

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Cómic
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53 Chs

Birds Of Prey

2 days after Kali left for some tasks...

In an empty alley way you could see how dark it is with only a few places that are lit up by the moon, and the areas lit by the moon were shadows moving around it, 3 to be precise.

Looking up you could see them jump from roof to roof, the three shadows were Charles, Markus, and Zhang in their Nightwing, Red Hood, and Red Robin suits.

At the moment the three were racing to a certain place, of course Charles was first as he wast the most talented, diverse, and flexible of the three like the real Nightwing himself. Coming in second was Markus who was Red Hood wearing his domino mask connected to the mouth and nose guard mask. And last was Zhang with his Red Robin suit.

For the past couple of months more people started believing the trio vigilante that goes around Manhattan saving, helping, and subduing people, becoming a true city hero as many accepted them.

"I win, It's like It's not even a challenge anymore." Nightwing said as he stood on the edge.

"Whatever Night, thats all you are good at after all, running." Red Hood provoked, Red Robing came last and landed.

"I could have won but I didn't try." Zhang said emotionlessly as he brought up a forearm display showing information on the building they were looking at.

"This building is most likely one of their stash houses, thats if what the goon told us was true. The building belongs to a Martin Doreznev, has a reputation of some small time shot-caller for the Russian mafia. He is not a high seat but he is pretty high in terms of status, and not only that but it is a stash house so I'm sure there has to be many criminals in there." Red Robin informed the other two about it.

"Alright well all we gotta do is not get shot in the face." Nightwing joked.

"Tsk I could handle this all by myself, and why do we always go out together the old mans gone we could at least do a few patrols by ourselves." Red Hood said.

"If he says we stay in group then we stay in group, he doesn't say anything for no reason and we might be staying grouped up because we are not ready to go solo yet." Nightwing said to which Red Hood just scoffed at.

"There doesn't seem to be anyone home." Red Robin said.

"No, but we might have to stay and wait until there is." Nightwing said.

"Huh?! waiting?! we would be waiting here all night just for someone to show up!" Red Hood said.

"Aaaaaaggggghhhhh SOMEONE HEELPP." A clich- a call for help was heard.

"Thank you I got thi-" Red Hood said and was about to move when.

"Too slow!" Red Robin said as he was already a rooftop ahead, Red Hood just froze there with an imaginative tick mark on his head. 'I'll pay you back soon... Robin.' Red Hood was thinking of a way to mess with Red Robin later.

Red Hood walked back to Nightwing who just laid down on the building edge watching the targeted building eating chips.

"Where the hell'd you get that?!" Red Hood asked.

"The chips? I had it on me." Nightwing said not bothering to move.

Red Hood scoffed and walked up to Nightwing and took the small bag of chips took his mouth and nose mask off pouring some chips in munching on it before putting back his mask on.

"What the hell Red?!" Nightwing said as he stood up and took the chips back backing away from Red Hood who just walked to a wall and leaned on like nothing happened.

"What haven't you heard the saying sharing is caring?" Red Hood asked.

"Bah thats rich coming from you!" Nightwing laughed at Red Hood as he was the type who doesn't share.

Red Hood kicked a small rock at Nightwing who just side stepped dodging the rock before sticking his tongue out at Red Hood.

"Movement." Red Hood said as three black cars came in.

"There, Martin Doreznev." Nightwing said as he pointed at the second car that stopped which their target came out of.

"Heh this Martin Dor- whatever his last name is, looked like your typical rich fucks around here." Red Hood said.

Over at Red Robins side...

In an alleyway a typical kind of crime was happening which is either an attempted rape or robbery, or both. Two men and one women, the women was playing tug of war with one of the men as the other men was behind the man holding on to the purse of the woman.

She kicked the man on his privates which he knelt down to holding onto his jewels, getting he bag back she reached into it and brought out a spray and a gun, a stun gun.

"Stop I will use this- these, and it will hurt so just leave me alone!" The young woman said in a pleading tone.

"I don't think you understand the situation you are in." The man who was behind the 'hurt' man said as he pulled a gun and aimed it at her.

"O- okay okay don't shoot ple-" she said.

Though she couldn't finish when she saw a shadow movement at the top of her eyes, she looked up but the shadow already passed her lines of sight as she looked back down at the two men. One was already knocked out cold while the other was just kicked in the jaw by a powerful back heel kick knocking him back into the garbage behind him.

The woman startled backed up tripping onto her butt, she had black hair, looks half asian half whiteish standing at 5'4.

When she got a clear look she was surprised at who it was, they always talked about it on the news but she never really took it as anything serious, and she never thought she would meet any of them.

"You, you are one of them." She said as she stood up patting herself.

"Your one of the three guys thats been going around helping people, your... Robin right?" She asked.

"Why would you be walking around at night alone and in a dangerous alley." Red Robin asked.

"Well I wasn't, I mean I was alone until they pulled me into this alley and all. Wait please can I ask you some questions? I know you probably won't but there is a lot of people who doesn't think much of you guys and to be honest I didn't either but you saving me just made me think 'maybe I could be of help' you know let people know more about you guys and maybe you will be more famous..." the lady went on with her talks while Red Robin took the gun and dishandled it before dragging the two criminals to a side building pipe and zip-tying them on it.

