
USJ Attack

"Ohhh, this is gonna be so cool!" Uraraka cheered.

Class 1-A was stuck on a bus. They were heading over to a place called USJ. USJ stands for Unforseen Simulation Joint.

"You all shouldn't be standing while the bud is moving!" Ida yelled. "Please, sit down in your seats!"

"You're standing too, you idiot!" Evie pointed out.

Ida sat down, keeping his mouth shut. Evie rolled her eyes and sat down next to Deku.

Everyone was wearing their Hero costumes. Since they were going to be doing hero training, they were told to wear the preferred clothes, hero costumes.

"Are you kidding?" Kirishima said. "Your quirk is amazing, Midoryia!"

"Oh! Uh, well, I-it's not as cool as Kacchan's but it has its perks. Your quirk is really cool too, Kirishima."

"Nahh, it's not really flashy or anything. All I can do is harden and stuff. Not really helpful in situations."

Name: Eijiro Kirishima

Quirk: Hardening

He has the ability to harden his body

"No, really! It's amazing! Everyone has an amazing quirk of their own. I bet if you really thought about it, you could get really far in your hero career!"

"Speaking of quirks," said Asui. "What's your quirk, Midoryia? It's kind of like All Might's. You know, from the entrance exam."

"O- oh, it just boosts my physical strength. It's different compared to All Might's. All Might's quirk is really powerful, being able to even change the weather! My quirk just gives me a stronger physical ability, and every time I use it, I end up breaking something."

"Would you shut up and stop pitying yourself." Evie pinched Deku's cheek. "Why can't you look at your quirk the way you look at everyone else's?"

"She's right, Midoryia." Kaminari agreed. "It's not like you go dead-brain every time you use your quirk. That how my quirk works."

"Heh, thanks. That helps a lot."

"Where's your original hero costume Midoryia?" Yaoyorozu asked.

"O- oh! It's getting fixed, my hero costume was a bit ragged up after my fight with Kacchan. So it took more time to fix it."

"Yay, we're here! This is gonna be amazing!" Hagakure waved her hand.

They exited the bus and looked up at the building in front of them. Someone in a puffy astronaut suit walked out the front doors to greet the students.

"Oh my gosh!" Uraraka pointed at the person in front of them. "It's the Space Hero: Thirteen!"

"Welcome, students." Thirteen greeted. "This is the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. Otherwise known as USJ."

Thirteen welcomed everyone inside while asking Aizawa where All Might was. "I thought he was supposed to be here."

"He had a bit of a complication," Aizawa rolled his eyes.

Earlier, when All Might was heading to UA for work, he had run into many robberies. As the Number one hero, he had to take care of his duties and ended up overdoing it. He barely made it to UA in his muscle form.

"Well, I'll explain what you'll be doing here." Thirteen said. "There are many different circumstances during different situations. Natural disasters are most common, like fires, floods, storm and so on. You'll be split into different groups. This will help you learn and come up with different strategies with the region your currently in. For example, your quirk. As you some of you might know, my quirk is called Black Hole. My quirk will suck up anything, therefore, destroying anything that I suck up. Use your quirks to help you through these natural disasters."

In the distance, Evie could see black mist start to appear. She walked away from the class slowly. She slipped through the mist behind her and saw Elios suddenly next to her. She sighed.

"Ok, touch my classmates and you're dead."

"Yes, dear sister. Cross my heart and hope to die."

Students then noticed the mist in the distance. They gave concerned looks, glancing at one another. Ida pointed at the mist, "Mr. Aizawa! Is that part of todays training?"

Aizawa looked over to where Ida was pointing. His eyes widened slightly. The smoke then appeared around the class. They all started to panic.

"Hello, kids," Kurogiri said to the class.

More people appeared, they walked out of the mist in the middle of the building, including Evie. She had her mask up, that way no one would notice her. Nobody could tell it was actually her because of the distance between them.

"Thirteen, protect the students." Aizawa said while sliding under the smoke. "I'll deal with the villains."

"All Might," Shigaraki looked around. "He's supposed to be here today, yet I don't see him. Tch, what an unexpected turn of events. Good thing Konto's sister is helping."

"Villains?!" The class questioned.

"What are villains doing here?" Jiro questioned.

"How the hell did they get in without setting off the alarms?!" Kaminari yelled.

"Calm down," Thirteen said. "Everyone get behind me!" Thirteen pointed at the yellow eyes. The cap on her gloves opened. "Black Hole!"

Kurogiri was getting sucked into her Black Hole. He laughed. "You don't understand how my quirk works. You're a foolish hero."

Kurogiri created a portal behind Thirteen. He made it to where Black Hole wasn't sucking him, but she was now destroying herself. She closed the caps on her suit and fell. "You cursed villain."

Ashido and Hagakure caught Thirteen, yelling her name.

"She said not to hurt you, students. Instead, I'll split you up." Kurogiri then wrapped the mist around the students, sending them to different locations in the USJ.

"Agh!" Deku said as he fell from the portal.

"Wahhh!" Mineta fell on top of Deku.

"Ribbit," Asui hopped down from the portal.

