
Nothing to see here

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasía
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31 Chs

Prologue- Death and Noble

"....Fuck. Not anymore."

The man cursed, looking at his damn computer. "I'm not going to waste my time doing this shitty job for the rest of my life.

Damien would've danced with happiness if he were to know that this was, indeed, the final day of his job.

He wrapped up his work and went straight to his home.

He saw many happy faces in the crowd. Couples, hand in hand, smiling while looking at each other. Sons and daughters sitting on their dads' shoulders and eating cotton candy while the dad holds the mom's hand.

They were all happy but he wasn't bothered by it at all since he doesn't even have enough energy to get bothered right now.

He entered his shitty one-room apartment. He hasn't eaten anything since he didn't feel any hunger but even if he felt hungry, there were leftovers in the refrigerator.

Sleep. That was the only thing on his mind right now. He is too tired and beat up for anything else.

"Oh, how I wish I could just magically become Damien von Zadkiel. I could just eat, sleep, whore around and nobody would bother me. I can be myself."

He looked at the book resting meticulously on his bed.

"Blood & Throne"

Its title read. Like its name, this story is about some noble houses fighting among themselves and outside threats to gain more power, honor, and wealth.

The main protagonist of the story was, some loose nut named 'Calen.'

Calen of Aldmoor.

A young hero who went on a journey to fulfill his destiny and prophecy but unfortunately finds himself in the middle of politics and skirmishes among the nobilities of the kingdoms.

And then there was Damien Zadkiel or Damien Von Zadkiel, which is a coincidence as both he and the character had the same first name. He was born the second son of the Zadkiel lord. His other 4 siblings are considered prodigies and geniuses and there is this guy, who was born weak and sick.

He never bothered to get powerful nor responsible. His only redeemable quality was his beautiful and sculpted face and what does he do with it;

Seduce queens and noble ladies, ultimately starting the war of the four kingdoms.

He got to bang beautiful ladies and Queens but ultimately got killed by the protagonist when he discovers Damien had enslaved his lover.

But considering the description the novel provided for the ladies Damien banged, the war was indeed worth it.

Thinking about the description, office Damien's little dragon stirred in his pants.

"Ah ah, nop. Too tired." He said to his little dragon which was excitedly bulging a little from the pants. But alas, he even disappointed his little dragon like he was a disappointment to all the other people.

The office Damien removed his shirt and pants and plopped on the small bed. He didn't bother to take a shower or even wash his face.

He hoped to get some sleep, but alas, like ladies trying to get him, no sleep invited him to her embrace.

He stirred on the bed for a good hour still no sleep.

"Ah, for fucks sake! just let me sleep."


After 30 minutes more, Damien looked at the book on his side, resting on the other pillow.

"If I'm not getting any sleep neither are you going to get any sleep. C'mon, let us bang the Winter Queen." He grabbed the book and turned on the night lamp on the table.

He turned page after page until he stopped after finding the chosen one.

"He he he~~"

He pulls down his boxers and lets out his now-sleeping little dragon.

"Alright my mighty dragon, you won fair and square for that I'm rewarding you with the beautiful Winter Queen."

He started to read the adventures of Damien Von Zadkiel where he was seducing the Winter Queen, while they were in a ball celebrating the return of the Winter King after he defeats the Ice Demon from the north.

Damien formed the images of the scene in his mind, which stirred his sleeping dragon to his full power.

He kept the book on his stomach while his left hand tamed his little dragon which had now grown into a raging dragon.

Damien Von Zadkiel invited the Ice Queen for a dance and she accepted, obviously falling for his charms and flirty words...

... Under the twilight, Damien and the Ice Queen shared their love. His hands slowly crept under her gown feeling her mighty and fluffy Ice mountains...

"Yes~ Yes~ Yes~ Yes~" The office Damien was getting wild with his roaring dragon he was about to break the lava out of his volcanic mountain when he felt a little pang in his heart.

He was so close to the eruption that he didn't care to look at it.

"My heart, please wait. This is more important than your little feelings." He said, still taming his roaring dragon.

But alas, the heart was not someone you should've kept waiting. It took its leave after seeing he was spending time with someone else but not before taking his life with her too.


Office Damien felt his heart being ripped open yet he didn't dare to take his hands off his beloved roaring dragon.

Such a caring and loyal guy!

The police had to break in after getting complaints about smelling something rotting and decaying.

On the bed, they found his body, dead for a few days but still have his hands on his roaring dragon. Never letting it go nor ever calming it down.

Like the old words; Till death do us part.

The police who reported the strange case to the public news said that the guy had a thrilled and electrified expression on his face.

What's your thought about this humble yet noble death?

Eternal_Ruler_creators' thoughts