
list of stephanie plum-Romanbücher online lesen - WebNovel


  • Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

    Sequel to Lord of Mysteries

    Cuttlefish That Loves Diving · Fantasie
  • La Novia no Deseada del Alfa

    Jazmín es la primera hija del gran Alfa Bale. Debido a su condición de hija bastarda, vive una vida maltratando, fregando suelos y atendiendo a las necesidades de su padre, madrastra, hermanastros y toda la manada. Pero su vida da un giro drástico cuando la cambian por la hija legítima de su padre para casarla con el guapo y despiadado Alfa Xaden. Xaden está determinado a castigar a Jazmín por los pecados de su padre que había masacrado a toda su familia, aunque ella no se parece en nada a su padre. El odio lentamente se convierte en deseo, pasión feroz y finalmente en amor. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando Xaden descubre que Jazmín fue plantada como espía para provocar su caída y que de hecho no era la princesa original que le habían prometido? —Que esto sea una lección para todos. Real o no, Alfa o Omega —declara—. Se alejarán de lo que es mío. En mi propio territorio. En mi manada. Con eso, lanza el brazo ensangrentado a un lado y se lleva a Jazmín lejos de su mirada impactada.

    Stephanie_king1 · Geschichte
  • The Alpha’s Unwanted Bride

    Jasmine is the first daughter of the great Alpha Bale. Because of her status as a bastard child, she lives a life maltreated scrubbing floors and attending to the needs of her father, step mother, step siblings and the entire pack. But her life makes a drastic turn when she is switched in place for her father’s legitimate daughter to be married off to the Handsome and Cold hearted Alpha Xaden. Xaden is determined to punish Jasmine for the sins of her father who had massacred his entire family, even though she is nothing like her father. Hate slowly turns to desire, fierce passion and finally love. But what happens when Xaden discovers that Jasmine, was planted as a spy to bring his downfall and was not in fact the original princess he was promised to? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Let this be a lesson to everyone. Royal or not, Alpha or Omega," He declares. "You will steer clear of what is mine. In my own territory. In my pack." With that, he tosses the bloodied arm aside and takes Jasmine away from their shocked gaze.

    Stephanie_king1 · Geschichte
  • Second Take On Romance - The A-List Actor Wants Me

    One sunny day, Shen Jingwei, a Z-list actor, received an opportunity to attend an open-call audition the very next day. It was for the role of an antagonist in a new BL C-Drama, "Dance Of The Dragons", which was adapted from a novel of the same title. He agreed to join the audition due to several factors, among which his manager's threat to jump off the 20th floor, his dire need for money, and also the fact that his rank in the film industry could not go any lower. One look at the panel of judges made him want to turn on his heel to leave, but it was all too late. Because who would expect the poor Z-List actor to meet his mortal enemy/ex-boyfriend, Yan Renzhong, the A-List Actor responsible for his decline long before he even learned how to fly? ------------------ "You and I... are playing a couple of lovers, who will go on to get married and have children with each other." Shen Jingwei could sense blood coming up his throat. What was the point of saying it out loud, again? "Yes," he forced himself to agree nonetheless. Yan Renzhong pinned him with a stare. "We have unresolved issues from the past. I hope you won't let them affect your and my performance in the drama. Act the professional you are supposed to be." "..." "And don't call me 'Emperor Yan' anymore." Yan Renzhong left after delivering one blow after another, not even waiting to see if Shen Jingwei succumbed to his injuries or not. What? Whattt? Whattttttttt?

    Lu_Shui · LGBT+
  • Song of the Gardener of Souls [BL]

