
1975 Waterfall

ORIGINAL CONTENT- MYSTERY/ADVENTURE Story takes place in kerryswille in year 1975. Martha has recently moved to the town from Kenya with her mother. The story revolves around her finding love and true friendship alongside with a journey to mysterious waterfall and discovering a whole new world and that is where adventure and magic of mysteries begin. NOTE- Some of the characters in this story are presented or mentioned in (Real or Psychic Real) such as Lucy, Frank, Will and Raby.

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10 Chs

Black Rose

IN THE HOTEL- (While having breakfast)- "If it would be boy then we will keep his name Cade, what do you think babe?" "Hmm.. not bad actually Frank", Lucy Chuckled. Miss Perry enters the restaurant with a panicked face , "Hey guys, i am worried about our students Raby, Will and Martha and i have not got any updates too from Mr. Kapoor but we will wait till afternoon and then we might approach cops if they are not back. I am sorry for this because till that time no one can leave the hotel premises" All the students groan disappointedly,

AT THE WATERFALL- Will hugs Raby from behind as he was happy to finally find him , "Thank you Jesus, you are the best. Raby brother, I missed you and I was so worried for you." Martha joins the hug. " I am okay guys!! I just wanted some time alone". "Please Raby do not pull this kind of stunt again" Mr. Kapoor added and Raby replied nodding.

"So here's the plan. I remember the route to the hotel and this place seems nice to have a small picnic so I am gonna bring back the group here and you three can stay here only if you do not move your butts from here." Triple Gang happily agreed to it but soon their smiles disappeared after smelling those good old farts of Mr. Kapoor. (After 10 Minutes). "That is weird, why is this white rose here?" Martha walks towards the rose behind the bunch of rocks.


"Raby… look i apologise my brother and i understand you might be thinking that i am a spout but you know that i am feeling helpless.." "What spout?..." after pausing briefly Raby continues, "oh okay. No man, we are cool. It hurts a lot though that Martha doesn't like me." "You don't know that. You should find an opportunity and ask her out in the name of lord Jesus Christ". Raby chuckles and replies, "you are such a dork.." Which made Will a little red with a smile.

Martha reaches out to the white rose to pluck it, "I might as well ask out Will with this weirdly beautiful white rose." as she plucks the flower her ears buzzes off with a very sharp sound for a brief moment. Martha held her ears off tightly till that sound finally disappeared. "Oh, no, what was that!!". As she continues to walk towards the waterfall. Martha felt relaxed, Strong and mostly peaceful. Her exhaustion was suddenly gone and she was feeling so calm like never before. She finally reaches the talus as she discovers the same weird flower but it was a red rose. "What is a better way to ask someone out with one rose? Of Course with two roses" Martha plucks the red rose and this time she felt the same sharp voice killing her head but bit longer than last time which made Martha yell out of her heart, "Will!! Raby!! No god!!..." Nobody comes.

The noise is gone and she has started to feel happier, stronger and peaceful but suddenly she felt courageous and confident just like a warrior. "I am a strong smart woman, I will be with the man I love, I will be independent and I am a winner!!!" Martha yelled with an outburst of happiness.

She then noticed the strange path leading to the back side of the waterfall which she started to follow. These seemed like a dark cave but Martha was not scared and she walked in and her every step in the cave was bringing sunshine throughout the smallest pores inside the cave. "I wonder where this leads.. This place is fishy but I am fearless".

Confidently Martha continued to walk. While walking she found a half drawn painting or half destroyed painting on the wall. "Hm this seems like a huge half rose and half tiny man. Dammit this painting seems too old." Martha groaned and rested her palm on the mysterious painting.( crackling noise) The mysterious painting seemed like a secret door which opened.

*MEANWHILE* Back at the waterfall, Raby and Will who were enjoying swimming finally noticed the long absence of Martha. "Hey man. I have not seen Martha in a long time and I think we should just check up on her." Raby said. Raby and Will started to follow the fresh footprints of Martha from where they saw her last.

(BACK IN THE CAVE)- Martha enters and she seems a little scared now but still confident enough to walk forward. ( Sounds of Bushes Buzzing in corner) As slowly Martha approached towards bushes and sound disappeared. "This is the same kind of black rose I saw back there in the woods!! And the same bushes buzzing! This is just weird. Anyways three flowers are even better to ask someone out" Martha chuckled and bent down to pluck the rose. As soon as pulls the rose, an unimaginable force pulls her hand into the deep underground.

Welcome to the ride! Mystry has finally taken over!!

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