
1975 Waterfall

ORIGINAL CONTENT- MYSTERY/ADVENTURE Story takes place in kerryswille in year 1975. Martha has recently moved to the town from Kenya with her mother. The story revolves around her finding love and true friendship alongside with a journey to mysterious waterfall and discovering a whole new world and that is where adventure and magic of mysteries begin. NOTE- Some of the characters in this story are presented or mentioned in (Real or Psychic Real) such as Lucy, Frank, Will and Raby.

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10 Chs

"Triple Gang"

Out of 100Students, 77 are present on trip day sharp at 9;00 am. All present students seemed so excited and the "Triple Gang" of Martha and Raby were waiting for Will. " Hey There.. Martha… this dress looks so pretty on you.." "Thanks Jessica.. You look pretty too.." Jessica softly pulls Martha and whispers… "Martha, I've wanted to tell you this for a Long time.. You see my brother Terrance.. He has a crush on you and…" Before she finishes her sentence another student directly approaches Martha and speaks near to yelling.. "I think I like you...I am Aron by the way…." Martha smiles uncomfortably and walks away from both. All are still waiting for Mr. Kapoor and Ms.Perry to come and Martha approaches the most romantic couple of Kerryswile, smooching and tight into each other's Arms. "Hey Maria.. How are you?.." "Hey Martha…"Lucy replies to Frank…"Come on Frank… at least remember her name.. It is Maria.." Martha smiles and interrupts their Name Changing Argument.." So Love birds.. What's your plan for the trip…" Lucy begins biting her lip, " Well...I Wanna ride so hard on his-…" And Martha stops her immediately saying…"oh noooo no no no.. get yourself a room" and with a smile she leaves them alone. Finally at 9:35 am 2 buses arrive and both supervisors step outside from the bus. Kapoor apologies students… "I am sorry for getting Late.. Anita made me late today and she didn't want me to step out of bed and..:" And he blushes weirdly. Miss Perry cuts the sentence of Kapoor.. " Let's have some fun and adventure Fellas…!!!!" Everybody starts to get on the bus and Martha was looking for Will and at the end moment Will Managed to reach somehow, Martha pulled and hugged him on the bus. "Thank you.. Beautiful Lady.. god bless you…" And Martha blushes which made Raby Jealous who was sitting right behind. Martha notices a small wound on the head of Will and she asks worriedly.., "Oh my god!! William, how do you get hurt..?" Will replied calmly..," I am fine Dear.. it is nothing " Martha asks," but how did you get it?". Will never liked to talk about his dad or any incident that included him and getting a little uncomfortable he replies…" I am telling you Martha.. It is nothing…" and Martha gets more worried and starts to ask him more. Finally Will gets impatient and without a word he sits behind with Raby and Starts his Bible Studies. Frank seemed a little worried and Lucy noticed it, she kissed him and asked…" What's wrong sweetie?" Frank hesitantly replies…" I am outta cash..and my family cant afford me to be in part of the tournament.. But I need to make it work somehow..:Lucy sweetly replies, " you know that I am there for you.. Tell me how much you need?" Frank replies, " 5k" and Lucy happily agrees to help him. Raby whispers, " Oh man.. Still 2 hours to go…" Will Nods. Time has passed and one hour is remaining and buses have been stopped for 10 Min Break. Martha was still a little uncomfortable and upset from Will`s behaviour so she just asks Raby, "Hey.. you need something to eat or drink?" Raby replies, " No Martha thanks but actually I bought some Tacos.. Would you like to have some?" "yeah sure thanks!!!!" Happily Martha hugs Raby and leaves giving a look to Will. Raby asks " Hey Will, i gotta ask you something?" William replies, "yes brother...go ahead". Frank continues the conversation.." Do you like Martha? Because it seems that she likes you and i like her so you know what i mean..:" Will smiles and replies, " Brother, I am 19 and I still am not ready to decide on my life partner, yes Martha is a nice girl, i like her as a friend and may god bless her and you.." Raby takes a breath of relief and Triple gang starts to enjoy the bite of Tacos. For the first time Lucy requests the gang to have food with them which certainly helped to improve friendships among 5 of them. Break time was over and the journey had begun. Kapoor grabs the attention, " Now we have entered into woods.. If you may not know the geography of Kerryswille, let me tell you that, Kerryswille is 360 square Mile city on west coast with a beautiful forest on North-west Kerryswille which covers 80 square Mile and in this forest we can see animals like Badger, American Black Bears, Monkeys, Cougars, Racoons and Wolves. North-west is covered by forest which is called home by 5,000 people. There are lakes, Waterfalls, some ancient Kerryswille History and a beautiful Sea Coast. 30 Mile square of the area is completely dense and there are just 2 hotels located and to make this trip more adventurous we are going to stay in a hotel called… "La Paradise". Everybody seemed so bored and one student blew off some raspberries which earned a few giggles. Few Minutes were remaining before they reached the destination and Martha already saw some Racoons and Monkeys which made her pretty excited to get out of the bus as soon as possible.

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