
2010 again

Traveled back to 2010 from 2023, Philippines. At this time, the value of BTC was still cheap as tissue paper. At this time, there's still no big Internet Celebrities. Without photographic memory, a system, and special ability, what can a man from the future do in this Era of dreams and hope?

Mypantsisnotsquare · Ciudad
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85 Chs

Chapter 58

"Damn," Edward let out a tired sigh. This was getting really complicated. The furrow on his brow deepened as he tried to untangle the mess of emotions and relationships before him.

He could feel the weight of the situation settling on his shoulders, each twist and turn of events adding more complexity to an already intricate situation.

The knots in his stomach tightened as he contemplated how to navigate this tangled web of relationships and emotions. Trying to untangle it felt frustrating yet necessary to move forward.

It was at this moment that his phone rang, and a text message popped up that made his eyes light up.

"Is God giving me a hand?" he pondered as he read the text.

Honey: "Ed, I'm not feeling well now. Can we postpone our date tonight? I'm really, really sorry. I promised I'll make it up to you later."


Edward burst into laughter at Honey's message, the sound echoing in his room. It almost felt like a divine intervention, as if the universe was offering a helping hand in this situation.

Shaking his head, he calmed down quickly, unable to contain his amusement.

Edward: "What happened? Are you okay? (concerned emoji)"

Honey: "You're awake already? Good morning, by the way."

Honey: "Also, I'm okay. I took medicine already, and my mom also gave me Vicks VapoRub (dizzy emoji)."

Edward: "Your mom also applied Vicks VapoRub to you when you're not feeling well?"

Honey: "You too? It's actually funny, to be honest. Mom wanted to apply it to me, but Dad said it's not good enough, and he made some kind of ginseng soup. The two of them went arguing..."

Edward was full of smiles as he texted Honey, the earlier complications momentarily pushed to the background by this amusing exchange.

He could feel the tension easing, as they bantered and shared a few lighthearted messages through texts.

The playful emojis and jokes brought a sense of relief, a lighthearted escape from the complexity of the situation, even if just for a moment.

The subtle 'LOLs' and 'haha's peppered in their conversation created a cheerful atmosphere amidst the uncertainty.

After a while, their conversation naturally came to a close, and the two bid farewell with promises to catch up soon.

Time passed leisurely as the soft morning light gradually enveloped the park, painting the scene with a serene ambiance.

Edward sat on the well-worn bench, the slightly weathered wood providing a cool contrast to the gentle warmth of the morning sun.

He leaned back, appreciating the subtle support against his back and tracing the fine grain of the wood with his fingertips, taking a moment to catch his breath, beads of sweat glistening on his forehead after completing another tiring round of laps.

He looked at the park and saw it come alive, bustling with colorful stalls where they were getting ready for business.

The air was filled with the amazing smell of coffee, sizzling breakfast sandwiches, different street foods, and delicious baked goods.

The peaceful park was now bustling with people excitedly checking out what the vendors had to offer, and you could hear them chatting and making plans.

The once tranquil park had transformed into a lively hub, buzzing with people excitedly checking out what the vendors had to offer, chatting and making plans as the sun cast a warm glow on the scene, accentuating the colorful stalls and creating a vibrant atmosphere.

"How much?" he asked the young girl who sells at the stall. She wore a colorful apron, tending to the intestines (isaw) and barbeque. The tempting aroma from the grill made his mouth water as he pointed at the skewers, ready to place his order.

"The intestine is only 5 and pork barbeque is 20 kuya (brother)," the young girl said cheerfully, feeling lucky to have a handsome customer approach so quickly after setting up the stall.

"Give me 20 pieces of each... oh, and a soft drink too. Can you give me one?" he requested, a friendly tone in his voice as he placed his order.

"Ehh? That's a lot? Oh, sorry, what kind? We have RC, Sprite, and Pepsi," the young girl responded, her eyes widening slightly at the quantity and then look at young man infront of her with more eagerness and thought; "Is he some kind of rich kid?"

