
1975 Waterfall

ORIGINAL CONTENT- MYSTERY/ADVENTURE Story takes place in kerryswille in year 1975. Martha has recently moved to the town from Kenya with her mother. The story revolves around her finding love and true friendship alongside with a journey to mysterious waterfall and discovering a whole new world and that is where adventure and magic of mysteries begin. NOTE- Some of the characters in this story are presented or mentioned in (Real or Psychic Real) such as Lucy, Frank, Will and Raby.

devthakar · Otras
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10 Chs

Welcome to Rosdom!!

"Raby.. wake up... The water is coming in.. William get up." Martha yelled while constantly shaking her friends to get up. "Oh no god. William, Come on man!!" Raby and Martha woke up while trying to wake up Will. Water from the rainfall has started to fill in the hollow of the tree. "Martha, we need to go!!" Raby exclaimed. "We can't leave Will!! Use that Rose!!" Raby points the rose toward the incoming force of water but nothing happens. William wakes up in a sudden outburst of his sleep.

"William Run!! Come on my friend." As Martha and Raby run to the exit while giving hand to Will. He raises his hand to hold the hand of his friend but his hand slips because of the aqua force. "Noooo!!!" Martha screamed. "Grab the trunk William and climb on the top of the tree. We will be back soon!!" Raby screamed and pulled Martha to take her away.

Storm was slowing down but it was still raining as Martha and Raby were running amidst the rain and furious wind and after a while they found a supposedly safe rock formation to stay under.

"Raby I don´t wanna lose William. We have to get back to him as soon as the rain stops." Martha said with a teary eye.

"Can I hug you? "Martha whispered slowly as Raby opened his arms.

"I was already having a hard time back in Nairobi because of my dad and I thought things will change, it will get better and for a while it did. I started to like Kerrysville, I got precious friends like Will and you."

"Things will be back to normal soon Martha. Don´t worry Martha, we´ll find Will as soon as possible." Raby slowly patted back at Martha.

"I collected those flowers to ask out Will in the first place. I like him a lot and if I lose him then it'll be my fault," she added. Raby pulls back without uttering a word.

"Raby, are you okay?"

"That doesn't matter. We will need to get back to Will as soon as possible. Rainfall has slowed a bit so I can just get us some food."

"Raby, we should stick together! wait," Martha quickly follows Raby.

"Hey! are you okay? Why are you suddenly behaving so weirdly?" Martha asked.

"I am alright." "You did the same thing back at the hotel, you know how much w-" "just shut up Martha!" Raby screamed.



"Shush… look there is a den". Martha slowly peeks in from behind and she sees a sleeping mongoose.

Raby grabs a huge rock and approaches quickly from the front of the den and smashes the head of the mongoose.

"What the fuck Raby?! You just killed a mongoose? God knows how much noise you created!" As the tension was already top-notch between both of them, Raby decides that silence is the best option and he takes the dead body of the animal and heads to the tree where they left the Will.


"Will!!, You there man!" Raby screamed, "We can't even go inside since the bottom is still filled up with water. William!!!" Martha and Raby scanned the surrounding area.

Raby had a small pocket knife and somehow he tried to skin the animal to cut the wounded part and Martha on the other side was trying to figure out where Will went.

"It's just impossible to take off the skin completely." Frustrated Raby said.

Martha sees struggling Raby, "hey, umm Raby, can I help? ''

After a brief pause Raby replies, "Yeah maybe you can help me to find some wooden pieces or something I can start a fire with."

Martha nods and starts to look around and thinks, "I don't know why on this trip, Raby is behaving like this. I thought he was a gentleman. Is he jealous? Does he like me? No no.. that can't be it. My brain is just tired so it´s just cooking up shit like that."

As Martha continues to find something useful to start a fire with. "Some twigs, great success!! Oh and dry leaves? That is just weird. The rain has just stopped and it's not even spring yet," confused Martha collects the supplies and goes back to Raby.

The darkness in the scary world of Rosdom can be all-consuming, like a thick, impenetrable blanket that smothers any light that might otherwise find its way through the dense canopy overhead. As the cold begins to decrease, the air becomes damp and chilly. Raby and Martha could hear distant sounds, muffled and faded, that seem to come from all around. Perhaps it is the hoot of an owl or the scurrying of some small creature through the underbrush.

"This fire isn't enough, and I don't know how long this will take to cook," Raby said.

"Well it is not as cold as earlier so that will help," Martha added.

As slowly and steadily the tension was cooling down between them Raby says, "I am sorry Martha, I am just tired and exhausted from the last two days. We already lost Will and I blame myself for that but I misdirected my anger on you instead. Please forgive me."

