
1975 Waterfall

ORIGINAL CONTENT- MYSTERY/ADVENTURE Story takes place in kerryswille in year 1975. Martha has recently moved to the town from Kenya with her mother. The story revolves around her finding love and true friendship alongside with a journey to mysterious waterfall and discovering a whole new world and that is where adventure and magic of mysteries begin. NOTE- Some of the characters in this story are presented or mentioned in (Real or Psychic Real) such as Lucy, Frank, Will and Raby.

devthakar · Otras
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10 Chs

Race of Hotness


"I( am bored as fuck and this aquaurim is killing me ugh.." Lucy about to punch the fish aquarium in the hotel lobby. "Chill!! Come on!! This is just the lamest trip ever.." Frank replied and added "I think we should just go." "You mean ditch the group?" Lucy frustratingly replied, "Yeah, fuck this punk-ass losers, I saw the car of housekeeping manager arrive like 20 minutes ago and I bet he must have kept his car keys in staff room." Frank continued the conversation with a lower voice, "Hey babe, keep it low and well you bet? But again first of all that is wrong and wh-" Lucy sealed her lips Frank and smooched over for a while. "We have rules for PDA. Please can you move it to a private place?" Receptionist hesitantly interpreted Frank and Lucy. "Seriously, it was just a kiss!!" Lucy exclaimed and headed towards the reception desk . Frank interrupted and apologised to the Receptionist before pulling Lucy to the room.

"Fine ok! We will go but why steal cars ? We can ask for a lift or get a taxi." Frank said. " First of all, there is literally no one to give us lift since there are just tourists and hotel staff who live nearby in the woods. Second of all we will still need to get out of the dense part of the forest to search for a taxi". Lucy replied but after a brief pause she excitedly added, "oh I can call dad!! I think he can help since I remember him owning one of the departmental stores in the outskirts of this forest!! Yes!!!!" Lucy happily jumped in the arms of Frank.



Mr. MacBain answered, "Hello, MacBain residence." "Hey Dad, I need your help." Lucy replied. "Yes please go ahead." Lucy explained, "So I am in the north-west woods for a school trip but this trip has been a nightmare so I wanna leave. I know you have a store in the outskirts of these woods so is it possible to arrange a car or any means of transport?" "Well, I had that store." MacBain replied. "What do you mean that you had that store?" Lucy questioned. *MUFFLED VOICES FROM TELEPHONE* "You won 2 million and now I am gonna take 20 million from you. ya filthy bitch!!" " suck my d-" Lucy hangs up the call. "Well that option has been tried and failed." Lucy sadly walked to the room and Frank followed her.

"Car heist is on baby." Frank said in hopes of cheering up Lucy but Lucy did not reply. "Losers may not participate in car heist and do I smell a loser near me? Car heist for winners!!" Frank joyfully screamed. "Yo mama´s loser not me. Car heist Woooh" excited Lucy jumped on Frank. "Relax!! You have to be careful" Frank slowly caressed the belly of Lucy.



"Well the footprints just disappeared and there are just two ways. One goes towards the woods and another to Talus of the waterfall." Raby said. "Oh my almighty father,son and holy spirit! Wh-" "Shut the fuck up man! Now it is not the time. Martha can be in danger"Raby angrily interpreted. "God will forgive you but just ask for his forgiveness Raby".

Raby ignored him and headed towards Talus. "Why do you think that Martha might be here and not be in the woods." "I am following my guts" a panicked Raby replied. "If your guts will be wrong then Martha might just leave this world by being attacked by any wild animal" William added before holding the shoulder of Raby. Raby pulled and twisted his arm and hit on his chin with knees with heavy force and screamed, "Fuck you!! Will just fuck you man! You knew how much I liked her. You still knew! You are fucking phony man and shame on this friendship." Raby continued his walk while injured William was laying down.


Raby turns around and reaches Will to give him a hand. "I am sorry man." "It is okay brother. You must ask for forgiveness from God and I do know much you admire Martha and I am sorry if in any way I was incompetent." Will replied with a teary eye. "Nah man. You are always the best." After giving a hug to Will, both continue on the backside of the waterfall.


Frank and Lucy peeping through field glasses to another building from windows. "See that!! Staff only board. We need the key to enter that room." Lucy said. After a while, Frank and Lucy got up and headed towards the restaurant for Lunch.


