
(Wip) 019 Novels & Books - WebNovel


  • The Prodigy System

    Ariel, a teenager whose life took a supernatural turn on his 18th birthday when he acquired superpowers, became a vigilant shadow worker for two years. However, as he approached his 20th birthday, he found himself abruptly summoned to another world—the Prodigy Realm. Initially bewildered and unfamiliar with this new realm, Abban soon realized that it was now his home, and there was no turning back. Despite being the strongest in his previous world, he paled in comparison to the Prodigy Knights who protected this kingdom. Taken in by the Prodigy Knights, Ariel faced the challenge of adapting to his new life. Under the mentorship of Ihaan, the most powerful Prodigy Knight, he learned the intricacies of both life and combat. The question lingered: Could he truly integrate into this unfamiliar society? Earn their trust? Or would he forever be an outsider? With new threats looming over the kingdom and the Prodigy Realm embroiled in a Great Prodigy War, Ariel's survival became uncertain. A human in a world teeming with inhuman monsters and prodigy users, Ariel set out to leave his mark. As the mysteries of the Prodigy Realm unfolded, a narrative of blood and betrayal began to take shape. Ariel's journey would be fraught with challenges, but the ultimate question remained: Would he be able to carve a place for himself amidst these extraordinary beings, or would he become a casualty of the Great Prodigy War? Only time would reveal the destiny of this unexpected hero in a realm of prodigious powers and perilous secrets.

    Shehrax019 · Fantasy
  • Mengukir Namaku di Hatimu

    Bian dan Jackran sudah berpacaran selama 7 tahun. Sama seperti pasangan lainnya hubungan mereka juga mengalami pasang dan surut yang masih bisa mereka selesaikan. Namun kali ini badai besar menerjang hubungan mereka. Mantan kekasih yang sangat dicintai Jackran kembali, ketidakyakinan Jackran terhadap hatinya sendiri menjadi badai yang menerjang hubungan mereka, Hubungan mereka dipenuhi permasalahan yang kompleks. Akankah mereka berdua mampu melewatinya ataukah mereka memilih jalan yang berbeda?

    Skyb_019 · Teen
  • Rench 019

    RyVVel · Sci-fi
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  • Perfect Your Dream

    Anatria memiliki kecantikan dan bakat, ia ingin menciptakan kehidupan yang diinginkan banyak orang. Sebuah kehidupan yang akan membuat orang lain iri kepadanya, kehidupan sempurna yang ia rangkai sendiri. Arda, seseorang yang memiliki segalanya, yang membuat orang lain membutuhkannya, tidak peduli seperti apa ia bersikap kepada yang lain. Arda merasa bosan karena ketidaktahuan teman-temannya yang membuat ia harus menjelaskan banyak hal hingga ia bertemu dengan Anatria seorang perempuan cerdas yang membuatnya bisa berbagi banyak hal. Bagaimana kelanjutan Anatria yang membutuhkan Arda untuk menciptakan kehidupan sempurna miliknya dan Arda yang membutuhkan Anatria karena ia tidak menginginkan yang lain berada di sekitarnya ? Ikutin kisah Anatria dan Arda ya .

    Skyb_019 · Teen
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  • Reincarnated as a Jade Beauty?!

    Everything was going well for him: a well-earning job, a car, a home, but then he was tossed into a world of immortals, in the body of Jade Beauty of all things! ------- Hello, there. I'd written this novel a while back and only recently picked it up again, and decided to post it. I write mostly for fun, so uh... I can guarantee no update consistency. I will try to post 3 to 4 chapters a week, but again, I can't guarantee anything. PS: This is a Gender Bender work. If you dislike that, this is not for you; just don't give it a bad rating/review for that. However, Gender Bender does not have much relevance to the story. This was an idea I had a long time ago when I'd read the first Transmigrated-into-Villain/Young Master story. That's when I wondered what if it was written from the perspective of the Jade Beauty instead? So, I came up with the idea of some guy transmigration into the body of one. But at the time, I despised the 'conflict' that came with the category, so I kinda skipped the entire thing. So don't expect gender identity issues from this story - even if there are, it will be resolved in a few chapters at most. This is primarily a Progression Fantasy/Power Fantasy from a Jade Beauty's perspective. Though, you can also think of it as an amateur author's way of escaping his responsibilities and not studying the female psyche deeply. Like I said - I write for fun. PPS: I don't have much writing experience and I do want to improve, so your critiques are welcome. Just don't be too harsh - my glass heart might just break. PPPS: MC will be extremely strong in her Cultivation Stage - and the strongest later on, but that doesn't mean much in the Cultivation World, where there is always a 'Heaven beyond the Heavens'. PPPPS: This is still a WIP. I have the general plot idea in mind, but nothing concrete. Plus, I haven't made the mechanics of this world as concrete as I would like. So, I might make minor changes here and there. If I do make such changes, I'll do it retroactively across all relevant chapters. So, early readers might get a little confused, and I apologise for that. Of course, I'll post a note when I do make changes. PPPPPS: This story will take a while to pick up. So don't expect MC to have tremendous odds stacked against her from the very beginning. In fact, this will be more slice-of-life at the beginning.