"It's fine we don't do this for the fame." Red Robin said barely looking at her as he was searching for the identities of the two, finding their wallets and names he put them on his forearm computer display putting them on his records of criminals and such.

"Well it doesn't matter people wanna know more let me like I don't know interview you or-" she said.

"Why are you so eager to get involved with us?" Red Robin asked finishing up.

"I- wa- I mean who wouldn't you... are a superhero and I-" she said stuttering a bit.

"Whats your name?" Red Robin asked.

"My names is skye and I can work with you, I know how to work on compu-"

"Call me Red Robin, and call the cops." Red Robin said before he [KI Jumped] onto the side building wall and bouncing off it out into the rooftop away from the alleyway.

Skye on the other hand was in awe and had stars on her eyes as that exit of Red Robins was pretty epic.

"Red Robin" she muttered.

Over at Nightwing and Red Hood...

"Ready? Remember wait for my signal-" Nightwing said.

"Yes yes I got it mann, I'm just glad I'm the one busting in I'm not a sneaking guy." Red Hood said.

"Alright see you in a bit." Nightwing said as he [KI Jumped] onto street lights to the targeted building and landed on the roof.

Few moments later Nightwing was in the ventilations moving through to the target, the target entered the building who was Martin a man with a nice suit, combed gel hair fancy, facial hair and all.

"Call in some more men we can't have that happen again, or my head will be in platter." Martin said to one of his men as he went to his office with his men taking positions around the building or just making themselves at home.

When Martin entered his office he paced back and forth over the problems he was dealing with, the thing is he was in charge of one of the operations going on around here and one of his packages have been taken from him.

"Damn it!!" He stopped and walked to his table and slammed it with both his hands.

He was still in rage when something hard touched the back of his head, he froze as he thinks It's a gun.

"Why don't we do this quietly, or you will be in more trouble." Nightwing said as he had one of his escrima stick on Martins head.

"Do you know who you are dealing with?" Martin asked.

"Yes I do in fact." Nightwing said as he turned him around facing him.

"Oh" Martin said as if saying 'oh It's just you'.

"You wouldn't be the one messing with my business are you?" Martin said as he straightened his jacket suit.

"No, at least not yet. Tell me do you know who is?" Nightwing asked.

"I tell you nothing." Martin said.

"Oh well I mean thats not why I came here anyway, so how about another question this time... where are the girls?" Nightwing asked.

"Giarls? What girls? Even if I knew anything what makes you think I tell you? Just because you wear funny costume and you think your scary? Well I tell you wha..." Martin went on and on more than Nightwing would want.

>You know my plan is still on the table if you ask m-< Red Hood on the comms said but was interrupted by Nightwing.

"No we are not torturing anyone, thats our last method on the lists." Nightwing said but froze when he remembered he was in front of the target which Martin also stopped rambling about.

"Great" Nightwing said.

"Aah so you have communication in your ear, a partner perhaps? Or is it one of thos-" again Martin couldn't finish when Nightwing spoke out.

"Actually lets just do it I don't like him wasting my time." Nightwing said to the comms when a sudden boom sounded outside as Martin worriedly look.

"I'm not a fan of asking twice or thrice, but well here we go again, where are the girls?!" Nightwing picked up Martin through his collar in midair.

"You will die for this, you mess with me you mess with the mafia and you don't know anyth-" Martin said when Nightwing just body slammed him on the table breaking it before picking him back up.

"You know these weasels are the kind I hate the most, like what the fuck mann just tell me what I wanna know instead of wasting both our time." Red Hood said as he walked in the office after a few minutes.

"Here give em to me why don't you... I don't know go study his books or something." Red Hood said as he walked in and took Martin.

Nightwing just stood there sighing helplessly as he just started going through the computers, books, and papers looking for info or locations of trafficking operations.

Red Hood came in through a backdoor and using various gadgets like the smoke pellets he knocked out the group in there using a brass like knuckle that covered a-lot of his hands and using [KI Maneuvering] to move around making it easier and faster.

"Alright my first question is where is the girls you sick fucks kidnapped?!" Red Hood said as he pinned Martin against the wall.

"Hehehahahahaha you also hero? Haha what do they call you Mr.Good Guy?! Hahaha..." Martin said and again went on provoking.

Red Hood just took a finger of Martin and broke it.

"Ggggghhhhaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!" Martin screamed.

"Oh it hurts that bad well just know we just started it, see I'm not like the previous guy who- what did he do ask questions? Well I don't do that I aske questions break you until you feel like having a tea party talk." Red Hood said as he broke another finger making Martin scream loud.

"Hohoho I feel like going bigger, hmmm oh yes lets try that." Red Hood picked Martins right hand up by the wrist and looked at Martin and smiled before kneeing Martins elbow breaking it.

Feeling the pain Martin cried out screaming as water and drool came out of his eyes and mouth, he screamed with all his might with how painful it is.

"Oh damn that- that actually seemed like it hurt." Red Hood wanted to back up Martin kept crying and screaming seeming like he is broken but he still hasn't talked yet.