"It's okay! I understand, I am sorry too. I was stressed too," slowly Martha holds a finger of Raby. There was a peaceful silence and after a while, the mongoose seemed edible to eat. Raby carves the meat with his knife and shares it with Martha.

"We found the rose here so we should be able to find the same kind of white and red roses here," says Martha inquisitively.

"I think so too Martha because without that we´ll get killed in the next few hours," Raby replied.


"Grab onto the trunk William and climb on the top of the tree. We will be back soon!!" Raby screamed and pulled Martha to take her away. "Oh lord!! No, don't go, Raby!!" Will was struggling to hold his weight since then he was almost floating and losing the surface.

In the dim light of the forest, the heavy rainfall took on a surreal quality. The trees swayed and creaked in the wind and the sound of water rushing through the underbrush filled the air With the heavy rain and the shadows cast by the trees, the woods took on an ominous and even frightening aspect, as if it was alive and angry.

He managed to grab the strong trunk and climbed on it and he followed two more trunks to climb on top as the water level was rising and William didn´t have much time.

Will´s eyes lands on a mysterious root which was thick and gnarled, with twisted tendrils that extend throughout the inside of the hollow tree. "Ok here goes nothing." As soon as he uses the root to climb he notices a black rose on the end of the root. "Jesus! Is that same black r-" and the root of it was torn down and it pulls William with huge strength down in the water while crashing to the surface and disappearing underground.


"This is K.W.P.D! Pull over the car right now!"

As Frank hits the gas, the chase is on- "Do you know any way that we can get rid of cops Lucy?"

"I don't know, baby."

"Fuck you pigs!!! Lucy puts her head outside of the window while showing her finger to the cops.

Frank quickly pulls Lucy in nervousness and tells her sternly panicking, "Hey!! Enough goofing around Lucy! We will end up in prison!!" rank takes a random turn right into the woods.

"AHHHHHHH". "WOAAAAAHHHH!!! this is fun Frank"

After moments Frank hears the sirens. "Crap! They have taken the turn and they'll be soon behind us oh cr-"

" Frank stop!! There is a lake in front of us!!"


Before a few seconds, Frank and Lucy jump out of the running car and land on the lakeside.

"OW shit!... Babe you okay? Your stomach is fine honey? no no no" Panicked Frank ran towards Lucy. "OW.. my buttocks hurt but I am fine baby, don´t worry!"


"Run!! Frank!!"

Both of them ran with injured backs and buttocks towards the waterfall. "Hey! there's a way in here!!" Lucy screams. Frank and Lucy ran into the cave behind the waterfall.


"you got some water?" as breathless Lucy sips some H2O and passes the bottle to Frank who was heavily panting.

"That was awesome!! It was so cool that no one would believe us" Lucy said while still trying to catch her breath.

"We gotta stay here for a while, at least till morning!!" Frank said. "Oh boy... It´s dark as fuck!" After a few moments Frank and Lucy lie down to rest their eyes.


"Few more miles! Triple Gang!! Sorry for the delay!" Kapoor while driving alongside eating his Frankie.

Kapoor carefully parks his car near the waterfall area. "Shit this car?! It is the same car that Frank and Lucy stole? Yes!! Oh no! I hope they are okay!" Kapoor approaches the lake with his torchlight and scans the water. "Hmm.. car doors are open and the water seems plain clear so I think they did this stunt to abandon the car!! What a crazy couple!" Kapoor walks toward the exact spot where Raby was found.

"Will!!! Raby!!! Martha!!!" Mr. Kapoor checks nearby areas while calling out the triple gang multiple times. "There are lots of footprints that lead in the same direction," says Kapoor. He follows the footprints that lead to the cave and enters the cave. "This place isn't giving me good vibes."

(BUSHES BUZZING) "What was that sound? I am not gonna follow it since my mom always taught me not to follow strange sounds and anyways those three wouldn't be there. Oh, man! I am so smart." As Kapoor blushes at his self-achievement and continues the journey in the cave.


Lucy gets up from her sleep, "Frank!! Frank baby get up!! I think cops are walking in!" Frank," Shit let's just stay still and stick to the wall." Kapoor was passing by holding his torch and it was intensely dark to notice Frank and Lucy but suddenly Lucy screams, "SPIDERRRR!! EW GROSS!!".

"Lucy?!" Kapoor turns around.

"We didn't do anything, officer!! Please!!" Frank started to plead.

"Relax Frank, it's me, Kapoor." looking at Mr. Kapoor, the couple gets a bit relaxed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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