

Exo-Armor donning Fighters, the pinnacle of humankind, are the main fighting force of human societies who are genetically modified to attain extraordinary abilities. To become these warriors is the lifelong dream of every passionate young man in this interstellar age. But not for - Crey Morgan, A lazy student who is forced to seek entrance into one of Earth's best military academies to become an Exo-Warrior. But his dubious past and lethargic personality don't quite match the ideals of the academy. Crey is not a normal young man, apparent from his weird personality and seemingly extraordinary fighting capabilities. The secret is that he is an assassin who had walked out of the darkest society towards the world in light. An Assassin of the past who wants to leave his horrible history behind. Would Crey be able to gain admission into Terra Military college to become an Ex-warrior as his Uncle wanted? Or his listless attitude will spell trouble where ever he goes. Also, Crey thought he would be the top gun here due to his uncharacteristic past but his hopes shattered as soon as he took an entrance exam. The seemingly best military academy is not built on boastful claims and every character here has thier brilliance and if he had to survive he had to do more than his best. P.S- the cover art is not mine, The credit and copyright go to Wojciech Wilk. If you have any problems, you can contact me through comments. Update Rate - 1chap/day

Copper_mask · Ciencia y ficción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
214 Chs


The red deep light immersed the whole metal structure into a discouraging mood. The desperate Eyas was frantically dabbling on the computer to try to find some solution to their sudden misfortune which in one way was also due to his own mistake.

While Crey had crouched down to think about some measures. If continued Inside they will be soon buried down with the Tower in its wreckage but going outside too, will result in their demise under the lasers of the numerous droids and robots waiting outside for them. Ultimately it all depends upon how much time they have left for now.

"How much time….do we have!"

Eyas who was vying with the computer closed his eyes while tears struggled to escape from his eyes. He answered with a heavy voice, attempting to not sound so weak and pitiful.

"W-we have 5 minutes left."

Crey looked up and saw him almost on the verge of crying but he had no idea how to calm him down. Or honestly, how to comfort him that it wasn't his fault when it actually was…. He had no experience in these kinds of things.

Crey sighed deeply as he looked down and willed his hands to shift. Surprisingly, all the Fingers on both his hands moved to his command but they were not behaving as naturally and smoothly as they should be. It was more like a rusty robot moving his hand than a human nerve rapport.

"Ok, stop crying now. I have decided We will have to just break out through encirclement!"

Eyas stopped sobbing as he looked at Crey in shock who had stood up. He raised his arms and then stretched them forward, and as their eyes met he smirked showing him an ok sign with his fingers.

"Let me show you how Non-ability Evolved Fighters lock horns."

"You can move…"

"Of course, now stop sulking and open the gates. Go, go.."

Eyas nodded detecting the confidence of Crey also simultaneously calming down to see that Crey wasn't blaming him. He quickly began to reverse the controls of the tower to open doors. But just as he turned around Crey's smirk turned into a deep frown.

'I shouldn't have brought a child into this. Ah!'

Crey thought as he opened and closed his fingers to form a fist. To reassure him he had to fake his confidence but the reality was that although his arms had recovered still there wasn't even an ounce of strength in them. The feeling was similar to when someone wakes up in the morning after sleeping in bad posture and right after waking up, for a few seconds hands have no real strength. They are just numb leaden limbs which he could wave around without any real strength in them.

But he can't say that to a child, because he will surely break into full crying knowing that they are in a life-threatening situation with th-…. this close to actual death. It is not his fault since how can he expect a seventeen years old to know about staying calm during a life-death situation?

The three doors outside the Tower abruptly opened to the command given by Eyas. The fast-flying drones passed in en-horde to pin down the intruders using the infrared scan to locate their locations. The laser guns have been heated up to an active state while the drones flew fast through the metal passageway towards the Control center.

Suddenly as the three entree groups now huddled together densely due to a single tight pathway turned around the corner, the machine that was thought earlier to be destroyed by the Crey started rumbling unexpectedly spitting out the fire which soon doused the horde of alloy drones into a blue heat wave of concentrated energy blasts.

The automatic turret set up at the raised platform was manned by Eyas as he felt the rush of excitement watching the murderous drones reduced to exploding piles of scrap completely awash by his blasting. Though manning the heavy fixed turret was hard, it was still manageable for him as the sealed target area doesn't require much aiming.


Shrieked Eyas in excitement, totally forgetting when earlier Crey had told him to do so how off-guard he was caught by this information. He thought Crey had earlier destroyed this Machine but no, as he now remembered he had shattered the base to break the connection to the main computer. This was because now he had to manually pilot the Turret cannon instead of its earlier programmed shooting.

"Oi, Enough! Time is up, run before the tower detonates down."

Crey suddenly slapped the shoulder of Eyas before reminding him as the timer had hit the mark of less than a minute left. Eyas nearly felt a shiver run down his spine by realization as he stopped the turret fire. The smoke cleared up to reveal the massive destruction and piles and piles of burned and exploded Drone parts scattered around which were not completely charred away. Not only that, even the opposite metal corridor wall had been blasted down to reveal an opening to the outside.

Crey was first to jump down as he excellently maneuvered through broken, and still hot wreckage and destroyed walls and the floor. Eyas who closely followed behind was shocked to see this new exit to the outside instead of the main entrances where more drones were waiting for them.

'Did he plan all of this!!?'

Thought Eyas in wonder and admiration but the face of Crey had his typical calm expression with no excitement visible. Eyas felt cool following along such an awesome Senior, who despite him 'f*cking up' so much had a solution ready.

'Crey didn't even blame me for my mistake!'

Crey on the other hand was unaware of the thoughts of Eyas, as he had other concerns in his mind. Even if this trip to this watchtower had turned out to be completely wasteful, he had managed to grab some maps and clues to what could be called as….

At this moment Crey emerged from the destroyed wall and all his hair stood up in abrupt fear. The sudden goosebumps made a cold shiver run down his spine, as his pupils dilated to discover a droid standing just next to the wall opening aiming its muzzle at him. The droid's gun was so near that he could feel the heat building in the gun ready for laser blast.

"F*ck! They were tracking lifeform signatures from outside."