"Sheesh you really know how to keep the secret to yourself why don't you share it it'll release some weights of your shoulders." Red Hood said.

"Aaah km actually feeling bad let me try and fix it." Red Hood said as he grabbed Martins right arm and started trying to move them around like he could just fix the arm by connecting them.

And that gave Martin a loud scream from this excruciating pain yelling so loud it it reached outside the building. Then a coffee cup came and knocked the head of Red Hood.

"Oww what the- what the hell night?!" Red Hood screamed out.

"I don't wanna hear it take him outside or something, by the gods!!" Nightwing said massaging his head wondering how Red Hood could be so cruel like that.

As Red Hood took the target out dragging him out Nightwing resumed working looking through things when the glass to the office broke as someone came landing in which was Red Robin as he took a stance and brought out a metal-like staff.

"Took you long enough." Nightwing said to Red Robin.

"What was that scream? Who was screaming?" Red Robin asked.

"That was our target, Red's with him right now." Nightwing said.

"What?! He'll torture him?!" Red Robin said in concern.

"Yes he is, but the guy won't talk so I just left it up to him. Come work on the computers see what you can find out anything if not the traffickers operation." Nightwing said going through a few papers and book.

Red Robin just scoffed and started working on it looking through the mafias datas and such, Red Hood came in at the end.

"...Man said the operation was being done at the docks, not the one we know near us It's a different one said It's in Hell's Kitchen." Red Hood said.

"Good let skedaddle." Nightwing said as they plan to head to the Hell's Kitchens docks.

As they were moving to Hell's Kitchen Red Hood thought about something.

"You know I just realized this but, we probably could have just asked that Turk guy about the trafficking operations, or use the [Overwatch] group to get information." Red Hood said as all of them thought about how they haven't thought of those.

At the docks...

"There is more men here than usual wouldn't that bring us too much attention?" One of the goons asked.

"Well last time a masked idiot was able to take down a whole crew releasing the girls before, now the big shots doubled the firepower if the idiot wants to return." Another goon answered the first one.

"This the place?" Asked Nightwing as he landed on a steel beam that was hanging on from a crane, after him landed Red Hood and Red Robin.

"Of course it is I mean look at all these idiots with their guns, not covert at all." Red Hood said.

"Alright Red you go to the west side while you go to the east Robin, and slowly one by one take those gunners out, quietly, talk through the comms for anything significant. Aright go be careful." Nightwing said.

"Radio it in if you find the girls or the right container they're in." Nightwing said before jumping off.

About thirty minutes later...

"Yeah she can't stop nagging mann I swear to hell all I've been doing is grinding trying to make a living and make it easy for us but It's like she is just trying to make it har mann, I can't take this shitt anymore." One of the goons said.

"Hahaha I know what you mean and being together with a person is nice but going solo is also nice you know? You have your own space you don't gotta worry about a mad girlfriend all the time." The other goon said.

"Oh yeah your married aren't you?" The 1st goon said

"Yeah kids too mann, I barely get any rest in the days and at night I'm over here doing this shitt, I don't know my life's fucked already so I'm just trying to keep the kids life on the right track but I feel like this will bite me in the ass later." The 2nd goon said.

"Wait... do you hear that?" The 1st goon said.

"Hear what I don't hear nuthin." The 2nd goon said.

"Exactly... It's too quiet..." said the 1st goon.

"You got that from a movie didn't you?" The 2nd goon said not really thinking about it.

"No you idiot it just shouldn't be this qu-" the 1st goon was interrupted.

"This has to be the one right?" Nightwing said as he walked to the container in front of the two goons.

"You stop!! Who are you? What are you doing here?!" The two goons questioned walking forward slowly to Nightwing.

"You sure you didn't get the wrong place?" Nightwing turned to them and asked, the two goons confused but when they saw Nightwing looking above them they followed his line of sight and the looked up when a foot came and planted itself on the face of one of the goons while on the other one a staff came hitting it on the side of his face knocking them out.

"I'm positive, and if it isn't the one then that means our friend Martin lied to us. Which means more bones breaking." Red Hood said walking to the last container.

Red Robin stood looking at the two goons in thought, Nightwing saw this and asked.

"You okay Robin?" Nightwing asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, It's just... these guys have family yet they are still out here doing things like this." Red Robin said as Nightwing walked up to him putting his arms around Red Robin.

"Yeah, but like the old man said, there is a story behind every men and women and these two idiots have people that are depending on them and that is why we can't just go around killing as they are not just bad guys to kill off. They are people too." Nightwing said to Red Robin who nodded.

Red Hood on the other hand was messing with the container trying to open the container, he looked back at the two.

"Hey um if you two are done with your bonding and all why don't you come and hel-" Red Hood couldn't finish when he heard an unusual sound of clicking he looked at the container doors when a sound of beep kept on repeating.

"Ah shitt GET BACK BACK OF-"


Men of earth and fine Ladies I would like to proudly say... that I have inspired someone to write a novel of their own or at least I hope so...

The person was one of my first readers who supported me greatly and stayed positive...

The now author’s name on WN is Facx_

Just wanted to say something on here.

Karstagcreators' thoughts