
(OLD) My Hero Academia: The Overdrive Hero!

(OLD! I HAVE A REVAMPED VERSION ON THE WAY!) Waking up and having a rather powerful Quirk? Check! Not knowing how to use it because of an injury sustained by a Villain? Also... Check... Bad luck is no stranger to Alyx Leonidus, but in this case, it took a turn for the worse. After waking up with no recollection of who he is or where he was, Alyx is seemingly thrown into the world of Quirks! Being forced into relearning the ropes of his Quirks, how will he stack up with the rest of the students at U.A. High? Through tough trials and experiences, Leonidus must retrace his steps in order to understand his past and embrace the future!

LeoLyonWriting · Cómic
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228 Chs

Girls Day Out...? More Than Just "Friends"?

School's definitely been a bit of a toughie, this new curriculum is a bit of a handful, but I think I can manage it. As I was looking over my books, my phone started ringing.

"Hey, Mina-san! What's up?" I answered.

"Heya! So, the girls and I were gonna hang out today, you wanna come with?" Mina asked.

"Uh... Isn't that just a 'Girl's Day Out' kind of thing? Wouldn't that just be weird if I came along too?" I responded.

"No, of course not! I didn't say it was gonna be a 'Girl's Day Out' kind of thing, silly! We'll swing by your place to come get you." She reassured.

"Oh, okay! Well then, I'd love to! I'll text you my address so you don't forget." I agreed.

We said our goodbyes and hung up. I texted her my address and got ready for this outing.

[30 Minutes Later...]

I walked downstairs as Mina told me that they were here. Annie stood at the door with her arms crossed.

"Sooo... There's quite a few girls standing outside our house, Alyx, you aren't planning to do anything, are you?" Annie questioned.

"N-No! It's not like that, they just wanted me to come with them to hang out, that's all." I countered.

Annie puckered her lips to the side and slowly nodded, "Mmm hmm."

I sighed and shook my head as I walked outside. I waved to them and smiled.

"Hey! I thought you all got lost for a minute!" I beamed.

"We almost would've if Mina-chan didn't get sidetracked over a fat raccoon that we saw in an alleyway." Jiro replied.

"It was the cutest thing I've ever seen and I would've taken it with us if I knew it wasn't feral!" Mina giggled.

I joined them and we started walking down the street.

"Soooo... What kinda guy are you, Leonidus-kun?" Hagakure wondered.

I tilted my head in confusion, "Huh?"

"You know! Like who are you as a person?" Uraraka chimed in.

"Oooh! Well, I guess I'm more of a reserved person, kinda? I'm honestly still learning about myself every single day!" I responded.

(I.R.P.: Listen to "Sakura Nagashi (Quiet Version)" by Sam Yung ft. YABISI)

"That's alright, at least you haven't completely forgotten everything. That would've been a pain in the ass." Jiro remarked.

We all conversed back and forth, I couldn't help but notice that Yaoyorozu wasn't saying a whole lot, if anything at all! I didn't want to press her about it in front of everyone else, so I decided to keep to myself. Was she okay? We approached a mini market that was filled with different items, I found a mask shop with some really cool looking masks inside! I looked over at Yaoyorozu who was looking at a bouquet of violet-blue flowers.

"Those are pretty, are you thinking about buying some?" I asked.

"O-Oh! I'm not sure, honestly." She gloomily responded.

I looked around to make sure that the others weren't nearby. Luckily, most of them were in other shops away from us.

"Is everything okay, Yaoyorozu-san? You seem a little upset." I noted.

"Yeah, it's just that... There's been something plaguing my mind for the past couple weeks now. Is it possible that people can be more than just friends even if they've only known each other for a short time?" Momo wondered.

"Well, sure! If those people have at least talked to one another more than just once, then I guess I don't see why not. Why? Wait, do you like someone?" I answered.

She picked up a flower and looked at it, "I'm unsure, but I feel as if I do. These flowers remind me a lot of him, the sweet smell it gives off makes me think of how gentle and kind he is to me. I don't think I've ever felt such a warmth of positivity radiate off of someone until I met him. Now that I'm thinking more in depth about it, I think I do have feelings for him."

"Wow... It sounds like you're rather passionate about him. I guess I can say the same about what I'm feeling too." I noted.

Yaoyorozu looked up at me, almost with peaked interest, she slightly tilted her head at me. I could tell that she wanted me to continue. I looked back down at my feet before I looked back up at the flower shop window.

