
"If I Was There" Show

This is what happens when a normal highschooler is kidnapped by an Omnipotent God who wants to experiment on something new. "What would a normal person do when put in the same situation as the main characters they rebuke." (This is technically a Harem, but he'll be going to many worlds and will only have one girl in any world he goes to, never two girls at the same time) (I also try to keep the total number of girls that he has a relationship down because it's more of a compatibility thing with him and not just getting with a girl because she's pretty, it's if they click together, so he won't have a lot of girls he'd get with)

LordHollow · Others
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3 Chs

If I Was There

In a normal high school classroom with a normal teacher, normal seats and normal kids, there was a normal kid surrounded by his friends in a little group while he cursed at his phone.

"Goddamnit man, I can't be reading this shit anymore!" The kid cursed as he shut off his phone.

"What is it now Seth?" Another kid asked clearly already understanding what the problem was.

"It's these damn pieces of literature man, it's so damn annoying everybody's a pushover who either can't stand up for themself and announce their needs and wants, but also can't say no to anyone, everyone has a flimsy sense of justice that can be easily rebuked! Or they're just plain assholes without a sense of compassion or respect for anyone!" The kid from before, now known as Seth leaned back in his chair in exasperation.

"I'm not even saying everyone should become a villain or something, I consider myself a nice guy, if I had powers, I'd be Superman, but fuck! You can be Superman without his personality as well, Superman's a fucking pushover like Batman they both have detrimental flaws in a world that completely takes advantage of that."

"He's on a rant again huh?" A girl in the group sighed.


"If I was there, there would never be a problem, in the end everything goes to shit because people despise being controlled and use whatever means to stop that, but you know what, when people do whatever the fuck they want and learn whatever the fuck they want, religion, racism and war comes from that." Seth continued.

"Why Religion?" The one guy who had been paying the most attention asked?

"It's a stupid thing that is made from the despair of weak Humans who can't resist their fate, so they look up to a higher power to push their weakness onto that for hope, but it's also a good way to start wars while being in the "moral" high ground, and it's good at making willing cannon fodder." Seth answered.

"If you were to be in that situation, would you succumb to seeking a higher power as well?" The guy asked.

'Why the fuck would you ask that, especially in that tone?'

Seth woke up from his rant and looked around to the supernatural sight of everything around him losing color and frozen in place, the only things not frozen and having color would be him and his friend across from him.

'Mn, alright.' 

Although his heart had started beating faster than before, it quickly calmed down as he came to the conclusion that whatever happens it doesn't matter since he has 0 ways to resist, so he'd might as well answer truthfully.

"So, you asked if I would turn to God if I was put in their position?"

"Yes." The boy nodded.

"Hell yeah I would, in the end I'm still a Human, a weak and pretty normal one, if I'm in the area of a Tornado I'm immediately praying to God that I don't die. I'm a pussy through and through, however I'm the pussy who survives and the pussy who won't just take some bullshit just because I'm scared of it. Although I'd pray to God about the Tornado, I'm not gonna sit down and cry and hope he takes the wheel, no I'm gonna try my hardest to survive."

"Good, I love the honesty, I'd rather that than you puffing your chest and saying you've never felt fear before and would dominate any world you're put into." The boy smiled widely.

"So, what's a divine being want with me?" Seth smiled back.

"Why'd you immediately assume I'm something like God?" The boy asked in curiosity.

"Well, what supernatural being you know that can stop time?"

"Fair point."

"Now to tell you what I've come here for, Seth a normal teenager who feels he could at least do better than the main character if he was put in the same world or position, I've seen many people like you who feel they'd be better than the main character, however you seem to be more self-aware of your own position, so I want to see for real, what would you do if you were there."

Seth was a little taken aback, he had his suspicions about what the Godlike Being in front of him wanted, and based on the conversation and his own imagination he could already kind of tell what he wanted, and he was right, but even then, it's still pretty surreal.

'So, I get to go to other worlds and maybe become the main character there, and all this guy wants to see is what I would do if I was there...'

"Hell yeah I accept." Seth had no doubts in his mind on his answer.

"Hahaha! Good, I love the energy, I sincerely hope it stays that way." The "God" laughed heartily before he snapped his fingers and Seth was whisked away into an all-white space with blue panels of information in front of him.

[Welcome to the "If I Was There" Show, where you will be sent into many different worlds to see what you would do if you were there]

[These are the rules of the Game:]


-The Player is put into a random fictional world can be a game, novel, tv show, kid show, manga, manhua, manhwa, anime etc

-Once put inside the world, the situation of the world will be considered, and the Player could get a gift to use in that world that will help them(The Player won't necessarily always have a Gift)

(Inside a Cultivation world the mc could get Supreme Level Talent, Godly Spiritual Roots, and above average physical attributes)

-The Player could either become the main character of the world, an extra with an already established history or just literally fall from the sky as a Transmigrator

-After each world completed the Player will have the choice of retaining one ability they had, based on the world you go into after that, the ability will be adjusted, in a Cultivation world you could keep Omniscience fully unsealed, but in a normal modern world, Omniscience would become Empathy

-The 'Ending' of each world is entirely subjective, the Player could take over the world, destroy everything, kill themselves or do something completely different and it will be considered a clear, its mostly up to the Player

-If the Player dies in a world, the world is considered a loss and he loses the chance to get an ability from it, and all memories of it, except for the fact that he lost and died there are erased


[Universal Name: Seth]

[Physical Attributes: Unchanged(Above Average)]

[Talent: Unchanged(Gifted)]

[World Gift: None]

[Retained Ability(s): None] 

[Skill Points: 0]

[Grade: N/A]

-The user's performance in a world dictates the abilities he can get in the next with a Grade, ranging from the bottom at G all the way up to EX. These Grades allow the Player to learn abilities at the start like Ywatch when in the Bleach world, Rinnegan when in Naruto, or even just a remote to turn off Animatronics when in Fnaf

-Skill Points are for achievements while inside the world, using them you can learn abilities, learn skills, or enhance both however they cannot be kept into the next world unless you choose one to keep

-Achievement Points, these points are gained in the same way as stat points but at a lower rate and can be used to gain abilities, skills, races, talents, social status, information etc, these points are the only way you can buy abilities before the start of the world in the Grade System(When you complete a World and get a Grade you're allowed to buy any ability from that Grade and under in the next world, and you can only buy abilities with Achievement Points, but Achievement Points aren't limited to just that)


'This is a pretty good system from what I see, it scales based on the world I'm in, if I'm in a normal world it'll seem like a simple daily life system, but if I'm in a strong world it could seem overpowered as hell, perfect for the show he wants me in.' Seth praised the transcendent intellect of whoever could have made such a perfect game system, only someone divine in presence and nature could every create such a thing, truly a humble being to not boast about their achievements.

~Here's your first world, you cannot choose for now, but later you will be able to~

A voice projected itself inside Seth's mind, startling him for a second before he got over it and chalked it up to the boy from behind talking in his mind like a God would, which wasn't incorrect so all was fine.

[Nothing Special - Game]

"I think I've heard of this game before, but uhhh, I can't completely remember so I'll just go without a thought."