    Rowan sees beauty in death. The Order he has sworn to obey only sees defilement. As the reviled Caretaker of the Order, Rowan has accepted his role as a dutiful outcast because he believes it is the only way to prove his worth to the man who holds his sisters’ souls as collateral. With his magic and his voice, Rowan can absorb death and transform it, but only in ways the Order deems acceptable to maintain the stability of the reality it claims to protect Order must subdue Disorder. Reality must triumph over illusion. He is tainted and always will be. Rowan has never questioned those lessons, but that changes the night he harvests a crimson soul that is more than human and chooses to keep it a secret. When Rowan’s song transforms that soul into a beautiful and mysterious man he names Wren, he is forced to accept that sometimes duty is a lie and illusion is the only thing you can trust. As the fabric of the Order begins to unwind and a new kind of Disorder takes hold, Rowan will need to choose again, stand with the Order that held him down, or forge a new path with Wren at his side. He may be the only one who can restore balance to the worlds, but only if he can find balance within himself first. ************************************* Updates 3-4 times per week. Note: This story focuses on relationships. I promise an epic romance, lots of swoon-worthy moments, and a healthy amount of fluff. When it does get steamy…you might get burned. Fair warning for explicit content. I don’t shy away from my spice. There are lots of side characters and couples to fall in love with, in addition to the main couple. If you love the idea of found family, you will be happy. This book is set in a non-heteronormative world, so you will see various gender identities/expressions and types of love. ************************************* Excerpt (if you want the full steamy version, you will have to read the book!): Still reeling from the new magic that coursed under his skin and unsure of how to react to the desire that threatened to take control of him, Rowan froze. Wren's hot breath against his mouth sent a jolt of pleasure through his body, and he choked back a groan. A different kind of panic flared in Rowan's chest, burning him as if he were the one on fire. This was what he wanted, what he'd thought about every night since Wren left. But wanting more was one thing. Acting on it was another. He'd spent so much of his life hiding, he didn't know how to do anything else. One corner of Wren's mouth twitched as Rowan pulled away. When he attempted to free himself from Wren's grasp, Wren just hauled him closer. Rowan liked that he didn't have to think about what to do next. His bare chest thudded against Wren's torso, and the heat from Wren's body merged with Rowan's skin, melting him from the inside out. "What did you just do to me?" Wren's deep voice vibrated against Rowan's chest. "The Disorder of your illusion was holding you captive. I…I absorbed it." "Oh? Where did you learn to do that? Have I been gone that long?" Wren's grip loosened slightly on Rowan's wrists as if he was satisfied now that Rowan was practically sitting on top him. Rowan stared at Wren's lips. He opened his mouth to protest, but immediately closed it again. "I know you aren't going to say that I shouldn't touch you." Wren's free hand splayed over the small of Rowan's back. "Not when you started it." Rowan's breath hitched. "No. I'm not going to say that anymore. Not to you." "I thought you were afraid to be touched." Wren's fingers traced a circle over the curve of Rowan's spine as if testing for a reaction. "I know that I'm not afraid of you." Rowan waited for the panic to set in, but all he felt was desire. "With you, I want…" "You want what?" "I want more." Triumph flared in Wren's gaze before he narrowed his eyes. "Really? Then why are you still trying to get away from me?"

    LivChanin · LGBT+
  • The To-Do List

    Who said that the death of a person is akin to the extinguishing of a lamp; that all previous karmic ties would be severed. Raizel, the pinnacle cultivator of Terra made an oath to his dying junior martial brother to complete his To-do list. What was the big deal? It is definitely not as difficult as fighting the Devil King. That is till he saw the list. Plant a fire lotus flower in the Shuya Ice peak, Skinny dip in the Neva river, Save a beautiful poisoned female cultivator in the forest, win the most loved teacher in the school. How could he have forgotten the psycho that is his junior martial brother, Lucas? His journey to complete the To-do list takes him to various places and throws him into unique situations. He meets different characters and he discovers a hidden love so deep that it is almost painful. "I knew from the moment that I set my eyes on you that you were mine. Even if I have to fight Heavens to get you, even if I am sentenced to the 66 Hells; I would never regret loving you." This book is a slow burn romance. Would it be worth it in the end? Yes, I promise there would be enough smexy scenes for a massive nosebleed. Hope you enjoy!! #Book cover not mine.

    Dark_Scholars · LGBT+
  • Legacy of Eldric: A Tale of Ruler

    Warning! Really heavy on the slice of life. Enjoy! ================================== The Blackwood Barony, a lush paradise on the outskirts of the Kingdom of Naloria, is the home of the Balmore Household. Led by the skilled and powerful Sir Garret Balmore, the Forest's Warden, this group of formidable knights safeguards the kingdom's frontier. Living and training in the heart of the forest within the Blackwood Keep, a massive fortress, they have honed their combat skills to perfection, their might rivaling even the Barons' forces. The eldest son of Sir Garret is called Eldric and he was once one of the stronger knights in the household an even had the honor of saving the crown princes life. He basked in that glory, but that all turned awry as he was framed for staling the second prince's horse. He was to be sentenced to death, but luckily for him the crown prince came up for him. He was excused from death due to his military service at the border and him saving the crown prince's life Even though he was excused of a death sentence, his core was broken an he was exiled. Left with nowhere to go he travelled west. When he came a undiscovered area rich in life and sustenance he decided to build himself a home. When he was finished building his house a sound resounded in his mind. * Ding * Congratulations for building your Keep and awakened the Knight Household system. Thats right. Eldric has awaited 20 years for his golden finger without much hope and on this very day he has found his salvation. Join Eldric as he starts his journey and building his own kingdom. ------------- I created a discord server for those wanting to enjoy it in more detail? https://discord.gg/UYvHsZGhrC

    Warrior_Blade · Fantasie
  • Legacy of the God of War

    Trapped in a harsh life in Shanghai, Li Chen discovers he's the vessel for the ancient God of War. Armed with newfound strength, he confronts his oppressive in-laws and navigates the modern world. As he harnesses this power, he must protect his love and face those seeking to exploit his abilities.

