
Nothing to see here

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Transmigration gone right?


The pale-looking boy with white hair and red eyes crashed onto the wooden buckets full of water, splashing it all over him.

"Bogg off boy! Pray to the gods that I don't find you again!" The big beefy man with an apron threatened the thin and frail-looking boy.

The boy was long and pale, ghostly pale. Almost looking like a vampire with his complexion and the red blood eyes.

"Papa, please don't hurt him!" A lovely voice came from behind the beefy man who was standing near the back door of his house.

A young and ample-looking girl with not too much assets suddenly hugged his legs. Her dress was in shambles like she straightened it just a minute ago.

"Little bitch! I'll handle you later!" He yanked her off of his legs and pushed her back into the house.

The beefy man took a last look of disgust at the almost-dead boy and spat on the ground before getting back into his house and slamming the door.


The only reason he didn't do anything to the boy was because of how pale and sickly he looked. The beefy man was afraid the boy would die even if he just lay a finger on him.

The boy still was lying over the buckets. He wasn't moving, not because of his frail body but because of his confusion.

'What in the fuck happened!? Why is it suddenly morning!? Why am I even lying on the ground drenched in water!?' He was confused. 'And who is that beefy man!?'

He looked at his roaring dragon but to his surprise, he was suddenly wearing a...type of pants, which he never has seen before.

'Why isn't there a shirt, though?'


At the same time, the door to the beefy man's home suddenly burst open and the same old beefy man suddenly threw something at him.

"Sickly bastard trying to shag my daughter!!! Hmphhh!!!"


And he was gone.

The thing he threw was a shirt. It was a velvet-colored one.

The sickly boy sat straight and took in the view.

The house was made up of... Rocks and timber. The sweet aroma hit his nose. The sweet aroma of cakes and bread.

'It's a bakery! No wonder the size of that man.'

He slowly stood up with the support of the buckets.

He was fully drenched.

'What the fuck is going on!?' He looked at his thin and pale and long hands. They were not his. The hands were deathly pale, and the fingers were manicured and polished perfectly, like that of a girl.

'Wait a fucking minute. I'm not a girl, right?' That was his first question seeing his meticulously manicured hands.

Ba-dum~ Ba-dum~

His heart pounded hard as he reached for his pants and pulled on them.

"Oh thank God! You're still here... Er, unknown dragon.' It was not his! Like the hands, his baby dragon was also not his!

'Holy molly! Is this a dream!? Or did I transmigrate!? If so to where!?'

His eyes suddenly caught the various undamaged buckets full of water, which was a foot apart from where he had his very soft landing.

He quickly grabbed one and looked at it while on his knees.


'What?!! Who?!! Wait-this is... Damien Von Zadkiel!!! I transmigrated as Damien Zadkiel!!!' His eyes were watering now.

He clasped his hands and looked at the skies.

"Oh heaven and mighty gods, thank you for this opportunity. I know what my destiny and duties are. I won't disappoint you by failing it. I will do it so with honor and beauty! So once again thank you, my lords!!"


Most of the time, the person who got transmigrated would be confused and worried about knowing the plot and their role in it.

But for the virgin office Damien this was the greatest blessing he got in his entire 20 years of life.

The character he plays is a small villain who has a reputation for being a deadbeat and a playboy. He uses his power and authority to do some villainous acts and uses his charms on ladies and queens to sleep with them

His only job is to shag the important female characters until his death at the hands of the protagonist.

"Well, my Winter Queen and my autumn princess and many other names that I have forgotten... Wait for me! I'm coming for you all!"

He curled his fingers into a fist and with a voice full of determination he announced it to the world.

"It would've been also nice if I was able to sleep with that demoness too." He shook his head. "Nope, don't be greedy, Damien. You gotta love what you have."

He stood up but suddenly felt pain all over.

"Shit! How did he sleep with them all in this condition?!" He was not surprised by the fact that he was weak but he was surprised to find his condition is really worse from what he read.

Damien Zadkiel wasn't born a prodigy like his other siblings. One of the main reasons was this terminal illness that was said to be incurable by all the healers from around the world.

The illness made his body weak and sickly. Weak to even hold a little of the mana and the physical training...that felt impossible.

So he did what he can do that won't break his body; To seduce the ladies and Queens until finally, it lead to the 'War of the 4 kingdoms.'

"Phew... Let's first find the cure for my disease before doing anything irrational. The ladies can wait. Curing the illness takes priority."

He slowly and leisurely picks up the shirt and put it on.

He was surprised the reason why he was dead in the novel was because of the damn protagonist and not the illness itself.

'Tut tut tut~ He surely is a warrior.' He shook his head and began to walk. He was wobbly and flimsy at first, but got the gist of controlling the body.

He walked a bit and abruptly stopped.

"Where the fuck am I?"

Our boy has found his new home.

Eternal_Ruler_creators' thoughts