
37 Days Later

This is book 3 in the series 37 days. Millie and X have found their way back together but the struggles have also come along with. X is down two employees and searching for a new one. When he finds her, she’s perfect until she isn’t. Will Millie and X’s relationship evolve or crumble with the challenges that lie ahead?

Marissa_Inserra · Urban
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61 Chs

Haunted by the dead



Well, that went…the way I expected it to if I'm really being honest with myself.

I can't believe she thought I was going to break up with her, fuck no. I know I ruined her night, her whole demeanor changed after I told her but what was I supposed to do? I want to be transparent with her even if it makes her uncomfortable, it's better than the alternative, I learned that the hard way.

My phone buzzes on my nightstand right as I'm pulling away my black comforter to climb in for the night.

It's Julian

Yo, surprise birthday party for my lady Friday night at the club.

Me: ok

Is Millie going to this? She fucking hates the club.. but I know she'd do anything for Stephanie so she's probably going and she'll just conceal her misery the whole time. That's my girl though, always thinking of everyone else's happiness before hers.

It's now Monday morning.

My Sunday was spent sleeping in, working out, drinking too much for my own good, and working for hours on end per usual. Texted with Millie here and there, and she's still pissed I can tell, all her texts were one-worded which put me in an unnerving mood all day.

Julian and I have our meeting with Dani in about an hour and I pray this chick is decent enough to work for us, my options are in short supply.

In the meantime, I shower, and pull on some ripped jeans and a plain t-shirt. I don't give two shits about looking rich and professional, honestly who the fuck even cares. It's just a way to brag about how much money you have any way you can, to show you who's really boss, kinda like Marco. I don't need to physically flaunt that I'm the boss, my actions can do that enough on their own.

Before I head downstairs to the meeting room, I go out on my balcony smoking a fat one, and look out at the ocean, the sun's reflection is making it sparkle. Millie would love this view right now, it's almost as beautiful as her. I look at my watch, shit, I'm already two minutes late. I put out my blunt, I'll finish it later.

I take the stairs to the third floor, Julian texted me that he's already inside so I walk right in.

Oh shit…this girl is an Adria look-alike. Millie is going to flip her shit.

I sit down at the head of the table adjusting myself comfortably in my seat.

This girl, Dani, I guess, has long straight black hair like Adrias, and even kinda looks like her in the face. It's freaky, she definitely came back to haunt me in this person. No tattoos though that's really the only difference. I just fucking hope she doesn't act like her.

"So.." I begin.

"What is your story, Dani?" Julian asks her.

She sits forward a little in her chair and crosses her arms over the meeting table, now revealing her hands. How in the fuck does she function with everyday life with those long-ass nails?


"Well, obviously my name is Dani, short for Danielle. I worked with Marco for like I don't know two years or somethin, grew up here in Cali, came back a few days ago actually."

"Okay cool, why did you stop working with Marco?" Julian asks sitting forward.

"Well, a few reasons I suppose, it was just personal stuff, nothing to do with Marco." She says not going any further with the answer.

"What did you do when you worked for Marco? What was your job?" I ask folding my arms across my chest.

Luckily so far she doesn't seem to be taking any physical interest in Julian or me, which usually tends to happen so..so far so good I'd say.

"I did orders, sometimes inventory," she says shrugging her small frame shoulders lightly.

"Okay good," I say straightening myself up, "that's actually what we need."

"Well, I'm the girl for you then!" She says with a white smile.

I'm about to say the fuck you are but I catch myself, it's a professional business meeting, she didn't mean it in a personal way. I'm just so on edge with this girl working for us, I feel so defensive.

I nod my head instead.

"Well let's go over the contract shall we?" Julian asks, handing her a copy.

"You will be given a room to stay in on this floor, it's preferred you live here but you don't have to. Everything is paid for, room, food, utilities, basically anything and everything. You will be paid based on performance, to start, you'll be paid five grand a month for this particular position. We will revisit that again in two months. Some of the rules, you do not do anything that is not ordered of you. We make the decisions and you execute them. We are open to new ideas but please come to us for approval. Those are the basics, everything else is stated in your copy of the contract so please go over it when you have time, sign it, and either give it to Julian or me when you're done. Any questions?" I ask after my broad explanation.

"No I don't think so," she says shaking her head.

"Okay good, Julian, can you give Dani her room key?" I ask looking over at him.

He gives her the key card, "Room 303 is yours."

"Thanks," she says as she takes the card from Julian.

"We'll meet again when you're all settled in for your first job, just let me know when you're ready," I tell her.

She stands up from her chair, "Thank you, ya know for this opportunity, I really needed this to happen."

"Uh yeah, us too," I say authentically.

"Okay, well.." she waves the copy of her contract in her hand, "I'm gonna get to this."

Julian and I nod our heads in unison and then turns her back away from us and leaves.

"She's got a nice ass," Julian remarks.

I punch him in the arm, "Shut up Julian I'm not doing this with you, besides, aren't you practically married?" I ask making fun of the softy he's become. Shit, who am I to even talk? I'm the same fuckin way now.

He throws his hands in surrender and leans back in his chair crossing one leg over the other, "Hey, I can look, just no touching."

"Whatever dude I don't give a fuck about your little pact with your girlfriend, I'm just happy we finally found someone to fill one of the spots," I say matching his position in my chair.

I just hope Millie doesn't kill me because of all this.