
'You look lonely' - Steven Strange

Dr. Steven Strange – what an arrogant piece of shit. You observe the guest professor for neurosurgery hold the last lecture of the semester.

But by god, he is smart and knows what he's talking about.

More problematic than his character are, concerning your ability to concentrate, his looks. He wears a fitted suit, no tie, first to buttons of the white shirt unbuttoned. His hair shows a few grey strands – your weakness. And then his high cheekbones that get accentuated by the headlights, make him appear almost out of this world handsome.

You blink, realizing that you have been staring at him without taking notes for several minutes now. He looked in your general direction a few times, but you're not sure if he looked at you. You shift in your seat and roll your shoulders to make yourself feel more present and stop the thirsty daydreaming.

However, even when you rip your eyes off him and look at your notepad, his dark, velvet voice still reminds you of his presence.

Luckily, the last session is more of a wrap-up and it's not as dramatic that you keep swooning over him. It's kind of embarrassing, but you hope that no one noticed. You're also pretty sure that you're not the only person in this classroom that is into him.

When the lecture is over, you are equally relieved and disappointed.

You pack your stuff up slower than necessary but don't dare to linger long enough to be the last student in the room. What would that even amount to? He looks like he cannot wait to get out of here.

Chest tight, you leave. It's a stupid crush, you shake your head. Take a deep breath and move on.

You're able to repress any thought about Steven Strange while picking up books from the library, getting a coffee and thinking about how you will spend this pleasantly sunny without being hot afternoon.

Then, of course, you see him again. He is standing somewhat close to the parking lot, having a smoke. All by himself, you note.

You slow down your walk towards the dorm and hold on to the strap of your bag a little tighter.

You tap your fingers and wonder what you have to lose should you talk to him.

Nothing, really.

You look around, checking if a student you know is nearby. Nope.

Determined to make a move, you walk towards him.

The moment he throws his cigarette to the ground, he notices you. He furrows his eyebrows at your sudden approach but doesn't seem displeased.

Hands in the pockets of his suit pants, he looks at you, eyes darting up your body and then lingering on your face.

"You look lonely." You say.

He lets out a chuckle, and you add: "I can fix that."

His ego apparently is not big enough for him to see that coming. His mouth falls open.

With a smile on your lips, you hold the eye contact, wondering what he's thinking.

"Neurosurgery, third row on the right." He speaks up.

Your smile widens. So he did notice you.

You nod and tell him your name. He quietly repeats it, tilting his head.

Then he asks: "How exactly would you like to 'fix that'"?

"I'm open for suggestions."

He narrows his eyes, taking his hands out of the pocket of his pants and points towards his car: "What do you think about an early dinner?"

"You can cook?" You ask, pretending to be surprised.

Steven chuckles again, realizing that you are willing to immediately go to his place.

"I was thinking take-out."

You bite your bottom lip, dragging your eyes over his chest and neck.

"Sure." You smile.

He gestures for you to walk with him to his car.

While he drives off, he states: "I hope you have nothing planned for the weekend."


"I don't think you will be able to walk."