
[Dropped] (Going to be rework)

Ray is famed as the #1 player in Arcana Online, a popular VRMMORPG game that has more than 2 Billion players. As a dead person he plays the game like its his life. One day when logging in, he find himself inside a gigantic castle "Wait.... why did I spawn as a baby? Bug?" (Ray) "I can't I log out!??" (Ray) "Huh?! who are you? and how can you talk in my head" "This voice... Leila?" (Ray) "What!! Are you Rey?" (Leila) To think that im reborn in the game and of all people im reborn with the #2 rank player. "F*ck! Isn't this your typical cliche stories?" (Ray) Author note: This is my first novel, im sorry if my grammar is bad as this is not my first language. This is a novel I wrote for my own entertainment im not expecting any reader, but if people start to read this novel I'll fix the quality. Note: I'll probably fix these chapters later in the future. (To be exact chapter 1~17 needed to be fix, and 18~23 needed a little adjustment as for chapter 24~33 I'm not not experienced enough to fix cause I didn't see any thing I did wrong. This probably would change the more experience I get as a writer so please bare with my bad grammar) Art is not mine... If the drawer some how saw this and want to take the picture down msg me.

BuyJestercap · Fantasía
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38 Chs

Magic Puzzle (3)

It's been 3 months since we received the puzzle and one more month before we start to attend school. We are right now 8 years old, the age when children go to school.

[Friday, 11 March 3023]

Looking at the calendar, me and Laila frowned.

Starting to get annoyed, Laila gaze turn to me

"8 more months before the time master said" (Laila)

"I don't think we could open all the seals" (Ray)

"Yeah... we can't even open the first one until we reach at least <A> rank" (Laila)

While doing the puzzle in the past 3 months, they have found out more information about the complicated seals.

The seal is layered with a total of 5 seals, every time we open a seal we will get an artifact or some sort.

To see the first seal content, we literally need to place a special piece of grass on top of the magic paper. The type of grass we used is an elven spirit grass.

This type of grass could only be found in mountains with SS rank mana density on the continent of elf

Doing so will reveal instructions on what to do to open the first seal.

So to open the first seal, we need to inject mana to the elven spirit grass and extract the mana that the grass emitted into the magic circle, and we need to do it for 10000 minutes or 7 days without rest.

If you're asking how we know the time requirement, it is because of this sentence 'look at the paper for minutes around the years it tooks a high elf dies of old age' meaning we just need to change the lifespan of a high elf from year to minutes.

Basically a high elf lifespan is 10000 years, so following the hint means 10000 minutes and that's around 7 days.

Right now they are unable to open the seal because of <One Mind> mental burden causing them to use more mana as they become more exhausted.

Only when they reach A- Rank would they have the mana required to maintain the unsealing process.

"But to reach A- rank we need to do 'that' right?" (Laila)

"That's correct, but we should take our time before doing it, we can't rush ascending rank or it will cause more problems later" (Ray)

"We should worry about reaching the level cap first before even thinking of doing 'that'" (Laila)

In the game, to increase your level cap you need to ascend your rank.

After finishing the tutorial you will have a level cap at level 80, to ascend you need to absorb a high amount of mana/vitality to increase your body limit.

-Note: vitality is absorb to increase aura and body strength

Basically you need to be in a place with high mana/vitality density to ascend. In the game some high level guild created lots of mana rooms and vitality rooms to help their members ascend, the amount they absorb will depend on their skills and controls.

This was also a type of measurement of the player's talent. Back at the game I ascended with 632% efficiency while Laila with 621% the 1st and 2nd highest in the game.

The more efficiency they reach the higher the mana/aura quality they recieve, the density of energy absorbed also contribute to the ascension measurement. At the game I absorbed A rank energy quality to reach that number. This was also the case for Laila.

The higher the energy is ranked, the higher the maximum amount of energy you could fit in your body, the higher the rank the harder to control.



To better understand this explanation I will write a simple concept

You are playing tetris, the lower difficulty one will be slower while the harder one will be faster. But playing the harder one will give you more score than playing the easier one. how much can be arranged without breaking depends on our control and skills.


100% G rank = 50% F rank

100% F rank = 50% E rank

100% E rank = 50% D rank

100% D rank = 50% C rank

100% C rank = 50% B rank

100% B rank = 50% A rank

100% A rank = 10% S rank

100% S rank = 10% SS rank

100% SS rank = 10% SSS rank

Note: There is no <+> and <-> thing or sub rank on energy quality.

"What energy rank are we going to use when ascending?" (Laila)

"Did you forget about the dungeon competition price?" (Ray)

"Are you seriously going to use that?" (Laila)

"Of course we are, my skills is far better then back at AO" (Ray)

"I see.... I will break your record this time" (Laila)

"Dream on!" (Ray)

"but we should cap our level first" (Laila)

"Agreed, we should spar with each other for the remaining months. It would be best if we reach A- before going to school" (Ray)

While they were preparing to go to the training hall, they remembered a minor problem

"By the way, how are we going to disguise ourselves?" (Laila)

"Ah shit, I completely forgot about that... Let's figure that out for another time" (Ray)

'status open'


Name: Rayford Aquinox

Race: Human

Class: Magic Swordsman (degraded)

Level: 65 (B-)

Title: Thousand Slash (Obtain by swinging your sword 1000 time in 1 minutes) Increase attack when using any type of sword by 20%


[Synchronize] (Unique) LVL 11

Passive skill that allows the user to synchronize your mind, sight, smell, skill, and emotions. Using this will allow the user to speak telepathically with your soulmate. Because of the skill proficiency the user and their partner will be able to share their unique trait with each other.

<One Mind> (Unique) LVL 6

The users can't be too far away from their soulmate

Will share the user sense with their soulmate. Maintaining this state will consume a high degree of mental energy. Consumption will decrease as the skill proficiency increases.

<Switch> (Unique) LVL 1 (MAX)

When using this skill the user could switch body with their partner after getting consent, When switching body, the body special trait will be switch with each other. Will get stronger as Synchronize become stronger.

As this skill level increases, more active skills will be unlocked.

[Realization] (EX) LVL 1

Will allow the user to increase your level and power temporarily by using the user data of Arcana Online. The user will retain all skill and appearance data from Arcana Online for 5 second upon activation. After using this skill, the user will be in an exhausted state for 10 hours.

Cooldown: 48 Hours

[God's Eyes] (Unique) Lvl 2

Able to see more information when looking at something, when channeling mana to the eyes one could pierce illusion and see the truth. More function will be added the more proficient the user become

[Combat Stat]

Str: 26

Mana: 61

Aura: 60

Agi: 28

Vit: 31

Perception: 65

'Synchronize level seems to increase by a lot, I guess the puzzle helps increase it as we use it all the time when reading the it's magic circle. There is also a new skill that lets us switch bodies, I don't think Laila will want to use it.' (Ray)

While pondering on how to convince Laila to use the skill, he realizes that they would eventually use it anyway so there is no use thinking about it now.

'Let's just focus on leveling 15 times before school start' (Ray)



A little bit more before we move to new arc, it's more or less 7-8 Chapter away.....

If you could, please leave a review to help me improve

Thanks for reading!! - Author