Deku looked around. Everywhere was covered in water. It was obvious they had been transported to a flooded zone in the USJ. Evie fell down from the portal, landing on a rail. She jumped off the rail and helped Deku up.

"Sheesh," Evie said, rubbing the back of her head. "Just what are villains doing here?"

Of course, Evie knew why. But she had to play along since she was still part of class 1-A. She had been told to slip out of the class and talked to her brother, Elios, for a bit.

"Can you just keep them out of the way?" Elios had asked her. "Pretty please. For your brother?"

"Ugh, fine." Evie had finally agreed after a lot of convincing. "I'll keep them out of the way as much as I can. But if you or Shigaraki do much as lay a finger in them, it's down to hell you go. Got it?"

"Ok, I got it, your highness. Can you just not scare me with that terrifying aura you have?"

Deku started to look around. They were clearly on a boat, floating in the middle of the zone. "The villains separated us."

"No way," Mineta stuttered. "What are the villains gonna do? Are they going to kill us? Dissect us? Ah, experiment us?!"

"I don't think the villains are here for us." Asui said. "They put us in a completely random location in the USJ."

"Which means they probably don't know our quirk," Deku finished after Asui. "They don't know our quirks, so they separated us. It's their best bet if they don't know anything about us."

"Hey, Midoryia, Asui?" Mineta stuttered and pointed down at the water. "We're completely surrounded by villains!"

Deku rushed over to the rail, and like Mineta had said, the boat was surrounded by villains. Deku chewed on his nails, thinking.

"If you guys were listening than you would know," Evie crossed her arms. "They're after All Might. Except he's not here."

"They're after All Might?!" Mineta exclaimed.

Asui watched the villains as they stared back at her. She had realized something rather important. "They're all in the water, they aren't attacking or anything."

"Hmm, they're quirk must be water based." Deku thought out loud. "Asui, your quirk works in water, right?"

"Yeah, my quirk allows me to jet through the water like a frog. And call me Tsu."

"Ok, and Mineta, how long and how strong are the balls on your head? (Sounds so wrong)"

"It depends on my mood, if I'm in a really good mood, they'll usually stick for the whole day. But what are you going to do with them?"

"I have an idea. Asui- I mean, Tsu. How long does your tongue go out?"

"About 20 meters,"

"If we can use Mineta's quirk and your tongue, we can tie everyone up. I'll use my own quirk to get them up in the air. I'll make it to where they'll be up and out of the water."

Evie watched them. She was totally forgotten. It was because Deku wanted to rely on himself. He had been relying on Evie since day one, whether it was protecting him or thinking for him. Deku was naturally a smart teen boy, but he always had Evie there with him.

"Y'know," Evie sighed. "I could just tie them up myself."


"Well, you guys completely forgot about me. You were too busy coming up with a really complicated plan."

"You guys are so cool, you're risking your lives. You don't look scared at all. I mean, I only joined UA to be cool."

Evie stared at Mineta. She couldn't believe he was doubting himself only now. She grabbed him with her ropes, pinning him down to the ground. She squatted down to his level and grabbed his lower jaw, squeezing his cheeks.

"You wanna be cool? Act like it. What do you come to UA for if you can't take one risk? You have people here to support you. Get your act together before I kick your ass."

Mineta nodded quickly. He was shocked, scared and amazed. To him, Evie was a flawless and fearless badass.

"I forget how scary you can be, Evie." Deku whimpered. "Ok, new plan. I'll get the villains up in the air, Evie will grab them and tie them up. While Mineta and Asu- Tsu will get to shore."

They nodded, agreeing to the plan. Deku looked over the rail, watching the villains. He thought to himself, "oh, what would Kacchan say? I'm too nervous to think any differently."

Deku glared at the villains and jumped off the boat, yelling, "Go to hell, bastard!"

Evie had to hold her laugh in. She was amazed that Deku would even whisper those words, let alone yell it to the world.

Deku held his wrist as his hand formed a flicking position. He imagined the image of an egg inside a microwave. He yelled the word 'Smash' in his head while flicking the water. He and the villains were sent flying out of the water as waves crashed against each other.

"Ahh! What the hell is this kids problem?!" The villains yelled.

Deku's finger was now broken. He wouldn't be able to use anymore. Evie jumped over the tail and wrapped the villains in her ropes while also grabbing Deku. Asui and Mineta jumped into the water and started swimming to shore.

"Y'know," Mineta said while Asui held him, swimming to shore. "Your boobs make a nice floaty."

Asui threw Mineta to shore without thinking if he would break anything. Mineta groaned as he sat up. He gave a thumbs up after the birds stopped flying around his head, approving that it was worth it.

Evie put Deku on shore and left the villains floating in the water, tied up in her ropes. She saw Shigaraki looking her way. She than saw Elios, otherwise known as Kontororu or Konto.

"Why are you helping them?" Elios said in Evie's ear piece. "I thought you were just keeping them out of the way."

"Well, what do you think I'm doing, idiot?" Evie whispered into the ear piece. "It's harder than you think to distract a bunch of people at once. I mean we only have so many copies Twice made for us."

"Just make sure. They stay out of the way, it'll make things easier for both you and me."