
{Doom Lord}

The world had started doomsday, and I struggled for a year, before I died under an enchanted beast’s claw. Heaven has given me another chance, back a day before the end happen. Will I be able to change my fate, and that of my loved ones? Now, I will start my journey on becoming the strongest on the planet that the Gods have changed into a game world. ======================================================= This story is not from me but I'm going putting it on webnovel so can you read it on the site credit to the real Author: Xiǎng Zhěntou De Kēshuì, Wishing For A Pillow To Sleep With

Blood_Moon_Lord · Fantasía
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350 Chs

Survival Meeting

Cheng Yang brows slightly wrinkled and said: "That will not be over for the time being, but the copy of this filial city must be in our own hands. Let us go to the main city to see the situation before making a decision. 

Liu Qingwu seems to understand the intention of Cheng Yang, and immediately ǎn ǎn head, then followed Cheng Yang, went to the main city.

The prosperity of Xiaocheng City can't be compared with that of the city, and even the city can't match it. After all, it is not peaceful here. There is almost a glimpse of the warriors who are aware of the overall situation. There is an irreconcilable contradiction between the three major snakes in Xiaocheng and the Jianglong in Luofeng Town.

This contradiction is on the verge of death, and no one knows when it will break out. As the saying goes, the gods fight, the mortal suffers, and these ordinary warriors are equally worried.

Under the leadership of Liu Qingwu, Cheng Yang walked along the street toward the west of Xiaocheng. That area is the power area of ​​the survival committee, one of the three major forces of Xiaocheng, and the pursuit of life is also among the three major forces of the current filial city, the only one that does not occupy the wild station.


Jian Yongjun, the president of the survival committee, was the leader of a group of porters before the end of the day. Many people believed in him because they dared to fight. As the end of the day came, he quickly organized a group of people around him, and they were all strong and strong. At that time, they took a name for their team, called the survival club, which means the end of life.

When attacking the main city a few days later, the survival club also contributed a lot, so from the military forces that dominated the main city at that time, they got a part of the transfer quota, which also made the survival of the four major forces in Xiaocheng. One of the foundations.

After more than two months of struggle, the survival committee has become a big force with nearly 200,000 people from the original dozens of people. And it is the third largest force in Xiaocheng. The whole process can be described as smooth and smooth.

The situation has reversed since the end of last month.

First of all, the military forces of the first major forces first occupied the field, and then the government forces followed, occupying a wild resident. Although he later invited tens of thousands of comrades to open the west passage of the main city of Xiaocheng, after some searching, he finally found nothing.

As far as the news is coming from all over the world, there are generally three wilderness stations around the city-level main city. Now the military forces and the government forces each occupy one, but now they have not found this station on their own, and the natural station is only possible in the south. But the south is the site of Wang Shunchang, the power of this guy commander is stronger than himself. This seems destined to not be able to win the wild station.

Jane Yongjun is very clear about the importance of the field. This is the basis for the development and growth of a force. If a force does not have a field station, it can only be attached to others, or it will be partial to the main city, and it will never be on the table.

But Jane Yongjun was still frustrated in the future, and he heard a news that made him even more shocked. Wang Shunchang died.

When Wang Shunchang was competing for the altar of the southern land of Xiaocheng, he was killed. And the person who killed Wang Shunchang. It is Cheng Yang, the leader of Luofeng Town.

The distance between Xiaocheng City and Handan City is not very far. Wang Shunchang has also paid attention to the situation in several surrounding cities. Therefore, he also knows some information about Cheng Yang. He even heard that the army of Luofeng Town arrived at the city along the northwest of Xiaocheng City.

Although he knew that the land of Luofeng Town was very strong, when he heard that Wang Shunchang was killed by Cheng Yang. Still very shocked. As a leader who can get mixed up in the last days, Jane Yongjun has his own unique political acumen. After hearing this news, it is quite a dispute of potential forces and forces that may follow.

Jane Yongjun is not afraid of this. Instead, I feel that this is an opportunity for myself.

Because he had not reported hope for occupying the field, and the other three major forces in Xiaocheng firmly occupy the field, the forces will be further expanded. And his survival will also be gradually disintegrated. With the strong foothold of Luofeng Town, the situation in Xiaocheng City will be chaotic, and he will have the possibility to fish in troubled waters.

Sure enough, less than a day, the military's Song Hao and the leader of the government department, Lin Xiang, found him together.

After some conversations, Jane Yongjun is willing to advance and retreat with them, but there is a condition that they will help a student to win a field station for the eternal life in a month.

So these three forces have come together. As for whether or not they really want to go to the place and think about it, it is not known.

In these two days, Song Yu and Lin Xiang have been picking up him and let him send a team of masters to act together to cut off the main passages of Tianning Village and Luofeng Town. In their view, Tianning Village currently has more than 40,000 regular servants who join Tianning Village, except for nearly 4,000 garrison troops. Among these people, the strongest is only the high-level apprentice martial artist Liu Liuwu, and there is only one. As long as it can make the direction of Luofeng Town unable to come to support, even if it is sleepy, it will be able to trap Tianning Village.

