
1975 Waterfall

ORIGINAL CONTENT- MYSTERY/ADVENTURE Story takes place in kerryswille in year 1975. Martha has recently moved to the town from Kenya with her mother. The story revolves around her finding love and true friendship alongside with a journey to mysterious waterfall and discovering a whole new world and that is where adventure and magic of mysteries begin. NOTE- Some of the characters in this story are presented or mentioned in (Real or Psychic Real) such as Lucy, Frank, Will and Raby.

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10 Chs

In Da Woodz

"Welcome to Paradise!!!"Miss Perry tries to cheer up the group as the bus finally stops in front of the hotel La Paradise. It is about sunset and the beauty of nature could not be more beautiful as this and birds are chirping and little wind is giving a cool breeze in the hot summer. Mr.Kapoor checks in the hotel for everyone and every room has five beds. Lucy approaches Martha, "hey… can we join you guys?". Martha smirked and replied, "oh look who has come…" Raby peeping in the conversation, "that's what she said!". Martha, "what?". Raby, "oh, nothing." Martha continued. "Yeah sure.. Come on in but you owe me Lucy". Lucy replies with a grumpy tone, "yeah whatever."

( After 20 Mins). Raby was standing near the couch watching Martha continuously flirt with Will. "Hey love, come here…" Tensed-looking Frank follows Lucy calling him in the bathroom. (knock-knock) As the main door knocks, Will uses the opportunity runs towards the door feeling little uncomfortable because of Martha. The moment he arrives at the door there is no one outside but the moment he locks the door, he smells one of the worst odours. "Oh my sweet Jesus, It is Mr.Kapoor" and he opened the door again and he found him talking to another group of students across the other room. "Mr. Kapoor, can I help?". Mr.Kapoor approached Will, "yes. Please be down by 21:00 because we all will be going for a bonfire, roasting some marshmallows and having some fun." Will added, "Roasting potatoes too.." "Haha.. Humour. Do not be late please." Kapoor left. Frank and Lucy finally came to the living room after spending almost 15 minutes in the bathroom looking nervous and tense. "Woahh.. Are you guys ok? I get it sometimes quickies don´t work.." Martha chuckled. "Haha.. funny. We are good." Lucy added. "We think Lucy is-" "Shut up man!!" Lucy desperately stopped Frank from speaking which brought ultimate silence to the room.

Everyone Joins the bonfire as Jessica and Aron Sings while playing ukulele. "Grass is soft and moths are flying all over, there is nice and fresh air to breath and there are nice marshmallows to swallow". Martha toasting and looking at William with a spark in her eyes and Raby looking at her. Raby abruptly leaves and starts walking towards the dark in the woods. "No wait Raby… you cannot go there, it is not safe there."Mr. Kapoor worriedly started to follow Raby who faded away in the dark. Will quickly got onto his foot to follow Raby but Miss Perry stopped him saying, "Kapoor will find him. We don´t want more students following them. "In any other circumstances, I would always obey you Miss but Raby is my best friend and I must find him." Will ran and Martha followed Will too leaving behind the group with Miss Perry. "I don't know why Raby is behaving so weirdly on this trip." Martha asked. "I-I don't know.." Will Stuttered. Martha noticed something was fishy but decided to stay silent. (After 30 mins of walking) "We have lost Mr. Kapoor also and well it is getting scary and we should head back i guess." Martha said. "No…you can go back but I am not going anywhere without finding Raby." uttered and started to pray. Martha to sadly herself, "Now at this point I don't even think that Will likes me."

IN THE HOTEL- Frank and Lucy head back to the room, "Hey babe.. You didn't have that drink right?" Frank firmly held Lucy's hand. "No, of course not baby.. I Know that." Lucy replied. "I hope those guys are fine.." "Don´t worry they will be fine. Raby is just behaving like a crybaby because of that girl I think. He likes her." Lucy added.

BACK IN THE WOODS- Will and Martha are walking and suddenly they hear something from the bush. "Oh lord!!oh almighty please protect us.." "shhh…Will." Martha slowly follows approaches towards the bush. There is nothing behind the bushes but just a black rose planted in the soil. "That is weird… this is not supposed to be here.." Martha bends to pluck the flower and suddenly, "Hey guys.. Are you crazy? Why did you come here?" Kapoor ran towards Martha and Will. "There can be wild animals from ahead but I saw some light towards the west and from it seems like it can be a waterfall. Probably we should follow that and we might find Raby there or we can call it a night there." "But Mr. Kapoor-" "No Will. That is my order. Kapoor, Martha and Martin are now headed towards the west. " Hey Mr. Kapoor, I have a question and it is personal." "Yes, go ahead Martha." "I have heard this rumour and i am not saying that i believe that but like you just pretend to make calls to your wife, you do not have to answer." "Well okay. What you have heard is True." Kapoor sadly replied. "But why do you do that?" "You might think that I am crazy and maybe I am but Anita was my life and I miss her and she was like a second mother to me. Probably she deserved better than me and I am happy for whatever she chooses in her life for happiness but I miss her and well yeah." Kapoor replied with a teary eye. "But this is a secret between us. Do not make me regret Martha". "You got it captain. But what about farts?" Martha chuckled. "Enough for today Martha" and Kapoor ended the conversation with fart. (After 2 hours). Martha, Kapoor and Will are deadly tired but astonished by the unbelievable beauty of the waterfall they witnessed. As it is 4:00 and dawn is almost there, Will notices a figure at other side of the waterfall and runs towards that alongside Kapoor and Martha following William.