

Young man crossing into the Marvel verse with of course, a golden finger, and he will make his own story in this new life of his, a new origin. Don’t own nada thing BUT, my own MC.

Karstag · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Birds Down

In the house of the [Dragon's Tongue] the kids were having their normal day in there, Anna who was the oldest kid in the house at 19 this year walked into the bathroom closing the door, not a minute later she opened it back up before slamming it shut with an angry expression.

"RONNY!! Damn it how many times do I have to say it, flush the g*d damn toilet when your done how hard could it be." Anna yelled at Ronny who was a 15 year old russian with brown hair who loves to fight and used to run around with delinquents.

"I don't see big problem, you see you flush." Ronny said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"I did BUT you gotta flush your own shitt mann." Anna said tired of all these idiotic dumb boys as she complained walking back to the girls room.

On the counter table was two of the kids talking, there was Chase a 15 year old boy with red hair and Jack another 15 year old with blonde hair. Chase was a talker and he was talking right now while Jack on the other hand had a lazy face just responding with 'uh huh' and 'yeah?' pretending to listen to the nonstop talker Chase.

On the other side with a smaller table there were another two guys but they were playing cards, Roberto who was one of the chefs in the restaurant and Keon who was a black 16 year old kid.

On the sofa side there was Dillon and Valentina, Tina for short, Dillon was a 16 year old with black hair who with Tina the other chef of the restaurant were playing a playstation 2 system. Dillon was a gamer and loved playing games and right now he was teaching Tina how to play.

"Hey man, I wanna play too." Ronny who was behind them urged.

On the girls room was Jun Lee and Sydney with Anna who recently arrived, Jun Lee was on the bed painting her toe nails humming about, Sydney was on the other side of the bed on her new phone while Anna walked in getting her towel and clothes to wear for her shower.

Mannix who was half Hawaiian and half American was on the back side of the roof as he was playing a guitar and enjoying the night view.

Kera who was one of the chefs were on the front side of the roof on her phone speaking to someone who seems to be her boyfriend, and she seems to be yelling at something he did. And last was the blonde Marren who had a thing for Charles, she was in the kitchen making herself a sandwich.

Everyone in the building was doing their own thing wether that is talking, playing, or whatever but in the next second something happened that paused the whole groups activities.



In the lower floor where the restaurant is the door was blasted open and three people ran in all falling down together, one was unconscious, another was barely hangin on onto his consciousness, and the last one was shaking with blood on his hand as he looked at his hand.

Up on the top floor and roof where everyone was at, on the roof Mannix ran down followed by Kera. Dillon, Ronny, Keon, Mannix, Roberto, Chase, and Jack which is all the boys stepped up to the front ready to walk down. Jun Lee walked out of the room with Sydney and Anna, Jun Lee was holding onto a bat as she went with the rest of the kids down the stairs.

"Intruders? Maybe a robbery in progress?" Keon asked as he looked at the other boys who just nodded and shrugged, some grabbed weapons like knifes, bats, and guitars?

"Aaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhh" Nightwing screamed out for the kids to hurry on out before he goes unconscious.

As the kids got onto the lower floor what they saw shocked them, it was the vigilantes on TV, it was Nightwing Red Hood and Red Robin!! And some of the kids were cautious while the others were excited to meet these heroes.

"Th- that- your Nightwing..." Chase yelled out.

"No shitt sherlock." Roberto said as he had a frown.

The kids started talking all at once some wondering whats going on and some fanboying out.

"Ha n- no It's me It's- hel- p help them the- ..." Nightwing was having trouble saying his words as he did his best to bring his hands up to his face to remove the mask, removing the mask suddenly made the whole room quiet.

"Heee- eelpp them~" Charles said before he lost consciousness dropping his head, Zhang on the other hand was just kneeling on the ground looking at the blood on his hand probably thinking about the lots of blood on him.

"What the f-"

"Holy Hell"

"No way!!"

"Nightwing is Charles?!" Jack said lost in thought.

"I think you meant Charles is Nightwing." Chase said.

"I think they're the same thing big mouth." Jun Lee said as she nudged the bat's end on Chase's face.

Everyone screamed out or was just frozen on disbelieve.

"Wait so- so the Red Hood and the Red Robin... they- they're-" Sydney pointed out stuttering at the other two masked vigilantes.

"Markus and Zhang!! That makes so much sense now!! No wonder they were always absent around here or just disappearing whenever." Jun Lee was smiling for the fact that she finally know about their little secret as she was a curious girl.

