

Cassandra was a beautiful girl right from her high school days, but with that beauty came something that every other beautiful girl didn't have, a curse that made her to lose all her boyfriends to her ugly friends. Afraid of getting her heart broken again she makes a resolution to avoid boys and relationships forever,but when she gets a job it seems her resolution might be too hard to keep to.

Franklin_Nwakamma · Teen
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10 Chs

Really pushy

Cassandra felt awkward sitting close to Devon now as the teacher spoke, she couldn't wait for school to be over so that she could dissapear, she really didn't expect all that had happened today, she was crushing on Devon for sure but she didn't expect him to like her back so quickly or was he doing this to get back at Diana for something, either way she wasn't sure she liked having enemies.The bell rang to mark the end of the day in the school, Cassandra quickly got up to leave before Devon would ask her to walk home with him.

"Hey are you leaving so soon?"

Too late it was going to happen anyway.

"Yes, the bell said I should do so" Cassandra said adjusting her backpack on her back.

"That doesn't mean you should leave immediately"

"But I have to get home as fast as possible to help my mom with some things" Cassandra said and tried to walk out but Devon blocked her.

"Come on if she couldn't do those things alone then she wouldn't have sent you to school" Devon said.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean she won't need my help"

Cassandra thought Devon wouldn't like her that much but right now it seemed like he was more desperate to be with her than she was in the morning.

"Come on Casssara...."

"It's Cassandra"

"Yes Cassandra a really cute name"



"Do you expect me to thank you"

"No I just want to walk home with you"

And that was what she was avoiding, she didn't know what to say ordinarily she would love to walk home with him, but she didn't want jealous Diana to start spreading rumors all over the school that something was up between them.

"You want to walk home with me?" Cassandra said like she wasn't expecting that request.


Meanwhile Diana was watching both of them from her seat and the amount of hate and jealousy burning in her now was unexplainable.

"Are you sure?"

"I wouldn't ask if I wasn't sure"

"Hey Devon are you not coming?" a boy asked,there were a group of them standing at the door and it was obvious they were waiting for Devon.

"I think I'll pass today" Devon said.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?"

"Yes I'm sure"

"Ok" he said with a dissapointed voice.

"It's unlike Devon to reject an after school meal" another boy said as they exited the class.

"Are you sure you don't want to go with them?" Cassandra asked.

"Yes,I feel like having a change of company today" he said staring directly into Cassandra's eyes which made her to feel kind of awkward.

"Ok I have to go now,bye" Cassandra turned to leave but Devon pulled her back, pulling her very close to himself now.

"You haven't answered to my request yet"

"What do you want me to say" Cassandra grumbled, she was aware that Diana was watching them.

"I want you to say yes"

Diana stood up from her seat now and was walking towards the both of them, Cassandra was watching her as she approached them but Devon didn't see her yet.When she got close she gave Cassandra a mean smirk and just as she was about to walk past them she shoved her Cassandra fell to the ground while Devon attempted to catch her.

"What was that for?" Devon asked angrily.

Diana didn't say anything she just looked at Cassandra who was trying to get up now and it didn't look like she was going to fight back.

"You'll regret this" Diana said before walking away quickly, she turned to look at Devon before exiting the class.

"Are you okay?" Devon said, trying to help Cassandra clean her body but she drew away from him.

"I think your plan worked I'll be leaving now"

She tried to leave again and Devon pulled her back again.

"Devon I want to go home!" Cassandra let out a little yell, but there wasn't much people left in the class to draw attentions.

"Fine let's go together" Devon said quickly sliding his backpack on his Cassandra hissed and quickly left the class while Devon followed quickly behind her.

"Come on Casssara slow down!" Devon yelled as they got out on the road.

"I've told you it's Cassandra" Cassandra said stopping and turning to him now.

"I know that was meant to slow you down" Devon said panting and hurriedly walking up to her."Man you walk really fast!"

Cassandra couldn't hold in the laughter that was building up inside her because of how silly Devon looked now and soon found herself giggling.

"Oh now I'm funny because I told you the truth" Devon said still panting.

"You look silly" Cassandra said still giggling.

"It's good that you are no longer mad at me" Devon said regaining his breath now.

"Yes it's good" Cassandra said,her mood had gone back to sour now.

"C'mon I didn't know she was going to push you"

"If you hadn't kept me there she wouldn't have pushed me in the first place"

"Fine I'm sorry!" those words seem to have came out faster than expected.

Cassandra turned her back on him now, she was about to walk away from him when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Cassandra please I'm sorry"

"You said my name right, now" she muttered.

"Does that mean that I'm forgiven?"



"Only if you promise never to force me to do anything again"

"Fine I promise"

"So you finally got that walk home"

"Felt more like running a marathon race"

"Oh sorry" Cassandra giggled." But we still have a little distance to walk.

"Well let's make it a good walk"

"Sure" Cassandra said as they both started to walk down the road while discussing with each other.


Cassandra checked her watch as she approached the house she should have been home an hour ago but Devon had caused her to come home late, but on the other hand she really enjoyed his company and how he gave her a little detail about the school and the type of people that were in their class.Cassandra slowly opened the door and was surprised that the sitting room was dark, maybe they went out, she thought and then made her way to her room upstairs without turning on the lights.

"You are late Cassandra" she heard her mom's voice when she was halfway the stairs.

The room was so dark that she didn't notice her mother walk into the sitting room from the kitchen.

"Mom.Is that you?" she asked nervously.

"Do you live with another woman in this house?"

"I'm sorry mom I had to finish up somethings before coming home"

"It's okay" Priscilla said turning on the lights now."I hope you made a friend today?"


"Don't tell me you still didn't..."

"I did"



"Who's the person"

"Ehh.. mom I'm tired I'll tell you later"

"Ok go up and change I prepared your favourite meal"

"I would really need that now" Cassandra said taking off her backpack from her back.

"Go change then"

"I'm going"

Cassandra quickly made her way upstairs she was glad that her mother didn't persuade her to tell her about her new friend immediately.