    FlameWitch · Fantasie
  • Inggrid Shit List

    Warning!!! Rate M untuk adegan dewasa dan kata-kata kasar. Volume 1-2 Jika membuat Inggrid jatuh cinta sama artinya dengan kemenangan terbesar dalam hidupnya. It's okay, Mika akan membuat wanita tidak peka itu jatuh cinta padanya dan setelah itu CAMPAKKAN! Volume 3-4 Pengalaman ditolak oleh cinta pertama membuat Hellen trauma untuk jatuh cinta dan pekerjaannya sebagai editor membuatnya semakin sibuk untuk sekedar keluar minum kopi dengan lawa jenisnya. Tapi siapa sangka jika keputusannya untuk pergi ke pesta ulang tahun teman kantor membuatnya bertemu dengan seorang dokter mesum bernama Arka Bagaskara! "Kau mau minum apa?" "Susu kalau boleh?" "Baiklah," "Dari sumbernya langsung?" Ya, ketidak beruntungan Hellen karena dia harus terperangkap dengan sosok dokter mesum tapi tampan.

    Yuni_Saussay · Urban
  • Rebirth Of The God Of Souls

    Alternate Name: The God Of Souls System! Surrounded by terrifying Gods Deus stood his ground, even with all their tricks and underhanded means they were still killed by his hands! The shackles of a powerful barrier held him but his power was still unfathomable! Sadly, he has to die at the hands of his former rival and friend, who attacked and killed him when he was at his weakest! Chill up! Things are still going according to plan. Deus knew that he would die one day worse still, at the hands of his crafty, two-faced friend who betrayed him in the past. But that was it... He is dead, but his vow to kill Zeus still lives on... All hope is not lost, he left a package for his reincarnated self in the near future, along with a mission to kill Zeus, the Emperor of the Upper realm Million of years later... A gangster and bastard from the Maxwell Family, with an unknown heart disease, discovers a shocking secret... He, Leon Maxwell is the reincarnation of a powerful God by the name, Deus Anima... ┏━━━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━━━┓ Congratulations, Leon Maxwell my reincarnated self, the Soul Merging process has been completed. You've obtained a legacy from the God Of Souls, Deus Anima... THE GOD OF SOULS SYSTEM ┗━━━━━━━━༻❁༺━━━━━━━━┛ 'What?! I'm the reincarnation of the God Of Souls?! ' ***** With this System, Leon would cave his path to power... Even after getting reincarnated his anger has not been quenched and his thirst for revenge has risen even more... "Wait for me, Zeus. I'm coming for your head!" ***** Join our discord server.... https://discord.com/invite/dyhAPQhnsy

    Justin_Gabventure · Fantasie

    How I Got My Ex Husband Back.. Am so excited to share my testimony of a real spell caster who brought my husband back to me. My husband and I have been married for about 5 years now. We were happily married with three kids, two boys and a girl. Four months ago, I started to notice some strange behaviour from him and a few weeks later I found out that my husband is seeing someone else. He started coming home late from work, he hardly cares about me or the kids anymore, Sometimes he goes out and doesn’t even come back home for about 3-4 days. I did all I could to rectify this problem but all to no avail. I became very worried and needed help. As I was browsing through the internet one day, I came across a website that suggested that Dr. Genius can help solve marital problems, restore broken relationships and so on. So, I felt I should give him a try. I contacted him and told him my problems and he told me what to do and I did it and he did a spell for me. 24 hours later, my husband came to me and apologized for the wrongs he did and promised never to do it again. Ever since then, everything has returned back to normal. My family and I are living together happily again.. All thanks to Dr. Genius Powerful Love Spell that really works. If you have any problem contact him and I guarantee you that he will help you. He will not disappoint you. Email him at: geniusspelltemple@gmail.com or WhatsApp him now +2348155184380. His website: https://geniusspelltemple.wixsite.com His blog page: https://geniusspeltemple.blogspot.com

    DaoistsM9Ts5 · Urban
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  • Plum Blossom

    Enji_Todoroki_1723 · Geschichte
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