

Cassandra was a beautiful girl right from her high school days, but with that beauty came something that every other beautiful girl didn't have, a curse that made her to lose all her boyfriends to her ugly friends. Afraid of getting her heart broken again she makes a resolution to avoid boys and relationships forever,but when she gets a job it seems her resolution might be too hard to keep to.

Franklin_Nwakamma · Adolescente
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10 Chs

He comes with trouble

"Where've you been bro?" a boy hit Devon on the back as he entered the class.

"I've been sick"Devon replied.

Cassandra couldn't believe this,all her assumptions had turned out to be true, but that didn't mean the seat beside her was his.

"Devon!" Diana quickly sprinted to Devon and embraced him,Devon didn't really seem interested in the hug.

Diana was a girl who claimed to be the most beautiful girl in school, she was tall fair and had a charming smile that would make any man do whatever she wanted.Devon on the other hand was for sure the most handsome in the school, with a fairly dark skin and a good height for a boy of his age together with his pink lips and dimples any girl would easily fall for him.

"Ouch! you are cracking my ribs" Devon said in order to break the hug which had lasted for a minute now.

"I hope you are okay now?"she asks placing her hand on his cheek.

"I'm okay" Devon replied, removing her hand from his face.

"Too bad you have to sit with that weirdo over there"Diana said, pointing backwards with her thumb.

Cassandra had been watching Diana hug and talk with Devon and you could tell that something was boiling inside her.

"Who?"Devon raises his head to look at his seat and then his eyes meets with Cassandra's.

Mrs Patricia suddenly enters the class and orders everyone to go to their seats.Devon keeps looking at Cassandra while walking to his seat but she pretends not to be seeing him.

"You didn't tell me you attended this school" Devon bent and whispered to Cassandra immediately he sat down.

"You didn't ask" Cassandra whispered back."And you didn't tell me you go to school here either"

"You also didn't ask"

"I think we should stop before the teacher spots us" Cassandra said and quickly pulls her head up, Devon does the same too.

Mrs Patricia was still talking when the bell went off for lunch break.Cassandra wanted to leave but she wanted Devon to leave before her.

"Are you not going for lunch break?"Devon asked.

"I'm going is just that I have to arrange some things in my backpack" she said quickly pulling up her backpack and opening her backpack.

"I know there's nothing there to arrange" Devon said after watching her for a while.


"Come, let's go have lunch" Devon said, extending his hand to her.

"Are you sure?" Cassandra said, looking at the opposite direction to see Diana who was walking up to them now.

Cassandra really wanted to follow Devon in the morning when they met, but now she was having second thoughts on whether she should take his hand and go have lunch with him.

"Hello darling"

Diana quickly pulled Devon's hand which he had extended to Cassandra and pecks him.

"Are you ready for our lunch break?"

"I don't have any lunch plans with you today" Devon said with a smirk.

"But we always have lunch together"

"When last did that happen?"

In as much as, Diana was really beautiful Devon only took her as just a friend and he didn't even like staying around her, because of the way she would always try to force him to do something or be like someone else with her constant pleadings.

"C'mon Devon"

"Don't worry you can have lunch with Edwin over there" Devon said, pointing at a blonde boy who was reading on his desk.

"C'mon you know he's not my type"

"Who said anything about your type here.Are you looking for someone to have lunch with or a boyfriend?"


"Fine I'm no longer having lunch anymore" Devon takes his seat.

"Why are you behaving like this?"

"Nothing,I just lost my appetite now"



"Are you sure you don't want to eat anything?"

"I told you I've lost my appetite"

"Ok how about I bring your lunch for you here in the class?"

"Are you sure that's allowed?"Cassandra chipped in.

"And who are you to tell me the rules here?" Diana asked giving her a stern look.

Cassandra slowly bowed her head, she didn't like looking for trouble,let alone with someone with so much ego.

"I'm going to bring it hun" Diana said and started to leave.

"I won't eat it!" Devon yelled immediately she was about to close the door behind herself.

"What is wrong with him?" she slammed the door in anger."Maybe it's that new girl that is sitting beside him.

That wasn't true, this wasn't the first time Devon was refusing to have lunch with her but she will keep persuading him to do so, Devon had agreed on few occasions,on other occasions he had to disappear before the bell for lunch break rang or he would pretend that he wasn't hungry.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Cassandra asked after Diana had left.



"No" Devon laughed."She's not my wife"

"Then what is she to you?"

"No …." Devon stopped to rethink what he was about to say."We are just friends"

"Doesn't seem like that to me" Cassandra murmured.

"What was that?"


"So, about that lunch"

"I thought you weren't hungry"

"I am, I'm just not hungry to eat with Diana"

"But don't you think she will be mad if she see's you in the cafeteria with me after everything you told her"

"Don't worry she won't do anything" Devon said trying to pull Cassandra along with him.

"No"Cassandra pulled back her hands.


"I don't like trouble"

"Ok have your way then,we can order pizza"

"And who's paying?"

"Don't worry it's on me" Devon said pulling out a smartphone from his pocket.

Diana was really annoyed with the way Devon had treated him and was talking to herself while walking to her class,lunch break wasn't over yet but she had lost her appetite immediately she stepped out of the class,she was planning to keep malice with Devon but what she saw when she opened the door to her class she wasn't able to withhold, Devon was chatting and smiling with Cassandra while eating pizza.

"I should have known!"he yells at Devon's face after walking up to them.

"Known what?"

"I thought you weren't hungry?"

"I regained my appetite after you left"

"So I'm now the reason you lose your appetite"

"You are the one that said that"

Cassandra had stopped eating the pizza when she saw Diana.

"And you" Diana said, she was referring to Cassandra now.


"You've just started something and I'm not sure you are going to be able to finish it" you could tell there was hate in that voice.

"And what's that?" Cassandra was talking to her boldly now.

Diana gives her a long stern look and then turns to look at Devon who was busy munching on a slice of pizza before returning to her seat.

"I thought you said she wasn't your girlfriend?"

"She isn't"

"Then what is....."

Before Cassandra could finish her statement the bell for class resumption rang and soon the class was starting to get filled up,then Mrs Patricia appeared and continued from where she stopped.