
"Chronicles of the Celestial Odyssey"

In a world of adventure and mystery, Bolivar Jelo, a brilliant individual from another realm, is transported to the world of One Piece after a fateful encounter. Gifted with the Omniscience Fruit, granting him infinite brain capacity, Bolivar befriends Nico Robin on the island of Ohara. Together, they embark on an epic journey, utilizing Bolivar's vast knowledge and unrivaled inventions, including the Eternal Parchment, Quill of the Cosmos, Celestial Blossoms, Astraleth Wood, and Eclipse Armament. Their ship, The Astraleth's Gaze, becomes a symbol of their unyielding quest for knowledge as they explore the uncharted seas, unraveling the world's secrets and forging an unbreakable bond of friendship along the way.

The_Trickster303 · Cómic
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22 Chs

Chapter 9: Echoes of Tragedy

As Astraleth's Gaze sailed further into the uncharted waters, Bolivar Jelo and Nico Robin were unaware of the unfolding tragedy back on Ohara. Unknown to them, the giant, Jaguar D. Saul, had washed up on the island, regaining his senses and realizing the dire situation.

Saul, troubled by the impending doom he had witnessed before losing consciousness, sought the authorities on Ohara to warn them of the battleships' approach. He knew they were destined to destroy the island due to the scholars' study of the forbidden history enshrined in the Poneglyphs.

Meanwhile, Nico Olvia had managed to escape from the clutches of the Marines and made her way back to Ohara to warn her fellow archaeologists about the grave danger they were in. The Marines had discovered their homeland through the possessions found on the ship, and they were determined to eradicate all evidence of the Void Century.

Despite Olvia's urgent warnings, the scholars were steadfast in their resolve to protect the Tree of Knowledge and the vast repository of hidden history it held. But the brutal forces of CP9, led by the ruthless Spandine, quickly subdued them.

Inside the Tree of Knowledge, CP9 uncovered the Poneglyph concealed in the basement, leading to the scholars being condemned to death by Buster Call—an unrelenting and destructive barrage initiated by the World Government.

As news of Ohara's impending destruction reached Astraleth's Gaze, Bolivar Jelo and Nico Robin were engulfed in sorrow and disbelief. The echoes of this tragic event reverberated across the seas, leaving an indelible mark on their hearts and igniting their determination to seek answers and uncover the secrets of the Void Century.

While they may not have witnessed the tragedy firsthand, the memory of Ohara's fate would forever shape their quest for knowledge and truth. Jelo and Robin's celestial odyssey had taken on a deeper purpose, carrying the legacy of Ohara's scholars with them as they sailed onward, driven by the unyielding desire to unveil the mysteries that lay hidden in the world of One Piece.