
(HP X MCU) Multiversal Adventure : World Outside Hogwarts

This story is a meta story that i decided to write after the boring same fan-fics. everyone has a overpowered talent or system that helps them. in this story, the MC has no special talent or system. The story is realistic and grounded. The MC has to put effort to gain something. And things have to make sense to happen. There is a lot of details be it about science or programming. and people talk. Finally, the MC does not just want to be stronger for no reason. He would much rather be watching TV then fighting a dragon as it is dangerous and because THATS WHAT A NORMAL FUCKING HUMAN WOULD . ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The MC transmigrates into another world. But there was an error, so he did not die and later finds out that the one he calls his brother was supposed to be him. This error made his system nonfunctional. The MC lived until he was 15 when he found out that the world was the Harry Potter world all along. Hogwarts letter came not for him but for his brother. When the MC was alone, he got contacted by a mysterious man and got the power to travel to the MCU. When the MC goes to the MCU to become strong, he finds that there the Harry Potter movie here had his brother as a character. The MC realizes He was an extra in a HP fanfic movie all along. Join him in his exploration of the world outside Hogwarts ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attention- #This will not have harem and 18+. # The story will be more like a slice of life adventure and action combined type of story. # MC will not be OP #System will only be his phone with few functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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34 Chs

Chapter 1: Into the Omniverse (Edited)

[IGI Airport, New Delhi, India]


The airport bustled with activity as the summer break drew to a close, and travelers hurried to their destinations. The Check-in area overflowed with people anxiously waiting their turn. Laughter filled the air, particularly in the corners where young individuals congregated, likely students returning from their summer break adventures. Businesspeople occupied the seats, their eyes fixed on laptops, while others immersed themselves in their own world, wearing headphones and engrossed in their phones. Almost everyone appeared engrossed in their digital devices, except for one man who stood out from the crowd. Seated alone in the front row, he captivated attention as he focused intently on writing in an ancient-looking diary resting on his lap. However, amidst the commotion, nobody seemed to pay him any mind.

The television mounted on the wall displayed a news channel reporting on a protest outside CREN, led by activists striving to halt an impending experiment scheduled to take place in a few hours. The experiment involved activating the upgraded LHC machine, set to reach its highest-ever energy level. Speculations had arisen, suggesting that such an event could potentially open a black hole. Yet, the captivating news failed to captivate the attention of the bustling crowd.

In the front row, the diligent writer glanced up at the television momentarily before returning his focus to his diary.

The young man, seemingly in his mid-20s, sported headphones enveloping his ears, donning a simple jacket and blue jeans. His black hair framed his face, while his brown eyes mirrored curiosity. His average facial features were accentuated by a neatly trimmed beard, and his light brown skin exuded a natural glow. Standing at an average height, he carried a slight weight, but it didn't detract from his overall appearance. Contrary to assumptions, the headphones he wore were not playing music; they served as a barrier, deterring people from engaging him in conversation.

This young man went by the name of Rohan. He prepared to bid India farewell, as he embarked on a permanent journey to London. With only a few remaining hours in his home country, unlike others, he felt no sorrow. In fact, he eagerly anticipated his departure. Now situated in the boarding area, he patiently awaited his turn to step onto the plane.

Upon closer inspection, one would notice that the diary on his lap only had a single blank page left.

[Rohan POV]

'Finally!' I thought, feeling a sense of accomplishment as I turned to the last page of the diary. After so much time, I had finished writing the whole thing, leaving just one blank page.

I paused, wondering, 'What should I write on this last page? Maybe a summary?' I decided to summarize everything I had written. Taking a deep breath, I picked up the pen and began writing carefully.

<<I wasn't someone who wrote in a diary, but it was one of her last wishes, so I made myself write every day as nighttime exercise. And now, after two years, I've finally finished it.< p>

Let me start from the beginning. My name is Rohan, and I used to live in Delhi with my parents until they died in an accident when I was 12. After that, I stayed with my grandmother. She was old, but she did her best. To not depend too much on her, I learned to cook and earned money from odd jobs. The downside was that I didn't have many friends and became kind of a loner.

One day, my grandmother fell ill and had to go to the hospital. The doctors did tests and said she only had about a year to live. From that point on, I had to take care of her, go to college, and work part-time. I learned web designing, which helped me earn a decent income. I was so focused on everything that I didn't have time for social activities. Seeing this, my grandmother suggested I start writing every day to clear my mind.

After a year, two aunts appeared out of nowhere and contacted us. My grandmother wasn't happy to see them. It turned out they found out about her illness and came to try and get money from her. That's why she didn't tell me about them. They had some problems in the past. But little did they know, their plans wouldn't work out.