"Get them up on the bed up in the room, I'll talk to Zhang and try to he-" Anna said.

"Bed?! What they need is a hospital not som-" Sydney spoke back as she was the one who knew about first aids and such the most.

"If they go to a hospital then there would be police then the news crew and such, their identities wouldn't be so secret anymore, I'm not sure but they had to have made some enemies out there that would want them dead." Anna said as she walked to Zhang.

"And lets not forget that they are family, and if anything these criminals could come after us just to get to them." Anna said as she hugged the shaking Zhang that was probably traumatized by the blood on his hands.

In the next few hours the three was either on the girls bed or on Kali's bedroom which they kicked down and put Charles in, the boys grabbed they three carrying them up here Markus was in the girls room and Charles was in kali's room while on the other hand Anna put Zhang on the showers giving him a bit of warn water to ease him up.

In the room of Charles was Anna sitting next to the bed looking at Charles, Jun Lee standing and leaning on the door looking at them.

"Did you know?" Jun Lee asked.

"Know what?" Anna asked not looking back.

"That they were them? The vigilantes on the streets?" Jun Lee asked again.

"No I didn't, but I had a bit of a hunch though." Anna said.

"Hmm... you'd probably make a good detective." Jun Lee said.

"Maybe... but we both know that isn't my dream job." Anna said grinning at Jun Lee who just shrugged and walked off, which now left only Charles and Anna.

"Aarrggghhhh" Charles screamed as he woke up.

"Zhang?!! Markuss!!" Charles yelled out as Anna got up and pushed him back down onto the bed.

"Hey hey hey Charles It's fine they're fine, you don't need to worry-" Anna tried to calm him down.

"No you gotta help them the- they're hurt they - they need hel-" Charles yelled out more not seeming to listen much.

"Charles!! They are alright, they are in the next room." Anna screamed out bringing Charles back into reality.

"Oh... ah I- alright." He said before losing consciousness once again.

'He had enough will to wake up and all he did was worry about those two? *sigh* now thats selfless if I ever think about it.' Anna thought.

For the rest of the day Charles was sleeping as well as the burned and injured Markus, Zhang fell asleep on the sofa. And the rest of the kids... well they were grouped up together looking at the techs and suit that the three had.

"Mann look at this thing, what is it made of." Chase said as he skimmed through Zhang's suit.

"This is a staff, It's a really good one too. The weight isn't too heavy nor light just enough to whack someone into the dreamworld.. or a coma." Keon said as he scanned the metallic staff that Zhang uses.

"What is this thing? It seems like some kind of mask or som- hey give it back!!" Kera said as she looked at Markus' low mask for the nose and mouth.

"This looks badass, hold on I wanna see it too." Mannix said as he took the mask off of Kera inspecting it closer.

"I still can't believe it was them three this whole time that was running around in these things being a vigilante and all." Dillon said.

"Alright I can't take it anymore I gotta try it on- waah." Chase said and tried to grab on to the suit when a hand came and smacked his head.

"That's enough put those away, Jun, Sydney, Roberto put those away, no one is touching them." Anna said.

"Ugh your never fun." Chase muttered just for Anna to stare him down.

"Yes, no fun." Ronny said as he had one of his arm in the Red Hood gauntlets.

In the morning the restaurant didn't open, some of the kids went out looking for a place to stay or just to roam with their free time as the three injured guys were all on the beds or couch with wounds and whatnot.

Charles slowly opened his eyes and saw Anna still sitting right next to her, she sigh deeply.

"You sure your not the one that should be in this bed? You look worse than me... I think, do I look horrible right now?" Charles said as he sat up.

"Easy easy..." Anna said helping him sit up.

"Ugh how long was I out?" Charles asked.

"A day and a half." She said.

Charles rubbed his head as it was a little motion sick from all the moving.

"Uh... whose- whose room... am I in?" Charles asked.

"Your in the old mans, there weren't enough room for two of you to be in the same bed so we split you up. Sydney took care of you two, she was hesitant at first since she doesn't have hands on experience but the old mans teaching got her through it. I think she would make a good doctor." Anna said.

"Great the guy is gonna kill me for laying on his bed you know how he is." Charles said but Anna just glared at him.

"Aah thanks for the help, what about Markus or Zhang how are they?" Charles asked looking down in disappointment.

"They are fine, mostly. Markus had some serious burns but Sydney did something and helped ease the burns but the marks are still visible, Zhang had blood all over him but it wasn't his..." Anna said.

