
Radically Cool

After talking to Harry a little while longer, the bell rang and went our separate ways. I sat down for my next class and fond myself in a awkward position. The redheaded firecracker herself, MJ, was sitting next to me. I had honestly forgotten about it, but Peter was always exited about this class, no matter how boring the lesson, for this reason. 

I decided to ignore it for now, nothing I could do anyways. The teacher started talking about how next year he expected to not see our faces again, I kinda zoned out and started to think about what Ben had said again. I had pondered the idea of creating the web shooters, if not for crime fighting, then for self defense.

I pull out a note book, flipped to a clear page in the back, then started brain storming. High tensile strength, high elasticity, and expands and solidifies when exposed to air, for the web fluid. For the shooters, I already had a pretty good understanding in mechanical engineering from before, and paired with Peter's fundamental knowledge about practically everything, ideas started springing up in my head faster then I could write them down. I stuck to the base idea and just drew up the original shooter. Small concealable wristband with several compartments to house compressed web fluid and a main one to release it, with a nozzle to direct it with pinpoint accuracy, connected to a button to start the processed.

I had made a lot of progress just sitting there brain blasting, when I noticed I was being watched. I looked up and saw MJ looking at me. She didn't look away when I saw her and instead asked, "What are you working on, you know it's the end of the year and we don't have anymore home work in chem?"

I looked back at my note book and saw a bunched up mess of notes, theories and ideas shoved into one page, a good majority being chemical chains, building a theoretical web fluid. I closed the notebook, "Just a pet project I'm working on."

"Really? Looks complicated. What you trying to do, be the next Iron-Man?" She chuckled to herself. My head did a flip, Iron-Man? I did't even think about it but I'm probably in a universe with all of marvel. A subject to research later however.

She stopped chuckling and turned back to me, "Anyway, I was wondering how you're doing. I saw you pass out, you went down hard. are you feeling alright?" 

"I'm doing aright, slept it off in a few days and I was all better. Thanks for asking." I stuffed my notebook back into my back, deciding to work more on it after school.

The teacher rapped up their grant speech with a resounding awkward silence. "Alright you may get on you phones and socialize now." And as soon as he said that everyone erupted into talking and mingling with their friends. 

"You know, you used to studder a whole lot, have you started coming out of you shell?" MJ started another conversation.

Peter did have a studder, but only when he was talking to MJ, so she probably just assumed he did all the time. "Not really, I just decided to stop being afraid of people."

"Brave, out of all things that scare me, people take the cake." This struck me. Someone as outgoing as her I would assume would consider social interactions easy.

"I thought the opposite. You seem so out there." I gestured to the rest of class who were talking non stop.

"Yup, but it's that fear that makes it exciting." I guess I could learn some things from her.