A housekeeping lady enters the elevator with her trolley, "Buenos días señor y señora pido disculpas por las molestias". ( Good morning sir and madam i apologise for the inconvenience) "Hola chupacabra no español( Hello goat-sucker, no spanish.) Frank excitedly replied. Housekeeping lady gave a disgusting look for a short elevator journey. "Are you crazy babe? You just called her goat-sucker" Lucy laughed her heart out. "Hey, I didn't know. Manuel my neighbour taught me that line for *hey beautiful, i don´t know spanish* ". Lucy laughed even harder.

Lucy whispers while eating Lunch, "Look, in the elevator I just noticed that she had a bunch of keys of different sizes in her trolley near one of the cleaning soaps." "That is a great discovery, now we should just plan to get those keys an-". "Students!! There is an announcement. Mr. Kapoor is back and he will shortly arrive at the hotel and The Triple Gang is safe and sound. Apparently there is beautiful and never-seen before location has been discovered and we will head there to finally enjoy our rest of trip!!" relieved Ms. Perry announced happily as students cheered. Frank gives the look to Lucy. "I don´t trust this guy Frank, we should stick to our plan." Frank sighed and finally nodded.


"Ok so here is the plan. We have very short time to pull this but after 10 minutes housekeeping will come for room service and they will only come in if we are not there so we will be hiding in the lobby for the housekeeper to enter the room and we will have slot of around 10 minutes to take the key, and unlock the staff door and bring back the key. We are lucky today that there will be no electricity till late evening which avoids the risk of cctv cameras. so Lucy, you will be my eye here in the lobby to keep the coast clear for me. We both will be under the table right after the 7 minute aquarium hoping that we don't get caught. Are we clear with the plan Captain?" "Yes loser," Lucy replied. "Hey, I just called you Captain. Some respect at least" Frank annoyedly replied. "OK I got it, wannabe Captain!" Lucy chuckled. "Fuck you" Frank groaned. "You know that now you cannot" Lucy laughed.


"Ok this is way much more uncomfortable than imagined" Martha said, squeezing in very tiny space with Frank.



"Housekeeping!" - Housekeeper.


"Housekeeping!" - Housekeeper.

Housekeeper unlocks the door and enters to clean it.

Frank sneaks out slowly and within a minute he finds the bunch of keys and waits for the signal of Lucy who has already reached the other side of Lobby. Frank runs over as quickly as possible through the stairs and Lucy gets back into the position before getting noticed by the housekeeper . After 4 minutes, Frank reaches another building through the parking lot and jumps towards the front gate and starts to try each key from the bundle. "Oh man i have just 2 minutes left and there are just hundreds of keys" Frank panickingly tries to open the door. After 3 minutes he finally found the 9th key he tried by his luck and quickly keeps a brick to hold the back door off as he has less than one minute to make it to the lobby to keep the key back.

"Ok i need to change route!! This will catch Lucy off- guard as Frank ran through the laundry room then kitchen and came off through the other side which left Lucy shocked and worried. As he was 15 seconds late lands towards the front side of the trolley at the same time Housekeeper comes out of the room and instantly Frank sneaks under the trolley with the heartbeat over 150. As the housekeeper starts to move further with the trolley, "excuse me! Housekeeper." Lucy calls over and the Housekeeper turns around, "Yes madam," . "Can you open the door?

I think I left my keys inside." Lucy nervously asked. "Yes sure!! Let me grab my keys"..."oh no fuck fuck fuck… I am so dumb." Lucy panicked and the housekeeper turned again, "Sorry madam, did you say something?" Lucy weirdly steps toward the housekeeper and comes closer while holding his collar, whispers, "Actually I never told you but you are hot!" And she kicks hard under the trolley. "Ouch.. who is hitting me?" Frank bared the hard kick. Lucy comes little more closer resting her palm on his crotch , while kicking hard again and yelling, "RUN!!!" Frank ran quickly to go to the other side of Lobby while confused housekeeper whispers sweating, "What madam?". Lucy steps back weirdly finishing her sentence, "you should run, umm…in the race of hotness and you will win." Housekeeper kept blushing for a minute which just made the atmosphere more awkward.