"I'm not sure if it's because of the after effects of my Quirk, but I guess I've been getting a jittery feeling in my chest whenever I'm around her. Now that I'm thinking about it, it might not even be my Quirk, since I've had it pretty much the entire time I've been hanging out with you all. I don't think I've ever felt this way about someone before, not that I can remember, that is. There's a picture of a girl in my room that I've met who knows how long ago, it seems as if I felt the same way about her as well. I'm not sure what happened to her, I'm fairly certain that I'll never know either." I continued.

I looked down at the flowers, "It kind of stings knowing that you're feeling the same way about someone else, but it's almost as if those feelings are completely brand new. I've been questioning them a lot, would it even be worth it to follow my feelings? It's almost as if bad things happen whenever I do follow them. But what would that say about me? I'd be throwing away a lifetime of opportunities just because of a small hunch."

Yaoyorozu kept looking at the flowers, her face became sullen, I felt her fingers intertwine between mine. My eyes widened slightly as I tensed up a bit out of surprise. Her head nor her gaze moved from the flowers.

"Leonidus-kun, I want you to promise me something, which I'll do the very same. No matter what you might be thinking about those feelings, I want you to promise me that you won't stop trying to find love. Even if the greatest doubts fill your mind, keep trying to find it, no matter what. Okay?" Yaoyorozu spoke softly.

"O-Oh, Why, Yaoyorozu-san?" I questioned.

She finally looked at me, "Because someone like you deserves the world, Leonidus-kun. Even though you might not remember whatever happened in the past, your eyes, there's something about them that tells me you've been through a lot."

I turned and faced her as well. Her words, it's almost as if she was speaking from experience, or maybe it was foresight? I gently smiled at her and nodded my head.

"Alright, I promise." I agreed.

"Indeed, I do as well." Momo replied.

I looked over at the flowers and picked one for her. They were only ¥40 each, but for a bouquet it was about ¥200. I bought a flower and gave it to her.

"Now I TRULY promise you, Yaoyorozu-san." I smiled.

She looked at the flower and shook her head as she smiled.

"You know you didn't have to buy that for me, I could've bought it myself. I do happen to be rather wealthy after all, something that's ¥40 each is merely pocket change!" She giggled.

"Eh, I figured I'd be nice and buy you something. You deserve the world too, you know, not just me." I responded.

She quickly looked away from me, it looked like she was blushing, she stopped holding my hand as she took the flower. I looked back towards the mask shop and was about to enter until I felt her arms wrap around my waist. Her head was resting on my back. I felt my entire face heat up as I looked at her.

"T-Thank you, Leonidus-kun." Momo spoke softly.

I rubbed the side of my head with one finger and nervously laughed, "H-Hey, n-no problem!"

"Leonidus-kun, aren't you gonna buy something?" I heard Asui ask.

I nearly jumped out of my skin! Was she behind me that whole time? I caught my breath and relaxed myself.

"Geez, you scared me there, Asui-san!" I chuckled.

"Call me 'Tsuyu', Leonidus-kun. Sorry about sneaking up on you, Mina-chan had a question, are you staying for lunch?" She told me.

"Of course! I'm not gonna hang out with you guys for 30 minutes then go home." I replied.

[10 Minutes Later...]

We arrived at a nearby sushi shop, I couldn't help but notice the rather nervous demeanor on Uraraka's face. She pulled out her wallet and looked down at it, I'm pretty sure there could've been a couple tumbleweeds rolling around in there!

"Hey, Uraraka-san, I can buy lunch for you." I offered.

"Oh, you don't have to do that, Leonidus-kun. I guess I'm kind of used to being broke." She lightly giggled.

"Which gives me more reason to buy lunch for you! I honestly don't feel right eating in front of someone that doesn't have food in front of them." I added.

After a bit of debate with Uraraka, I bought lunch for the both of us, we sat down with everyone else and their bags of things they bought from different stores.

"Hey, Leonidus-kun..." Mina whispered.

I looked over at her and leaned a bit, "Hm? What's up?"

"Someone likes you!" She giddily muttered.

"Wait... Are you saying that only one person likes me?" I questioned.

She tried not to bring attention to herself, her cheeks puffed out as she tried to prevent herself from laughing.

"N-No! You have a Mom and Dad, right?" Mina replied.

I nodded at her, "Yes, of course, how else would I be here?"

"Wait... You understand childbirth but not... How? Actually, don't tell me. Anyways, it's basically like that! In other words, basically a crush." Mina explained.

"Oooh, I see. How do you know?" I wondered.

"Because she's talked to me about you! Or well, she's talked to almost everyone. It's kinda adorable honestly!" Mina told me.