"RC is fine,"

Soon, the girl began skilfully grilling his order, the enticing aroma intensifying and blending with the lively sounds of the park—the distant laughter of children playing, the rustle of leaves in the gentle morning breeze—adding to the vibrant atmosphere.

A while later, after she finished grilling, Edward took a bite and savored the flavors on his tongue. As if pondering something, he suddenly turned to the girl and asked, "How old are you?"

"14," the young girl replied, a hint of pride in her voice, "but I'm going to be 15 soon, on November 1."

"Oh, that... should I say 'Advance happy birthday' or 'Happy Halloween?'" Edward chuckled, appreciating the amusing coincidence of the date.

"Pfft... how about both," The girl burst into giggles, the sound carrying a carefree spirit that was contagious. Edward's playful grin widened, and he found himself engaging in conversation with her, drawn to her infectious laughter.

"Sometimes, female vendors (tenderas) just hit different," Edward mused, reflecting on the unique and endearing qualities they bring to a situation.

6:40 AM.

Edward returned to the apartment, greeted by the gentle morning light that cast a calming glow in the living room.

The soft rays danced across the furniture, painting a serene picture of the space, adding a touch of tranquility to his morning.

As he made his way to the kitchen, he found Patricia already awake and busy brewing coffee. The atmosphere was tense as he walked in—the soft clinks of coffee cups and the faint aroma of brewing coffee filled the air, mingling with a hint of morning dew drifting in from the open window.

She didn't greet him or even look his way, keeping her silence, her focus on the coffee, as if she was upset about what happened last night.

The room felt heavy with unspoken words, and the ticking of the kitchen clock seemed louder than usual, amplifying the tension in the room.

"Have you eaten already? I bought some grilled pork and intestine from outside," Edward offered, attempting to ease the tension in the room and to his words, He noticed her eyes shift at the mention of food, although she still kept her gaze fixed on her coffee.

"E-ey? You're fine?" Edward tried to break the silence, feeling the weight of the unspoken tension that seemed to loom in the air.

"Yes," Patricia responded. Seeing that she finally reacted, Edward let out a small sigh of relief.

"By the way, I'm not going on a date with Honey tonight,"

"You won't?" Patricia raised her brows, her eyes a mix of surprise and suspicion, carefully studying Edward's face for any signs of deception.

The morning sunlight streamed through the kitchen window, casting a gentle glow on their expressions.

Finally, she sighed, her voice carrying a hint of resignation, and said, "I-I don't care; we broke up already, anyway."

"Yes, yes, we broke up already," Edward said simply and nodded at her.

"... Y-yes.."

"Do you want some? I bought a lot in the park.."


Time passed...

Around eight in the morning, the two headed to campus, blending into the flow of students bustling with academic anticipation as the sun climbed higher, infusing the campus with a vibrant energy.

The classes proceeded as usual, the familiar rhythm of lectures and discussions guiding the day's academic journey.

However, with a nerd companion by his side, the challenges of quizzes seemed more manageable for Edward, making his school day simpler than usual.

Occasionally, he'd flash a grin, savoring the sense of accomplishment as he caught his classmates looking on with envy.

After class, the two returned to the apartment and settled in to continue working on the draft until four in the afternoon.

Edward was in no hurry to start recording. He leaned back in his chair, closed his eyes for a moment, and took a deep breath, feeling the need for a short break.

"That's enough for today," Edward decided and said to Patricia, who was also massaging her brows beside him, her expression mirroring the exhaustion he felt.

"Yes," she nodded her head upon hearing him and let out a sigh of relief. The mental fatigue from all the work made her feel a bit dizzy.

Time passed.

As the two decided to rest, Patricia went back to her own apartment unit, and Edward took a brief rest for a while, before picking up the bass guitar to begin another practice session.

At around 7, Edward knocked on Patricia's door, but after waiting for a while and not hearing any response, he shrugged his shoulders and went to the restaurant on his own.

As usual, he sat in a cozy corner, ordered dishes, and ate, but this time there was no Honey, as she had earlier informed him that she wasn't feeling well.
