
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Images of him




I scoot myself back into the aisle before she sees me. I pretend to be checking out a set of porcelain plates so the other woman sharing the aisle with me doesn't mentally question my sanity.

I quietly glance over her way. Who is she with? Is that…no…Adria?

I get a side profile of the girl but it's not Adria, just some girl that resembles her, the same sleek long black hair, around the same size but not her.

Thank god!

I could not handle the both of them right now, not doubled up ready to chew me out and spit me back out. Not here.

I wait until they're out of sight to move out of the aisle.

That was a close one..

I get my groceries, looking around here and there to make sure I don't have an awkward run-in situation with them.

Luckily, by the time I make it to the check-out lane, I see them walking out of the door.

I can finally relax again, that is until the cashier tells me my total.

Jesus Christ, what did I even buy?!

Ugh, whatever, it's all shit I need. I wonder if X has ever felt that way. Has he ever had a time where he thought something was outrageously priced and almost had a heart attack handing over his debit card?

Probably not.

When I'm done getting fucked by Target, I load up my car and go home.

It's already 9:30 pm and I'm way too tired from the day to set everything up tonight, aside from my new bed comforter, I put everything I bought tonight into the bedroom closet.

I lay my new comforter out on my new mattress after taking off the plastic wrapping and cuddle myself into the bed feeling good about how today went, aside from "penny" that is.

I'm in my new apartment, I have the love of my life back, my best friend's surprise birthday party is coming up…and I'm not going to think about June 22nd…


Dammit, why is a tear coming down my cheek?

C'mon, today was a good day, new beginnings!

Ughh stop it tears, stop.

Fuck, I miss my mom.

Okay, five minutes, and then I'll be done.

Well, fifteen minutes, hyperventilating, mascara everywhere, and a mucusy mess later, I'm good again.

I text X to occupy my mind before bed.

Me: I miss you already

X: me too baby, I can come pick you up…

Me: tempting offer but I'm already in bed

X: well now I'm tempted to join

Me: I wish

Me: what are you up to?

Please don't say at the club

X: just working

At the club..?

Me: all work no play?

X: nope, my play is lying in bed and refusing to let me pick her up


Me: she sounds awful

X: don't talk about my girl like that, she's incredible and she's beautiful and sexy and when I kiss her I feel like it'll never be enough, I never want to stop

Okay, what the fuck? I'm about to start dry-humping my pillow if he doesn't stop talking like that.

Me: Okay great, I gotta go, love you goodnight xx

X: …okay? Love you..

That was too much for me. He didn't even say anything sexual and he's got me here panting like a dog for him. I haven't gotten off since last Sunday, which was with him and the time before that, was also with him. I need sex again, I can't be around him or apparently even text him without wanting him in me. At the same time though, I don't want a repeat of what happened the last time we tried to have sex where I cried and lost all pleasure due to my overactive mind.

Little by little, we'll get there.

In the meantime, I can at least imagine his lips on mine, moving them down slowly as usual, gently biting and sucking his way down until he's teased me enough to give me what I really want, where I really want and after driving me over the edge with his warm, wet, tongue he's in where I really want him the most until I'm panting his name, gripping the sheets as he fucks me into oblivion.