My grandmother came up with a plan. She wanted me to move far away after she passed away and start a new life. To make it happen, she decided to sell everything she had and give me the money. That was a year ago.

It's been a week since she passed away, and now I'm at the airport waiting for my flight. I got a job offer in London, of all places. Some might think I'd be sad to leave home, but I'm actually excited about the future.>>


"The boarding will begin in 15 minutes, so please get ready," announced a flight attendant.

"Hooray!" "Finally!" some people cheered in response.

I glanced at the last page of my diary, briefly contemplating, before closing it. Packing my belongings, my phone rang suddenly. It was one of my aunts. I smiled, switched it to flight mode, and tucked it away.

After another 20 minutes, I finally settled into my seat.

Once everyone was seated, the flight crew commenced their usual routine, and shortly thereafter, we took off into the sky. The pilot made an announcement.

Following the announcements, I put on my headphones and leaned back, quickly drifting off to sleep.

I'm unsure of how long I dozed, but the increasing turbulence began to rouse me. After several minutes of attempting to sleep, I opened my eyes. The cabin was dim, with most passengers either asleep or engrossed in movies. Peering out the window, I noticed the plane heading straight into a storm.

"What is the pilot thinking?" I questioned myself, feeling perplexed.

Something didn't feel right when I saw the storm. The sky had an eerie greenish tint, yet nobody else seemed bothered by it. As I turned to ask those around me, the turbulence intensified. Suddenly, oxygen masks dropped from above. The pilot calmly instructed everyone to remain composed and wear masks. Within seconds, the cabin lights flickered before plunging into darkness. The cries of other passengers abruptly ceased, enveloping the space in an unsettling silence.

Gradually, the green light grew brighter, illuminating the plane through the windows. It intensified, and when I could finally see again, I dont remember much but i could here people screaming and then suddenly, silence. I opened my eyes when i could and was taken aback by the absence of people. Not a single soul remained in sight. Within seconds, hundreds of passengers vanished into thin air. A shiver ran down my spine like never before, rendering my legs weak and unsteady. After a few deep breaths, I managed to stand and cautiously made my way toward the cockpit.


To be honest, I couldn't help but wonder if this was some kind of elaborate prank, like in the movie 'Now You See Me 2.' However, deep down, I knew it wasn't a prank. Whatever was happening, it was completely unnatural, unlike anything I had ever witnessed. With hesitant movements, I slowly opened the cockpit door and what I saw left me in awe. The sight outside the windows was breathtaking. The sky had a mesmerizing green hue, blended with an array of vibrant colors as if numerous auroras adorned the heavens. In the midst of this celestial display, the plane drifted slowly towards a swirling rainbow vortex at the center. It resembled a magnificent and colorful galaxy, and the plane was being inexorably drawn towards its heart.

I realized there was nothing I could do except observe in utter confusion as the events unfolded before my eyes. As the plane neared the center of the whirlpool, I could only brace myself, anticipating what lay ahead.

The colossal jumbo jet descended into a nosedive. Desperately, I pulled and pushed the controls, attempting to regain control, but my efforts proved futile. After about 10 to 15 minutes, I was certain that I wasn't on Earth anymore, as I should have perished by now. The plane then passed through what seemed like a membrane, and that's when everything started to disintegrate. It defied all logic; leather shattered like glass, steel twisted like fabric, and dark fumes emanated from the wreckage. In a matter of moments, the massive aircraft was reduced to a pile of scrap. Everything happened too swiftly, leaving me disoriented as I plummeted through the void. Suddenly, my surroundings shattered like glass. The brilliant rainbow light vanished, and I found myself floating in space, a green expanse stretching infinitely.

Throughout the descent, I experienced excruciating pain coursing through my entire body as if I was being stretched, cut, pushed, and pulled apart repeatedly. I screamed, but I couldn't hear my own voice. When I could finally open my eyes, I discovered that I was somehow aging rapidly. Wrinkles etched themselves onto my skin within seconds, and my hair turned stark white and long. Most of my clothes had decayed away. Shock immobilized my thoughts, leaving me in a state of utter disbelief. I had no idea how long I had been trapped in this surreal space, but I yearned for it to stop. The overwhelming torment threatened to drive me to madness.

Just as I thought I was fading away, a radiant yellow aura enveloped me, bringing warmth and a sense of tranquility that I hadn't felt in ages. It spread throughout my body, revitalizing me, and I watched in awe as the aging process reversed. I grew younger, my height decreasing, and my hands shrinking. My mind became hazy, thoughts jumbled. In the midst of it all, darkness consumed my vision.

When I finally opened my eyes, it felt as though only a moment had passed, and I found myself lying on a hospital bed in a serene room. Slowly, my consciousness returned, accompanied by a surge of pain coursing through my body. It took a while for me to realize that I was covered in bandages.

