

In a world where justice is a fragile concept, Noah AfterLife finds himself condemned to a lifetime in the infamous Alcatraz prison for a crime he avenged in the name of his beloved sister. As he endures torment and despair within the prison walls, a mysterious encounter with an unexpected figure, shall open the curtains to something much, much bigger...

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52 Chs

Chapter 30 - Out of Control

When Noah opened his eyes, it was already past four, he didn't know when, but he had fall sleep on the sofa.

As he woke up, Noah notice that Ai was watching something on his computer. 

"What are you doing?" Asked Noah.

"You finally woke up" Said Ai.

"Come here, look at this" He added.

Noah walked towards the desk and saw the monitor.

In there, he saw a familiar face.


"You wont guess who was the judge in the trial of Nevill" Said Ai with a smirk.

"Suh a coincidence?" Said Noah.

"Indeed" Said Ai.

"It's time to visit an old friend" Added Ai.

Noah nodded and went to get changed.


[8;00 p.m.]

It was still pretty early in the night however, Nick was already on his five shot of vodka.

"Give…an…another one" Said Nick.

"Sir… I think you already drunk enough"

"I… I will tell you when I have enough… so keep…keep going…" Said Nick.

The bartender sighed and served another shot.

Nick drunk 4 more shots before he was thrown out of the bar.

"Fuc…fucking retards… retards… they… they don't know who they…they are... *hic*…. Messing with"

As Nick barely managed to get home, he fell to the ground after he managed to reach his room.


He stood up, trembling, and managed to lay down on his bed.

The world was spinning, nevertheless, he managed to take out his phone.

He looked at the picture on his screen for some seconds, before he threw his bed.

"Where… where did things started to go so wrong…" Said Nick.

"Maybe it was when your daughter started to go out with that Frank"

Nick was surprised and his drunkness almost immediately dissipated.


Sitting on the side of the bed, there was a man in a black tuxedo.

"It's been a while, hasn't it…"

"Judge Camilon"


Noah was about to tell him who he was, however, Ai interrupted him.

"Don't let him guess your name!" 

Noah immediate stopped, he almost forgot the most basic rule of demons.

"Judge Camilion, I have some business with you"

Noah took out his phone and showed him the picture of Nevill.

"Do you remember who he is?"


"It seems that you still to sober a bit…" Said Noah.

He grabbed Nick by the collar and walked towards the windows.


Noah showed the picture again.

"Do you know… who is he"

Nick looked at the abysm under him and his body trembled in fear.

"I…YES! I REMEMBER!" Said Nick Camilion.

"Then… you know why I am doing this?" Asked Noah.

"I… is this… is this for money? Look I don't know how they paid you but, I can assure you that I can do better" Said Nick.

"Haha… money… let me guess… they also did better, that's why they are still free?" Said Noah.

Noah began to loose his grip on his hand.

"No no no, wait, okay, okay, yes, what I did was wrong, I am sorry, I am a judge I can reopen the case, I can help you, just please-"

Noah looked at Camilio's face and he remember that her daughter did the exact same face when he first told her why he had kidnap her.

"I can give you money! We can solve this!"

Remembering those words, Noah's rage surge as he threw Nick back inside the room.

"Money, money, money, is all your fucking family knows"


"Maybe I was too lenient… on you daughter" Said Noah.

"NOAH!" Shouted Ai.

"My daughter? What are you… wait a minute…" Said Nick.

"That voice… I have heard that voice before…"

Nick stood up and walked towards Noah.

"is you! You finally show yourself again! NOAH AFTERL-"

Before judge Camilion could finish, Noah run towards Nick and grabbed his face by the mouth.

"Mmm!? Mmm!!" 

"I would make sure that you don't say another word again" Said Noah.




In a second, the body of Camilion was set on black fire.

"I will not let you die so easily; your body shall burn slowly, every cell of your body shall be consumed by me flame!"


Ai tried to use his powers to calm Noah, but to his surprise, it wasn't working!

"What is going on!?" Though Ai.


Nick twisted in agony while the flames started to consume his flesh.

Noah, for the first time since the death of his sister, smiled from the bottom of his heart.

His red eyes flashed and insidious smile.