
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Ciudad
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61 Chs

The warehouse



It's now Saturday morning and I got next to no sleep last night.

Marco sent me the two details about the girl that's gonna start working for me.


She's 29.

And yep that's all I know so far.

When Marco and I got off the phone last night, he called her and she agreed to work for me. She's coming by on Monday to go over shit and I guess we'll see what happens from there.

I don't know if I should tell Millie yet or not. I mean I already have two girls that work for me, Nicoletta, previously Adria's bff or whatever, and Jade.

Can't stand Nicoletta for obvious reasons but also can't afford to let her go either. She's quiet enough I guess, and hasn't stirred up any shit in a while.

Jade, Jade is a good one. Doesn't get herself into trouble, never goes to the club, just does her job, and lives her life not bothering anyone. She's so much to herself that I don't even think Millie knows of her.

Dani…please be like Jade.

I text Julian letting him know about the newcomer and that we need to go to the warehouse today.

I text Millie, hopefully, everything is okay, she was…interesting? Last night.

Hey babe. Come over today?

I hop in the shower, letting the hot water run down my body for way too long trying to relax myself to the point of turning my skin red.

I put on some basketball shorts and a white T-shirt. I grab my phone from off the bed.

Julian: ok

Millie: yeah sure, I'm going to be decorating this morning so maybe tonight?

I text Millie back

Yeah see you then

Julian and I take one of my cars to our warehouse. We unlock the door and get to work right away.

"So how'd Millie react to having some new chick work for us?" He asks rummaging through a box.

"I didn't tell her yet," I say annoyed, I don't even want to think about it.

"My man…" he says giving me his full attention now.

"What? How did Stephanie react?" I ask pulling down a box from a shelf.

"Not really happy but figures anyone is better than Adria." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Does she know..?" I ask hoping Julian didn't tell her about me ending her days.

"Nah man," he says shaking his head, "I don't tell her all the dirty stuff about this job."

Thank fuck

"So are you gonna tell her…or..let her find out on her own?" He asks condescendingly.

"I'm gonna tell her when she comes over tonight," I say taking out my pocket knife and gliding it across the tape that holds the box tightly together.

"We need more of the white stuff," I say to Julian.

"Alright man, I'll call it in." He says opening a new box.

"Probably more Mary Jane too," I say looking around the room.

When California legalized marijuana we took a huge financial hit. It's still the most in demand though out of our collection and requires a constant incoming flow.

Cocaine is a close second and fentanyl's demand is skyrocketing.

Other than the lives I've claimed with my own two hands, my business has taken more. I try not to think about all of that though, it's important to keep emotions out of it or the guilt will destroy you.

Sure, I've killed and watched them die but those fuckers usually deserve it. They're bad people, to begin with.

Although no one reports deaths to me, I mean I'm at the top, I'm not the dealer, I still know I'm responsible for taking innocent lives. I'd be naive to believe that this warehouse isn't currently holding a death sentence for someone.

"So what do you think she'll say?" He asks breaking me of my deep dark thoughts.

"I dunno man," I say standing up and stretching side to side.

We finish up at the warehouse and when we get back to the house, Julian will negotiate out some prices for what we need from Marco.

I wish Hugo wasn't such a cocksucker and we could've made a deal. It would've been so much simpler and cheaper to run all of this.

But yeah, that shit is over with, no point dwelling on it any longer.

We pull into the garage and walk into the elevator together. We reach floor 3, the floor Julian lives on and before he gets off he says, "Good luck tonight man, it was nice knowing you," and laughs as he walks off.

The doors close again, "yeah I'm gonna need it" I say to myself.