
Game Rules & Information

The Player will be placed into a fictional world, whether that be a game, novel or tv show it does not matter.

• The Player can be descended into the World as the Protagonist of the World, an Extra with an already established history or a simple Transmigrator dropped into the World

Once placed inside the world, based on the difficulty the Player could get something called a [World Gift]. World gifts act as little crutches to help the Player succeed in worlds that they wouldn't realistically survive in. These gifts can range from abilities to simply being good with scissors.

So that the Player can grow from their tribulations, when the Player accomplishes a feat they are given an [Achievement]. Achievements then reward the Player with [Achievement Points] and [Game Points], how many is based on how good of an achievement the Player accomplished

[Achievement Points] are only gained from achievements and can only be used in two ways, after the Player competes a world and returns to [Intermission], or to level up the [Skills] and [Abilities] the Player gains in a world

 [Game Points], can only be used inside a world and can be gained in a multitude of ways, surviving near-death situations, killing people or creatures, achievements, and anything else I can think of when it comes to it. Game Points are used to buy from the [Game Store] or to upgrade the Physical Attributes and Energy Reserves of the Player

 [Intermission] is the place the Player goes after completing a world, it has a calming effect on the Player's mind and allows the Player to have access to the [Player Privilege] a vault separated into ranks that allows the Player to buy Privileges before entering a new world, like Abilities, Skills, Items, Editing their spawn or even Editing the world itself. However, the things the Player can buy are based on the performance of the Player in the world before and the grade they got. If the Player got an A Grade on the previous world, the Player can access the [Player Privilege] of A rank and below

• [Skills] can gained from the [World Store], [Player Privilege], or learnt from others. Skills are Physical "Techniques" that normally reside in the realm of possibility, however, this does not mean they cannot become Supernatural as skills have a Level cap of 5, after which they evolve to become even better skills that can transcend common sense

 [Abilities] are naturally supernatural and more often than not are better than skills and can become stronger the same way Skills do, but the Level cap to evolve is at 10 instead of 5. Abilities take energy as a resource

The completion of a world is completely up to the Player up to a certain point, the Player must make it to a type of "Checkpoint" to consider a world completed, for example; If The Player Dies, The Main Antagonist of the Player is Killed, The Player completes their Goal, etc. Based on where the Player decides their "Completion" is, Loki will determine the Grade

When returning to [Intermission] , the Player is given the choice to keep 1 Skill or Ability that they gained from the World. Everything else is erased except for any skills they had before going to the World. This includes their experience, as the World will feel like a vivid dream. This is so that any trauma gained will not be completely transferred over. It still will, but not as much as it could. However, this doesn't completely erase experiences, when the Player tries to do something they did before it'll feel like trying to fly in real life after flying in your dream, it'll feel like you can do it but you can't because you don't have the ability, but once he does he can replicate his previous moves to a T.


[Universal Name: Seth]

[Physical Attributes: Unchanged(Above Average)]

[Energy Reserves: Unchanged(Empty)]

[Talent: Unchanged(Gifted)]

[World Gift: None]

[Original Skills: [Awareness 3], [Empathy 1], [Calm Mind 2], [OCD 3]] 

[Achievement Points: 0]

[Game Points: 0]

[Grade: N/A]