched the wall and ran after him, ordering Mai to fly in front of it and he would run after it himself. Makel chased after the puppet, but then it split into two and ran in different directions. Mai contacted Makel through Nanobot.

Mai: Hey Makel!!! It's separate, Do we have to separate?

Makel: Alright, when you can guess where it's going to run, kill it.

Mai: Yes, sir!!!

Makel: Mai.

Mai: Yes?

Makel: ...Be careful (strong voice)

Mai: Well, you too. (She smile because she glad that Makel at least cares about her.)

The two stopped contacting each other and were determined to run after each other.

On the Makel side

The Cuna puppet suddenly summon two black wings and flew up, causing Makel to appear his wing and follow it. Since Makel didn't use his wing camouflage magic, he was able to fly faster. So much so that he caught up with him and flew in and punched him immediately. Makel wanted to let him say where he was going, but when he punched him he found that it was holding

Mia Winton's head in his hand. Makel was furious when he saw it.

"How dare you kill that person!!!!!!!!" Makel found out. He began to turn his arms into swords and immediately began to fight the Cuna Puppets, but it dodged it and flew away until it reached the Teane district. The Cuna puppet sent some hand signals and a huge dragon suddenly appeared. It was a dragon with red scales and a turret on it, and the person on the turret was a Cuna puppet trying to fire a gun at Makel.

Makel tries to fly away while looking for the Cuna that holds Mia Winton's head. So as not to be lost as well. Makel chose to fly after the Cuna puppet first, with the dragon flying after him. The turret on the dragon fired a gun at him, causing Makel to fly to avoid the bullets from hitting him. Makel flew into the Cuna figure holding Mia Winton's head. and punched it 5 times and kicked it and he charged towards the dragon. At that moment, the dragon was opening its mouth, ready to bring the fire out, but Makel turned his body into a fireproof object and entered the dragon. When it flew in, it found that its body was extremely strange, inside it was filled with black liquid, but Makel flew towards its heart and transformed both of his arms into swords and turned and dashed. Go to the heart to split its heart in two, and he continued to spin himself so that he broke out of the dragon. Makel bursts out of the dragon's chest. who was crying out loud in extreme pain and because it had no heart, it died and the body immediately fell to the ground.

And after that, the soldiers stationed at Teaanne came to manage the order.

Makel didn't hesitate to use his Nanobot to locate the enemy. Makel previously punched the Cuna puppet in order to attach his spare Nanobot to its back so it could find it in the map shown by the Nanobot. Its location is at a washing plant in the southern Wayuem district. Makel arrives in front of the factory and finds his spare Nanobot attached to the Cuna he is chasing. He contacted Mai through Nanobot, but Mai didn't receive any. causing him to walk alone.

The entrance was an open courtyard with nothing else. It was very open and spacious. Makel, walking towards the entrance to the factory, suddenly heard the sound of something huge crashing onto the ground. It sounded like the paws of a large animal jumping to the ground. Makel turned his arm into a long spear and turned around and swung his long spear, but found nothing. Makel picked up the spear and switched it back to his arm, but was struck by something in the stomach of Makel. him and knocked him out.