
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Ciudad
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61 Chs

It’s happening



The week has gone by fast, it's already Friday morning. One more work day and it's the weekend, oh, and Steph's party tonight.

I met with Mia twice this week to go over Steph's birthday party. It doesn't really seem like it'll be too different from any other weekend club night except for maybe some birthday banners, a huge cake, and the DJ will play all of Steph's favorite songs. Pretty much everyone in the house is invited and I hope no one has spilled the beans on tonight.

I'm beyond excited to see X tonight. We've texted all week but I haven't seen him since Saturday, the night he revealed a new girl is coming to work for him. I'm still uneasy about the whole thing but really, what can I do? This will either rebuild my trust in him or make it crumble. We haven't talked about it since and the less I hear of her from him the better. That won't stop me from asking Steph all about it tonight though. I wonder if she feels the same way about it as me or if I'm just being an insecure, jealous girlfriend.

I get into the office and greet Natalie, the receptionist on the way in. I've actually grown pretty fond of her and it's nice to have a friend in LA who doesn't live in X's house or knows every little detail about him or his world.

I place my purse down beside my desk. It still feels incredibly weird to have my own office, Nick's office. Everything reminds me of him, not necessarily in a way of missing him but I'm just reminded of him. It's unfortunate how things ended, he was becoming a good friend. Maybe if I didn't ask him out we could've still been friends and I would've been blissfully unaware of his history and the mess that occurred only a week and a half ago. I still cringe at night thinking about how embarrassing it all was. Luckily, he knows X so I'm sure he expected nothing less from the barbaric behavior.

Whatever, it's over and done with.

There's a light knock on the door.

"Come in," I call out to whoever is on the other side.

Oh my, it's Marlene, my boss.

I don't see her often at all and I haven't seen her since starting here. I straighten myself up to appear more confident and professional.

"Marlene, hi, come in," I say to the well-put-together woman.

"May I?" She asks placing her well-manicured hand on the back of a chair.

"Of course!" I say.

I'm a lot more nervous than I'm letting on.

"Please, tell me how things have been going so far." She more or less demands than asks.

"It's great! Better than great actually!" I say probably sounding too enthusiastic but it's true, I love it here.

"Good, good," she says adjusting her thick, black-framed glasses.

"Listen.." she starts and I'm nervous beyond belief.

"I hate to ask you this so soon but would you be able to go to Chicago in a week from now? We're starting a new project and I have no one from the Los Angeles location to represent us." She asks and I'm seriously floored she'd trust me enough for the job.

"Oh my gosh, Marlene, I'd be honored!" I say with a way too big smile.

She smiles back, "Okay great! I'll have Natalie take care of the travel and you'll be going Friday and coming back Sunday." She explains but I'm hardly aware of what's even coming out of her mouth right now I'm just too excited about the opportunity.

"Thank you, thank you so much," I say.

She thanks me back and leaves.

I do myself a little happy dance and spin in my chair, I probably look so stupid but I don't care.

When I go on break I check my phone and have several messages some from X, some from Steph, and some from Mia.

Steph knows I'm going to the club tonight for her birthday but she is unaware that the entire club is a party just for her.

Steph: let's get ready at my place tonight? Mia, Ellie, and Alina are coming too.

Me: Absolutely! I'll be there around 7

Mia: everything is set and ready to go!

Me: awesome, thanks for all your help, Mia!

X: I don't want to go to the party can we just ditch it and have a night alone?

Me: no X it's my best friend's birthday

Me: oh btw I'm getting ready at Steph and Julian's place so I'll meet you at the club

X: not happy

Me: sorry, love you, see you tonight

I finish up my work day a few hours later and I've hit a wall. I need my second wind to come around soon or I'm really going to struggle to stay awake tonight.

I go home and grab a dress for tonight, shoes, and a purse. I don't bother with hair or makeup products because Alina will be doing all that. I'm so ready to look and feel sexy again, whether X likes it or not, he's fucking me tonight.