Before I could process what was happening, a translucent purple screen materialized before my eyes, displaying bold text. Still groggy from waking up, I struggled to read the blurry lines.

{Processing information. Standby...}

{Analysis complete. Providing explanation.}

{I understand that you must be bewildered by the events that transpired. On your Earth, a brief rupture in the space-time fabric occurred due to an experiment, lasting for a mere 0.000000002 seconds. Unfortunately, you accidentally fell into it. Allow me to congratulate you on surviving such an unfortunate occurrence.}

" ??? "

{At that precise moment, you were airborne. Through an unfortunate twist of fate, you were pulled into the rift and ejected from your own universe.}

" Wat? "

{As the extra dimension you entered does not permit the existence of matter, you began to disintegrate. However, luck was on your side as you stumbled into a temporal storm, allowing you to survive in a peculiar manner. Your soul endured, but your physical form was destroyed.}

" What? "

{Thankfully, an extradimensional being often referred to as 'God' intervened and aided in your reincarnation into a new world, one to which your soul had a connection. As a token of accomplishing the impossible, you were bestowed with certain abilities to assist you in your future endeavors. Best of luck in your new journey.}





Author's note-

This is my first attempt at writing a web novel so do tell me how you like it and any advice will be much appreciated.

Auther note 2- I have used chatGPT to improve my writing and I am really amazed. I never imagined that my story could be so much better with good writing.



[IGI Airport, New Delhi, India]


It was a busy day at the airport as summer break was about to end and everyone had places to return to. The Check-in area was crowded with people waiting. The corners were full of young people laughing, must be students returning from summer break. The seats were filled with people in suits, eyes glued to their laptops, and some were sitting with headphones on looking at their phones. Almost everyone was busy on their phones but their was one man who was the odd one among the rest. He was sitting alone in the front seat fully immersed in writing in an old-looking diary on his lap. But he did not draw any attention as everyone was busy among themselves.

On the TV, the news channel was playing about a protest outside CREN by some activists to stop the experiment that was about to happen in a few hours. The LHC machine was going to be activated after 3 years after the upgrade with the highest-ever energy, and some believed that it would open a black hole. Then again, No one was really paying attention to the TV.

In the front row seat, the man writing did, he looked up at the tv for a second but soon resumed his writing.

The boy looked to be in his mid-20s, with headphones covering his ears, wearing a simple jacket and blue jeans. He had black hair, and brown eyes; his facial features were average with a lightly trimmed beard, he had light brown skin, had an average height, and was a little overweight. Contrary to how it may seem, he was not listening to music; the headphones were just there so that people don't talk to him.

This boy's name was Rohan. He was going to leave India permanently moving to London. He only had a few hours of stay left in his home country, but unlike others, he was not feeling any sadness, in fact, he couldn't wait to leave. He was now sitting in the boarding area, waiting to board the plane.

On his lap, If one looked closely, he could see that the diary only had a page left.

[Rohan POV]

'Finally !' I look at the diary with satisfaction as I turn to the last page of the diary. I had finally finished writing the whole thing and only a single page was.

'Hmm, what should I write on the last page? a summary maybe?' I decide to write a summary of all the pages I have written. I sighed and slowly pick up the pen and carefully start writing.

<<I 2 was never a diary-writing kind but as this one of her final requests, I forced myself to write daily night exercise. Now finally finished it and all took years.< p>

Let's start from the beginning, My name is Rohan and I lived in Delhi with my parents until they died in an accident when I was 12. After that, I lived with my grandmother. She was already old but she did her best. I did not want to rely on her too much so I learned to take care of myself by cooking and earning money doing odd jobs. The downside to it was that I was never in any social circle and had become a loner.

One day, my grandmother fell ill and had to be rushed to the hospital. The doctor conducted tests and found she had only over a year to live. From that point, I had to take care of her treatment, college studies, and a part-time job. I learned web designing which helped me earn quite a lot. I was so focused on doing everything that I skipped almost all social activities. Seeing that, my grandmother advised me to start writing daily to focus my thoughts.

After about a year, two Aunts popped up from nowhere and started contacting us, my grandmother was not so happy to see them, it turns out that they got news about her illness from somewhere and came to try and get money out of her. It was also the reason she did not tell me about them. They had a falling out in the past. Little did they know, their plans would not go their way.

My grandmother proposed a plan, She wanted me to move far away from here and start a new life after she is gone. For that she planned to sell everything she had and give it to me. That was a year ago.

It has been a week since she passed away and now I am in the airport waiting for my flight. I was able to land a job in London of all places, Some might think I might be sad to leave home but on the contrary, I am excited about the future.>>

"The boarding will start in 15 mins so please get ready" announced a flight attendant.