"Wasn't his? If it wasn't his then who would it be-" Charles questioned.

"It belonged to you... Zhang told me what happened, well he told me as much as he can but he is a little shaken up. He told me about the explosion, about how Markus was the closest being blown away and you covering Zhang just in time, and while he said you covered him some shrapnels or blade came and cut your side stomach deep which send the blood covering Zhang.

He said you were fading on and off from time to time but you looked Zhang into his eyes told him to 'no matter what get to the restaurant' and you guys did. You and Zhang carried Markus here before collapsing, Zhang's adrenaline rush stopped and he realized what happened and with all the blood on his hand it kinda freaked him out." Anna said as Charles brought his hand to the side to feel the stitched up cut on his stomach.

"You got so much shitt to explain Charles." Anna said as she crossed her arms and leaned back on her chair.

"*sigh* yeah... yeah I know." Charles said as he fall back down onto the bed.

Back to present...

"That was pretty much it... I woke up with Markus still out, and Zhang barely talking." Charles said.


It was silent Kali didn't say anything and Charles just looked down lost not knowing what to do. Kali reached and took the cigarette box Charles had on him and took one out and started smoking it.


"Aren't you gonna say anything?..." Charles raised an eyebrow.

"Well I don't know... I feel like yelling at you and telling you this and that but that won't change or solve anything, nor I can't blame you since it is not your fault. It was just a mistake in the field, and either it being small or big making a mistake is always gonna happen." Kali said.

"We can't afford to make mistakes out there, but when we do, we learn from it and do our best not to repeat the same mistakes, everyone has the right to make a mistake but It is your job to make sure you learn from it and not to repeat it." Kali said exhaustively.

Charles looked down in thought as Kali was sighing, the time spent with the kids made him feel a little attached with them. He would always mess around with them or just help them throughout their individual problems, and unless It's serious moments like these he would always tease, laugh at, or bother the kids just for fun, but he would do his best to keep his good looks and advise them and be a strong shoulder for them to depend on and lean on.

"Zhang... I think he is a little shaken up by the whole situation a few days ago, it doesn't seem to be stopping either and we don't know how serious it is.

He is barely talking and not really sleeping that much always being on his computer and all..." Charles said.

"Hmm I'll go talk to him, but for you? I don't know try to talk to the kids because I honestly don't know what to do about this whole situation." Kali said as he made quick steps to the roof doors heading for Zhang.

"Wha- wait your leaving them to me?! I don't even know what to say about it, how do I even explain anything?!" Charles yelled as Kali walked away.

"Just think of it as practicing talking skills, you get through this test then you'll be better in others." Kali said before disappearing.

"Test my ass your just trying to avoid this whole troublesome talk." Charles sigh.

At one of the back tables in the diner hall...

Zhang was covered with a small blanket going through his computer with coffee cups filled on the table and looking like a raccoon with his black eyes from not sleeping much.

"Hey kid..." Kali said as he moved towards Zhang and sitting on a chair next to him.

"Kali...". Zhang quietly said.

"...so... how are you doing?" Kali asked, Zhang tried to speak before clearing his throat.

"I'm- I'm fine, where did you go?" Zhang asked.

"Ah I had to go somewhere, I owed someone a favor." Kali said.

"And what happened a few days ago... you wanna talk about it?" Kali asked where Zhang just shook his head.

Kali wasn't sure what to do as he never really experienced this kind of state Zhang was in, not sure if it was just a temporary quietness or a deep trauma. He looked at Zhang and wondered but then had an idea, sure he couldn't help fix the troubles Zhang was feeling but maybe he can take his mind off of it.

"Zhang tell me have you used your gliders yet? Your suits cape?" Kali asked.

"Hmm... yeah it was helpful I used it to block some bullets and other dangero-" Zhang said.

"No no I mean have you used it to glide around in the air yet?" Kali asked.

"Uuh no not yet... I'm not exactly sure how it works so I've only been using the [Soft & Hard Landing] techniques you taught us." Zhang said.

"Hmm well maybe I'll take this chance to teach you some more things, go suit up." Kali said.

"Kali... I don't kno-" Zhang tried to say no.

"Hey It'll be alright, I'm here for you we all are. I'll meet you on the roof." Kali said not giving Zhang much of a chance to reject.

Zhang just stood there sighing before walking off to suit up.

Had to work around some writers block so it might be a little rocky.

I’ll post another chapter later.


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