A disillusioned teenager meets an untimely death, only to awaken in the unforgiving world of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Armed with the mysterious Super Gacha System, he’s granted two starting abilities: Technopathy, the power to manipulate technology with his mind, and Juryrigg, an innate genius for engineering. But this is only the beginning. The system promises more—abilities, tools, and upgrades unlocked through challenges, rolls, and survival in the chaos of Night City. Every choice he makes influences his progression, but with greater power comes greater risks. Stripped of his old life and dropped into a neon-lit dystopia of betrayal and ambition, he must navigate deadly gangs, powerful megacorporations, and the morally gray world of cyber-enhancements. With each new skill, he inches closer to becoming something extraordinary, but in a city where trust is a currency often betrayed, he must decide: will he build alliances or remain a lone wolf?
What would happen when someone from our world was suddenly reborn into the world of My Hero Academia with a Gacha System that rewards him with abilities, techniques, and skills from Jujutsu Kaisen? Grand epic fights and crazy shenanigans as he goes through the story to cause chaos and change the world to his liking. - Chapter Schedule: Sunday - Free Chapter Monday - 500 PS (Bonus Chapter #1) Wednesday - 1000 PS (Bonus Chapter #2) Friday - 1500 PS (Bonus Chapter #3)