

I'll give her credit, MJ is a very talkative girl. I can only assume Peter could never hold a conversion with her is because of his poor conversation skills, and that's saying something. MJ could talk your ear off, even a deaf man would listen.

The rest of school was boring. I only had classes with two people I knew, Harry and MJ. Thankfully no classes with flash, he wasn't smart enough for the ones I was in. But that didn't mean I never saw him. In the hallways he was constantly glaring at me, apparently he doesn't like birds, but it wasn't till the end of school that I would get into another confrontation with him.

I was grabbing the last of my stuff from my locker to take home when I felt it for the first time. 


I didn't know what it was, it was the first time I felt it. A jittery feeling all over my body and a ringing in my head that didn't actually dampen the sound I was hearing. It wasn't crazy, a very lite feeling, but I still blame the shock if it being the first time I felt it for actually getting hit.

I felt a mass hit me from behind that slammed me into the locker. Again, it didn't hurt all to bad, just disoriented me. My stuff went flying, scattering down the hall and in between peoples feet.

"BWAH HA HA HA! Sorry about that Parker! I wasn't watching where I was going!" He laughed himself into a fit. His two friends stood around him snickering to them selves, doing a, not so subtle, job of 'badly' covering it up.

I saw harry hurrying down the hall behind him, a thought crossed my mind and I winked at him then turned back to Flash, "Real mature Flash. Mind helping with this? Ah never mind, to busy getting a foot up the ass."

"Wha-" And with the force of the hulk, Harry punted Flash so hard he raised a couple inches up off the ground. "AAAHHHHKKKKK!!! eeeeeeeeeee!!!"

When Flash hit the ground, it was on, Harry tore down the hall passed Flash, his gang, and me. Flash was down for at least 30, so he didn't move, but when his lackeys did, all I had to do was put my leg out. The first tripped over me and the second tripped over his friend. 

All three were down but I knew it wouldn't last so I hightailed it the opposite way as Harry. I saw the two get up, before splitting. One headed my way, the other Harry's. I knew Harry would be fine, I gave him plenty of leeway, and there's no way they were catching this spider enhanced body.

He chased me into two hallways before loosing me in the crowd, but I didn't stop and instead ran all the way to the gym. I swung the door open, shut it and fell against it. I wasn't tired at all, it wasn't the first time Peter made this run, but every time put him on his ass. Now I felt as if I barely lifted a finger 

About a minute went by when the door on the opposite side opened with a bang, Harry jumped in, and slammed it shut again. He huffed and puffed before grinning like a loon at me. I couldn't help the Peter in me and shared his expression.

"Holy shit that felt amazing! Incredibly terrifying but SO good." He shouted out, we were safe here. It was the last place Flash would think to find two nerds, the gym. "What the hell were you thinking dropping that on me like that? I thought we was going to do this on the last day? Now we have to watch our backs the rest of this week." 

"I couldn't help it, the set up was perfect. Plus, you could tell how much I want to do it right then, or else you wouldn't have done it." Harry and I had devised this plan for the last day of school to get back at Flash. When I had saw Harry running up behind him the plan and the key phrase appeared in my head. "Amid it, Perfect!"

He breathed hard, with his hands on his knees before looking up and smirking, "Perfect."