However, Jane Yongjun did not immediately agree. He knew that once he sent such an army, it would be completely broken with Luofeng Town. Moreover, Luofeng Town has always been known as a master of many, the so-called interception battle must be very difficult.

Just this evening, when Jane Yongjun hesitated to agree to the other's conditions, a commander ran over and told him to ask for it.

At present, Jane Yongjun is also renting in a loft. After hearing the words of the commander, he immediately frowned and asked: "Is it a Song Song? Or a Lin Xiang person?"

The commander shook his head and said: "The other side has a cloak. The subordinates cannot see each other's faces. They also do not say their identity, but they are estimated to be not the two forces."

Jane Yongjun's doubts in his heart, but he quickly relieved, guess what? Here is the main city, is it still afraid that someone will not be able to start? What's more, in his heart, it has been faintly guessed which force the person belongs to.

Holding this idea, Jane Yongjun said: "Well, you let the other party come in."

The commander immediately took his life. In less than a minute, he walked in from the outside with two people with cloaks. These two were Cheng Yang and Liu Qingwu.

Cheng Yang did not speak after entering the door. Just standing quietly, Jane Yongjun is a wise man. Since the other person came with a cloak, he naturally did not want to reveal his identity. He immediately said to the commander who stood there: "You should go first, without my order, strictly prohibited. Anyone enters."

After the commander went down, Jane Yongjun looked at Cheng Yang and said: "Now you can always take off the cloak?"

Cheng Yang and Liu Qingwu also had no scruples, and they took down the cloak.

"Liu village chief?" Jane Yongjun was shocked. He thought that the other party might be a person from Tianning Village, but he did not expect it to be Liu Liangwu himself. After all, this kind of deep-seated master city is still dangerous, especially for the days when there is no foundation in the main city. Ningcun said.

However, when Jane Yongjun was surprised to see that Liu Liangwu was still behind the man in front of him, he could no longer calm down. This situation is no longer obvious. The identity of the man in front is even higher than that of Liu Liu.

Jane Yongjun did not know the organizational structure of the land of Luofeng Town, so he did not dare to infer the identity of Cheng Yang.

Liu Qingwu said at this time: "Simplified leader, this is Cheng Yang, the lord of our land in the town of Luofeng. This special trip came to visit the Jane leader. The lord. This is the leader of the survival committee, Jane Yongjun."

Jane Yongjun stood up in surprise. He didn't expect Cheng Yang to come in person. This is a problem. The land of Luofeng Town attaches great importance to Xiaocheng.

The expression on Jane's face is very complicated. He is aware of the seriousness of this matter. Since Cheng Yang came in person, this thing may not be perfunctory. Similarly, if he talks with Luofeng Town about a certain transaction, he will inevitably stand opposite the Song and Lin Xiang.

Something inside. Must be carefully weighed.

Cheng Yang did not leave Jane Yongjun with too much time to think about it. He said: "Jane leader, please don't ask yourself. Please don't be surprised."

After Jane Yongjun's face flashed a little hesitation, he laughed and said: "Where the lord of the lord is, I can be honored to be in the small place of the lord. I am honored. I just don't know how the lord came in, what happened. ?"

Cheng Yang smiled and said: "We don't say whispers. I am here, I want to ask the leader. How do you plan to face the conflict that may break out between the main city of Xiaocheng and my town? ?"

Jane Yongjun did not expect that Cheng Yang would be so direct, but it made him very uncomfortable. His face was also a bit of gloom. After a long silence, he said: "Cheng lord, I am a native of Xiaocheng. I believe that you will lead you. understand."

Cheng Yang did not see joy on his face and said: "I know that because of this, I came to the door. As a local, you should not want to see a large-scale bloodshed in Xiaocheng."

Jane Yongjun said: "This is really not what I want ~ www.mtlnovel.com~ But things are impermanent, many things are not what I can control. Cheng lords should know that I don't have much right to speak in Xiaocheng. You are This thing found me, but the meaning is not very big."

Liu Qingwu smiled and said: "Jian Ling collar, you can be too modest, who does not know, now the three major forces of Xiaocheng are you. If you have no right to speak, then who has the words Right?"

Jane Yongjun looked at Liu Liuwu. Before, he did not deal with Liu Liuwu. I didn't expect this beautiful woman's words to be so sharp.

Jane Yongjun hesitated a moment and did not directly answer the questions of Cheng Yang. Instead, he asked: "Cheng lord, before I determine my position, I have something to ask you to ask the lord."

Cheng Yang said: "You just say, I know everything, and I have nothing to say."

Jane Yongjun asked: "I want to know how the lord of Cheng will position the future of the main city of Xiaocheng?"