
(HIATUS) There's no way I gain their abilities if they like me.

———————— Dive into a world where American movies and dramas come alive, as Mike embarks on a thrilling journey. Guided by a mysterious system. ———————— Currently TV Shows and Movies: Big Bang Theory Fast and Furious John Wick Parker (2013) Saw . … ———————— MTL Link: [https://www.-----69shu.com/txt/ 9----9625-------43.ht-----m] ————————

RagingDebtColektor · Película
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56 Chs


Mike obtained Adam's address with the intention of installing a tracker on him.

After all, this would allow Mike to discover the location of Jigsaw's secret room, which was crucial for solving the puzzle.

As long as he could pinpoint the room's whereabouts, everything else would fall into place.

Arriving at the detective's office, Mike found the door closed.

He knocked but received no response from within.

After a while, a neighbor approached and informed Mike, "Mr. Adam may be out. I heard he got a job in New York."

Mike's mind reeled at this unexpected turn of events.

The disappearance of another key character left him uncertain about the direction the plot would take.

Seeking a new lead, Mike retreated to a quiet place to think.

In the afternoon, he met up with Dr. Gordon at a bar and they enjoyed hamburgers and fries.

Mike warned Gordon, "Be cautious lately, and watch out for the revenge of the former detective."

However, Gordon seemed dismissive, having forced the detective out previously.

Observing Gordon's nonchalant expression, Mike couldn't help but feel a surge of anger.

He thought to himself, 'If it weren't for Jigsaw, I wouldn't bother with this jerk.'

Mike wanted nothing more than to teach Gordon a lesson.

After their meal, Mike discreetly placed five or six trackers on Gordon before departing.

Back at the temporary hotel, Mike found himself bored and waited for two days.

Impatient, he wondered why nothing had transpired yet.

Could it be that the missing character had altered the course of events?

Left with uncertainty, Mike sought to capture another protagonist.


In a different room, an old man examined Mike's information and muttered to himself, "He likes racing cars but doesn't value life."

The old man sneered, confident in his plans.

Unaware of the unfolding events, Mike grew restless, waiting on the sidelines.

Suddenly, a masked man resembling a pig attacked Gordon, rendering him unconscious before whisking him away.

Meanwhile, as Mike sat in the bar, a waiter stumbled and knocked the glass out of his hand, causing water to spill on the floor.

Perplexed, Mike wondered what was happening.

Unbeknownst to Mike, the old man seethed with frustration, cursing the waiter for inadvertently foiling his plans to drug Mike.

Despite the strange occurrence, Mike sat down again and was served a second glass of water.

With anticipation, the old man watched as Mike prepared to drink.

But just then, a fly diverted Mike's attention.

The fly buzzed around before plunging into the glass of water.

Mike stared at the fly, unsure whether to exclaim or not.

"Why is my luck so terrible? Am I not fortunate?" Mike pondered, frustrated by his inability to drink a simple glass of water. [E/N: LMAO]

Witnessing the scene, the waiter apologized and offered to replace the water.

"No need, I'll drink it in my room," Mike replied, deciding to retreat to his room.

Mike stepped into the elevator and returned to the hotel.

Just as he was about to enter his room, his cell phone rang, further infuriating him.

Annoyed, he ignored the call and proceeded to his room.

Grabbing a jug, Mike finally managed to drink water.

But his relief was short-lived as he promptly passed out.

If the magical [God-Level Luck] had the ability to speak, it would surely complain about Mike.

Despite his best efforts, he couldn't save this pig-headed teammate.

When Mike regained consciousness, he found himself in Adam's place, while Adam had been swapped with him.

Witnessing his own capture, Mike realized why the magical [God-Level Luck] had failed him. [E/N: WTF R U ON}

Moreover, he berated himself for being careless and for not trusting the system enough.

Angry at the situation, Mike noticed his feet were shackled.

A gruesome corpse lay between him and Gordon, its blood-drenched body clutching a VCR in one hand and a gun in the other.

Quickly regaining his composure, Mike took the tape from the corpse, inserted it into the VCR, and listened intently.

"Mike, as a drag racing enthusiast, you have shown a disregard for others' lives, including your own. A life without respect is not worth preserving."

Following the original script, Gordon took control of Mike's fate.

Finding everything he needed, including the keys, Mike turned to Gordon and disclosed Jigsaw's identity.

Gordon's attempts to speak were stifled as if his lines had been amplified.

Seeing Gordon's expression of disbelief, Mike shrugged helplessly.

Eventually, Mike devised a plan to escape.

He looked at Gordon and said, "Throw me the bullet and saw, and I'll free myself from these shackles first."

Suspicious, Gordon questioned Mike's request.

Mike reassured him, "Trust me, once I have the gun, I can help free you. It's only effective in my hands. You need to save your wife quickly. By the way, I'm not just an ordinary person—I'm a killer. Even if you escape, you won't be able to ensure the safety of your wife and daughter. It takes a professional killer to handle someone like Jigsaw." Mike briefly assumed the role of John and revealed his true identity.

Gordon, beginning to believe in Mike, tossed the gun to him.

"Promise me, you'll save my wife and daughter," Gordon pleaded.

Mike smiled and replied, "Not only will I save them, but I'll also cripple Jigsaw. He will truly be rendered helpless."

Using two connected saws, Mike skillfully hooked the gun.

He loaded a bullet, aimed at the anklet on his foot, and fired, freeing himself from the restraints.

Seeing this take place, the old man was flabbergasted.

I love the word flabbergasted



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