"About time" someone cheered.

I looked back at the last page and thought about a second and then closed it. I packed my things when suddenly my phone rang, it was from one of my aunts, I smiled and turned on flight mode and put it away.

It took another 20 mins before I was finally in my seat.

After everyone was seated, the flight crew started their usual drill, and soon after we were in the sky. The Pilot then made an announcement

After all the announcements ended, I put my headphones on and laid back. In no time i was sleeping.

I don't know how long I slept but the turbulence was getting frequent enough to wake me up. After a few mins of trying to sleep I opened my eyes, The cabin was dark, most were sleeping while some were watching movies. I looked outside the window and saw the plane heading right into a storm.

'what is the pilot thinking?' I questioned my self in confusion

When I saw the storm, something in me did not feel right; there was a green hue in the sky, and no one else was bothered by it. when I turned to ask around, the turbulence got rougher. Then masks dropped down. The pilot announced to everyone to remain calm and put on the masks. After a few seconds, Suddenly, the cabin's lights started to flicker and then everything became dark and the cries of other passengers stopped abruptly, an eerie silence fell as I could not hear the people or the engines anymore.

Slowly, the green light started to become brighter and started to illuminate the plane from the windows, It was getting brighter and brighter. when I could finally see again, I was shocked to see that all the people were gone. Not a single soul is in sight, a few hundred people just disappear in seconds. A chill went through my spine like never before. my legs went limp and couldn't get up. After a few breaths, I somehow got up and slowly walked to the cockpit.

Truth be told I was still thinking if it was some kind of prank but deep inside, I knew it was not. Whatever was happening, it was unnatural very unnatural. I slowly opened the cockpit door and then I saw it. Outside the windows, what I was seeing was breathtaking; the sky had a green hue with many colors mixing as if hundreds of Aurora were in the sky all around, and in this sea, the plane was slowly sailing towards a rainbow whirlpool in the center. It looked like a very colourful galaxy and the plane was slowly floating toward the center of it.

There was nothing I could do except just watch in confusion about what was occurring before my eyes. As the plane was about to reach the center of the whirlpool, all I could do was brace myself in the pilot seat.

The huge jumbo jet was now in a nosedive. I was pulling and pushing the leavers to do something but it did little to no help. after about 10-15 mins i was sure I was not on earth as I would be dead by now. The plane then passed through something like a membrane and then it started to disintegrate. It did not make sense as leather was being shattered like glass and steel was getting turned like fabric, with black fumes coming off them. In a minute or two, the huge plane was nothing but a pile of scrap. everything was happening too fast and I was disoriented while falling; suddenly my surroundings just shattered like glass. the bright rainbow light around me was gone; now, I was in space, a green space.

All the while falling, I was in pain all over my body like it was getting stretched, cut, pushed, and pulled apart again and again. I was screaming yet I could not hear anything. When I could finally open my eyes I saw that I was aging very fast, I had wrinkles appearing by the second, and my hair was growing white. my clothes were mostly rotted away. I was in shock, and could not think of anything. I didn't know for how long I was in here but I wanted it to stop, I was getting overwhelmed and soon I would surely lose my mind.

When I thought I was going to wither away, a yellow aura enveloped me, I felt heat and calmness after a long time, I felt warm all over my body and then I saw my body was getting revitalized; I started to get younger again. I looked around and it felt as if someone was watching me from afar.

Soon I noticed that I was getting younger and younger, my height was reducing my hands were getting smaller and smaller. My thoughts were getting muddled. The last thing I saw was darkness.

I opened my eyes like it was only a blink and I was on a Hospital bed inside a quiet room. My consciousness was returning and I could feel pain all over my body. It took a while for me to notice that I had bandages all over my body.

before I could think of anything a purple transparent screen popped up in front of my eyes and in it bold Text started to appear. I was still in the process of waking up when I started reading the hazy lines of text.

{ I know you are confused because of what happened to you. On your earth, due to an experiment, a small hole was opened in the fabric of space-time for 0.000000002 sec and you accidentally fell into it. I am here to congratulate you on surviving such an unfortunate event.}

" ??? "

{At that moment, You were flying. Due to bad luck, you were pulled into the hole and fell out of your universe.}

" wat?"

{As the extra dimension does not allow the matter to exist, you were being disintegrated but as luck would have it, you fell into a temporal storm and were able to survive, and by survive I mean that only your soul survived, your body was destroyed. }

" What? "

{Fortunately, for you, an extra-dimensional being you might know as 'God' helped you reincarnate in a new world to which your soul was connected. To assist you in your future endeavors, some abilities were given to you as a present for accomplishing the impossible. Best of Luck for the future}


" WHAAAT !!!"