Right before I was going to say something, some guy walked up to our table, I thought it was someone who worked here so I continued to talk with Mina. She didn't tell me who liked me, but she gave me somewhat vague hints, that's when I heard Yaoyorozu yell.

"H-How dare you! Get your hands away from there!" She shouted.

"Aww, or else what? You gonna-" The man tried to argue.

I stood up from my chair, "Oi..."

The guy stood up and looked at me. I slowly turned my head and smiled at him.

"She asked you to stop, just do the polite thing and listen to her! It's not that hard." I chuckled.

The guy lowered one of his eyebrows and glared at me, he looked back down at Yaoyorozu, then at Hagakure. Right before he did anything else, I appeared right next to him in my Base Mode.

"DORA!" I shouted.

I rammed my fist into the side of his face, he looked at me, clearly stunned and alarmed. I grabbed his wrist and looked down at him. The entire sushi shop was staring at us.

"You know, I fucking hate scumbag guys like you. Treating girls as if they're some kind of plaything or your personal property... People like you aren't fit to walk on the same dirt as I do." I seethed.

"Y-You... You can't do anything to me! Y-You'll get fined!" The man shuddered.

I heard something leak on the floor, did this guy... Did he just really piss himself? He looked to be about 19 years old, here he was scared shitless of a 16 year old, pathetic.

"Fined? I've got more than enough money to cover a fine. You better hope that you've got enough money to pay for your medical bills, dumbass." I retorted.

I reeled my fist back and lit him up with strikes, "DORARARARA! DORARARARA! DORARARARA! DORARARARA!!"

"DORA!!!" I finished.

My last fist sent him flying out of the front door of the shop. Steam rose from my arms, I punched him maybe over 600 times in about 15 seconds? My hair fell down after I deactivated my Quirk. I calmly walked back to my chair, sat down, and started eating once again. All of the girls were staring at me.

"Phew! That was quite a workout! That guy actually pissed himself, which was kinda weird, honestly." I laughed.

"Oooookay, how about we set a ground rule from here on out, never make Leonidus-kun angry. Ever." Hagakure noted.

"That was kinda dope though, I didn't think you'd do anything like that." Jiro smiled.

I looked up towards the front door and saw the guy get up. He was surrounded by a couple of his friends who were helping him regain his balance. I still felt as if I needed to do something, I kept staring as the girls got up to put away their dishes. I felt someone place their hand on my back.

"Hey, thank you for doing that. I would've done something, but the whole Quirk law thing and... Well, I'm sure you get the picture." Momo told me.

Her voice snapped me out of my trance and it... Calmed me down. I softly smiled back at her.

"Don't mention it, I'm sure the police will be coming any minute, it was worth it though." I replied.

"Was it now? It definitely did look like you were enjoying yourself for a moment. May I ask why it was?" Momo questioned.

"Because... I... I really value you as a friend! Yeah, you know, I couldn't let some guy harass you like that." I quickly made something up.

I heard footsteps come towards me, "Thank you so much!"

I looked behind me and saw an elderly woman approach me. She gave me a hug that nearly squeezed the life out of me!

"Those boys have been harassing our female patrons for the last few weeks! No one's managed to get them to stop, until now, of course." She continued.

"I don't mind roughing them up some more for you if you'd like." I beamed.

"Oh, you're too kind! I'm sure they've had enough already. I doubt they'll be back anytime soon. Thank you dear, I'll make sure to give you and your friends a discount the next time you come back. Don't worry about the police either, I told them that the situation's been dealt with, civilly of course!" She smiled.

I nodded at her and she left Yaoyorozu & I by ourselves. The others came back to the table, we left the shop out through the front door. I glared at the guys as we walked past them. The dude that I beat the holy hell out of cowered away from me. Honestly, this Quirk of mine was amazing! I noticed that Yaoyorozu was standing close to me as we talked to the other girls. I kept thinking about what Mina told me, it should be obvious as to who liked me, but I guess I was overthinking it.

Hey! I hope you all have been enjoying this story so far! If you'd like to support me even more, feel free to leave me a power stone, review or comment on what I should do to improve the story or even just a suggestion as to what you'd want to see next! I'd really appreciate your thoughts, ideas, and support! I really would like to see this rank high up in the rankings!

Also, I've got an Instagram page dedicated to posting various art from the story and other things! It's the same username as the one I have here: @TheOverdriveHero

Again, I can't thank you all enough for reading my story! I hope you all enjoy! (Also, if you'd like to send me any fan art or ideas, you can message me on my Instagram as well! <3)

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