
(HIATUS) There's no way I gain their abilities if they like me.

———————— Dive into a world where American movies and dramas come alive, as Mike embarks on a thrilling journey. Guided by a mysterious system. ———————— Currently TV Shows and Movies: Big Bang Theory Fast and Furious John Wick Parker (2013) Saw . … ———————— MTL Link: [https://www.-----69shu.com/txt/ 9----9625-------43.ht-----m] ————————

RagingDebtColektor · Película
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56 Chs

Drag Racing Gal Ga-Giselle

Brian led Mike to the nearest drag racing spot, a lively neighborhood bustling with people.

Dynamic music filled the air as the crowd gathered in groups, and several sports cars were parked in the center.

Mike approached a woman that can completely pull off a Wonder Woman cosplay better than Mia standing beside her car, tall and clad in skinny jeans with her legs casually leaning against the vehicle.

"Yo! Let's have a race!" Mike suggested with enthusiasm.

The woman showed interest, glancing at Mike and flashing a smile. "Okay!"

Word spread quickly among the spectators, and they cleared a path for the racers. Both Mike and Giselle climbed into their respective cars.

With a thunderous roar, the two cars accelerated and sped off simultaneously, maneuvering like agile snakes around the block.

A pedestrian suddenly appeared in their path, causing one of them to swerve left and the other to veer right, safely bypassing the person.

Just as they thought the coast was clear, a truck appeared ahead. Mike accelerated and surged forward, narrowly avoiding a collision.

When they reached the finish line, it was Mike who emerged victorious.

He turned to the woman and declared, "I won!"

Giselle began to hand over the car keys, but Mike interrupted her. "I don't want your car. I need to talk to you." With that, Mike started his car and drove towards a remote suburb.

He stopped on a low bridge where the signal would be poor.

As Giselle arrived, Mike leaned against his car, waiting for her.

"Let's get straight to the point. I mainly want to save my friend Letty. Do you have any news about Letty?" Mike asked, cutting to the chase.

"Letty? The new racing driver. Who are you to Letty?" Giselle inquired, curiosity flickering in her eyes.

"I'm Letty's friend. When my friend is in danger, I'm here," Mike replied, his expression inscrutable.

"Oh! Then can I be your friend?" Giselle suggested with a charming smile, taking a step closer to Mike.

Upon hearing her words, a bright smile lit up Mike's face. "Of course! I love making friends! Let's get acquainted. I'm Mike."

The sudden shift in Mike's demeanor confused Giselle, making her stumble for a moment.

She began to doubt whether her previous perception of Mike's interest was merely an illusion.

She couldn't understand why she had been intrigued by someone so peculiar.

Mike pulled out his phone and said, "Let's exchange numbers as friends so we can stay in touch."

Giselle, taken aback by Mike's directness, decided to confront him. "What do you want from me? Is it just about Letty, or is there another purpose behind your intentions?"

Mike didn't beat around the bush. "My friend is part of Braga's racing team, and I want to know more about Letty. I also want to join the team."

"Our next round of recruitment hasn't started yet," Giselle replied, her expression turning cold.

"That's alright. I can serve as a reserve or substitute. If any team member encounters an accident, I can step in immediately," Mike suggested, a proud look on his face.

Just then, Giselle received a phone call. "What? Johnny had a traffic accident? He was hit while crossing the road?"

After hanging up, Giselle looked at Mike with meaningful eyes.

Mike seemed oblivious to the peculiar atmosphere, and he hurriedly said, "Sorry! I was forward earlier. Making friends is one of my hobbies."

He then glanced at Giselle with newfound interest.

Giselle, bewildered, finally realized what had transpired.

She had been complaining internally about Mike's lack of response when she attempted to use her charm, but now she questioned her initial interest in him.

How could she be attracted to someone so peculiar?

Mike interrupted her thoughts and said, "Leave me your number. It's always good to have friends around. I'll be able to reach out to you in the future."

Giselle decided to play her cards openly. "What do you want from me? It's impossible for it to be just about Letty. Tell me, what's your purpose?"

Mike acknowledged Giselle's astuteness. "You're right. It's not just about Letty. I want to infiltrate the racing team. I know there may be accidents, but having me as a substitute driver will be advantageous," he said proudly, emphasizing his driving skills.

Giselle, weighing her options, realized it didn't matter.

As long as Mike performed well as a substitute driver during their recruitment, it would be of benefit even if he had an ulterior motive.

"Alright! You're lucky. We just had a driver involved in an accident," Giselle remarked, her tone tinged with a strange quality.

"Thank you! When do we start?" Mike inquired eagerly.

"It seems you understand the situation well," Giselle responded.

"Of course! If I didn't understand, I wouldn't have come. Success or failure, life or death, that's the risk. I have no ulterior motives other than that," Mike declared, aware of Giselle's lack of loyalty.

He didn't feel the need to pretend in front of her. After all, having a few allies was necessary, and his aim was to turn Giselle into one.

"Alright! Tomorrow night, don't be late," Giselle instructed.

"Okay," Mike agreed, and both of them drove away.

Mike knew that the current Braga was an imposter, but he needed to eliminate the fake to draw out the real Braga, or rather, Campos.

On the phone with Brian, Mike made arrangements for their upcoming operation and requested detailed planning. He understood that this time it was a ruse.

From now on Im changing I'll refer to myself as an editor instead of translator



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