    DaoistDumbledore · Fantasy
  • The Deadmen (WIP)

    The story of a serial killer is out and on the loose now only one man can capture him. The legendary deadman. A fabled hero who is loved by the people and hated by the press. He who saves the world one death at a time. But is his name what they make it out to be or is he just another killer added to the mix. Find out in this story.

    Gudleikr · Realistic
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  • The Alpha (WIP)

    A romance story of a Werewolf and a Human. They explore their lives as students and face difficult challenges as they try to connect to one another.

    Edward_Rosbotham · Fantasy
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  • Fate had other plans

    Volume 1: It is the golden age for Paxos, and vampires are the rulers. As the Paxon colonies spread all over the globe, they automatically ruled not only the country but also the world. Their strength, genius minds, and other superpowers could only be met by the werewolves, the only race powerful enough to challenge the vampire's reign. The harsh environment was challenging for the orphan vampire girl Eliana, whom humans raised. She didn't know where she came from and learned to pretend to be a human to survive. While working with her best friend Georgina on getting out of the hell hole, she meets a stranger at the town fair, who becomes her destined mate. The downside is that he is the werewolf prince called Damien and doesn't know that she belongs to the race of his enemy. What does fate have in store for them? Will the star-crossed lovers overcome centuries of hate? Will Eliana's family background complicate their relationship further? Does their love have a chance against the obstacles they must face? Volume 2: After making the impossible choice, Eliana is on her way to Paxos with her great-uncle to take back what is meant to be hers. Not only will she have to learn how to fight, get acquainted with Paxon etiquette, and use politics, but she will also have to enhance her popularity in nobility and do all of that in an unfamiliar environment. She would do anything to protect her loved ones, even at the price of her peaceful and happy life. But will her sacrifice be enough to keep Georgina and Damien safe? Read and find out... -- Volume 1: Complete Volume 2: WIP -- This book was in the WSA contest 2023. Let me know your feedback and thoughts on the story. For inspirational visuals, visit my Instagram daz_elda P.S. The cover is done by AI

    Dazelda · Fantasy
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  • Isekai WIP

    WholesomePotato · Fantasy
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  • Current WIP

    Dennis_Wolf_7419 · Fantasy
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  • --WIP-- Juggernaut

    --WIP-- Among the Unexplored Planes. A child is born to a Tribe. A Tribe of beings, that with time will come to be known among the 'Explored Planes', for their extreme strength, durability and immutable Will. A Tribe of Guardians and Warriors. And in a time far from now, one among them would be known as something different, a Title that none would truly be worthy for bar one. This is the story of how a child became known by many species and civilizations across the endless Planes and through the ages, as - the Juggernaut. not sure if I have to write this but, The image isn't mine

    fkae · Fantasy
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  • The Timeless Soldier (WIP)

    This legend is a tale of a hero gone wrong: a family fighting time and a woman going through the hatred of the medieval world. Throughout this story, you will hear her words, feelings, and emotions. I hope you take a liking to who she becomes and who she ends up being. Time is just an illusion, a misconception created by humans to fit our perspective. What will you do when time stops?

    Gudleikr · History
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  • Falling Summer [WIP]

    Mystical, strange, unbelievable, whatever it is it can’t be explained. This story is about a group of four friends. James who is the smart one out of the group, Xavier who is the meat head, Damian and Juliana who are the daredevils. They go on a drive to a weird town called Norwich which had a few mystical incidents that can’t be explained. But these friends don’t care what’s wrong with the town. They try to live their normal lives while being there, but they are not alone. It’s almost like a presence is watch them, they can feel it alright. But can they figure out what’s happening before the unknown being finds them?

    akjacobm · Fantasy
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  • Forged in Light (WIP)

    Follow Folly as he embarks on unsolvable conflicts and almost an never ending journey as everything is pointing their stakes at them and he only brought bandages for the world that he is thrown upon, hoping to fix the unsolvable—to comprehend the incomprehensible, and to save the unsaved. Forged in Light Novel is set within Mundus Sundus Universe, specifically focused on the Light Realm.

    Ferrell_Von_Sedigo · Fantasy
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