
(dropped. not interested)

what would happen when a simple mortal wakes up in a plane crash and now has to play through all those games? i do not own any of the games listed. i will take credit for this idea because i haven't seen any of these ideas. .

Scathach_ · Fantasía
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14 Chs

1: intro

Oliver Adams... was a hardworking fellow who tried his hardest to provide for his family who didn't even care about him.

his family was the worst of the worst. abuse both physically and emotionally. he never got the chance to have the feeling of parental love.

he swore that if he ever had a kid he would never let this happen to them. no.. he would do ANYTHING to prevent that, and he would gladly accept the punishment for it.

sadly that isn't the story of our protagonist because here he was sitting in the hospital bed alone, with nobody around his death bed.

no friends, no family, not even a girlfriend. he continued to stare up at the ceiling before finally gathering his courage.

he reached over and with the remaining strength unplug the machine that was keeping him alive. by the time the doctors found out it was already too late.

Oliver for the first time in his life found peace, in the last seconds of his life had his life flash before his eyes.

all 22 years were full of misery, from his parents, his ex, school, and even his job. he just gave and gave until he had nothing left.

a tear fell from his eye as he realized that he was going to be leaving his dog with his neighbor. he was certainly going to miss that dog, the only person to not betray him.

his eyes finally shut and he died with a smile on his face. but like they say, nothing is permanent.

"ahhhhhh," a scream was heard and Oliver's eyes shot wide open.

he appeared on a plane, and there were people yelling and throwing their arms in the air, but at that time the plane had hit the water and it caused a huge mess.

Oliver still conscious made his way to the lone building In the middle of the sea. was it suspicious? yes. did he have a choice? no.

he lay on the steps gasping for breath, and in pain. the fire was close enough to feel on his face and it burned a little.

Oliver then thought about what had happened, he remembered clearly that he unplugged the device and killed himself. so why was he here?

it didn't look like his body either, meaning he was inside another body, but how is that possible?

he didn't have a clue, but he made his way into the building.

the door shut behind him and the lights turned on. he continued making his way downstairs and saw a submarine of sorts.

he walked up to the lever and pulled it and the door behind him closed, and the sub submerged into the water.

a screen appeared in Infront of me and a video began, introducing me to Andrew Ryan. he began talking about his ideals.

the screen disappeared and over the rocks appeared a city. a beautiful underwater city.

I saw a robot wielding a glass tunnel and somehow I knew that it was dangerous.

the sub pulled into a tunnel specifically made for it and began acceding. I saw two people in Infront of me and the lights turned off, so I could only see silhouettes.

I saw the man begging as the guy with the hooks got closer, and closer, before cutting his stomach, and then stabbing him again.

it then walked to my sub, and screamed at it, causing me to freeze in fear. it jumped onto the roof and I looked up, but it made a hole, before jumping off and leaving.

I heard somebody say there was a radio so I hesitantly picked it up.

"I don't know how you survived that plane crash, but I'm not one to question providence. I'm atlas, and I aim to keep you alive. now keep on moving... we're going to have to get you to higher ground," the man said.

the door opened and now I was free to leave the sub, and into dangerous territory.


I hope you liked the first chapter.