
Review Detail of KhadaFourJhin in One Piece: The Resurrection

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One Piece: The Resurrection


Beliebt bei 4 Personen




Hi there, can i have your attention for a moment? take a glance at my work- Naruto: World ascension- and give honest opinion?


is it #Harem or #NotHarem?


pirate/Marine or Revolution-road ?


Which one would you prefer... as I said in the author's notes I wish to hear you guys' opinions. Currently, I am going towards romance/non-harem, but it can change :)

Ryofu:is it #Harem or #NotHarem?

I wish to make him join the Marine but I have had plans on going towards the revolutionary army. Honestly, I have like 10 different ways to further the story so tell me which role you wish to have.

Jasonenrick:pirate/Marine or Revolution-road ?

I mean, it is your Novel, but it I were you, I would take the Pirate-road, because it makes things more interesting. Marines are just sore losers and are dogs to the WG; something for simple or whatever... Revolutionary people are always in the dark and there is a lot less actions and a lot less interesting. Pirates have a more dangerous road because they are on their own and are a lot more powerful than any Revolotionary army. Partially because their life is always in danger, and they tend to grow more powerful because of this. the 4 Emperors, The Pirate King, Xebec, who was able to challenge the whole Wordl etc etc. So, if you don't want to be a slave with an invisible rope on your neck, go for pirate. Of course, you can get training from the marines and then go the pirate-road, makes things a lot more easier in some chases....but in some also more dangerous

KhadaFourJhin:I wish to make him join the Marine but I have had plans on going towards the revolutionary army. Honestly, I have like 10 different ways to further the story so tell me which role you wish to have.

Haha yes I know pirates are more interesting in some aspects and marines/revolutionary army aren't the best. That's why I plan to integrate how I would deal with the Marines in the future and Ryle's mindset changing about the pirates. I don't necessarily plan to change Ryle's role into a pirate, I plan to change his understanding of them. I have planned some interactions and hope you will like them. Thanks for reading and hope you continue to enjoy it.

Jasonenrick:I mean, it is your Novel, but it I were you, I would take the Pirate-road, because it makes things more interesting. Marines are just sore losers and are dogs to the WG; something for simple or whatever... Revolutionary people are always in the dark and there is a lot less actions and a lot less interesting. Pirates have a more dangerous road because they are on their own and are a lot more powerful than any Revolotionary army. Partially because their life is always in danger, and they tend to grow more powerful because of this. the 4 Emperors, The Pirate King, Xebec, who was able to challenge the whole Wordl etc etc. So, if you don't want to be a slave with an invisible rope on your neck, go for pirate. Of course, you can get training from the marines and then go the pirate-road, makes things a lot more easier in some chases....but in some also more dangerous

I mean, it you aren't a marine, and you are powerful, the WG will mark you as a pirates, the reason, one has to join a "faction" if one is powerful. Or you go the Mafia-way....or bounty-hunter. Mafia would be interesting

KhadaFourJhin:Haha yes I know pirates are more interesting in some aspects and marines/revolutionary army aren't the best. That's why I plan to integrate how I would deal with the Marines in the future and Ryle's mindset changing about the pirates. I don't necessarily plan to change Ryle's role into a pirate, I plan to change his understanding of them. I have planned some interactions and hope you will like them. Thanks for reading and hope you continue to enjoy it.

I'm for the #Harem, but it's my personal preference, some want to other not xD.

KhadaFourJhin:Which one would you prefer... as I said in the author's notes I wish to hear you guys' opinions. Currently, I am going towards romance/non-harem, but it can change :)

I'll consider it. I don't wish to make this story 1000+ chapters because that'd be way too long. I'm not too sure how to add mafia into the story but the bounty hunter part is possible. Stay tuned and see how the story goes because I come up with ideas randomly lol.

Jasonenrick:I mean, it you aren't a marine, and you are powerful, the WG will mark you as a pirates, the reason, one has to join a "faction" if one is powerful. Or you go the Mafia-way....or bounty-hunter. Mafia would be interesting

I think having a harem wouldn't service the story since I want this to be more of a realistic action story instead of a romance one. I will probably go for the love triangle or just a single romance but if other people request harem, I can try :)

Ryofu:I'm for the #Harem, but it's my personal preference, some want to other not xD.

Well, if you go the Harem road latter on Ping me in this comment xD.

KhadaFourJhin:I think having a harem wouldn't service the story since I want this to be more of a realistic action story instead of a romance one. I will probably go for the love triangle or just a single romance but if other people request harem, I can try :)

I like harem, but it's your novel if you write a harem but you don't like it then just don't do it. What do you mean love triangle? I mean, the mc will have 2 lovers or he will choose one girl, if he chooses then it's a no for me

KhadaFourJhin:I think having a harem wouldn't service the story since I want this to be more of a realistic action story instead of a romance one. I will probably go for the love triangle or just a single romance but if other people request harem, I can try :)

I was thinking of doing that but since it is requesting a harem then I don't mind doing it. However, I'm not sure how to make the girls accept each other as their fellow wives lol.

Shiliew:I like harem, but it's your novel if you write a harem but you don't like it then just don't do it. What do you mean love triangle? I mean, the mc will have 2 lovers or he will choose one girl, if he chooses then it's a no for me

I am planning on going to do the harem since others have asked so leave suggestions on who should be in the harem.

Ryofu:Well, if you go the Harem road latter on Ping me in this comment xD.

No harem, is not realistic and the interactions become cringe asf...... do a action fic with romance (one girl), we are here to read action, ALL harem fanfics goes to shit........dudes who like HAREM Go read or watch some hentai..... Freaks

KhadaFourJhin:I am planning on going to do the harem since others have asked so leave suggestions on who should be in the harem.

I was planning to do a single romance or a love triangle at most but I wish to please my audience as much as possible. I don't read too many harem novels so I'm not sure how it'd work but that isn't the focus of the story, it is just a plus. Thanks for reading my story though :)

RaGnAr_SK:No harem, is not realistic and the interactions become cringe asf...... do a action fic with romance (one girl), we are here to read action, ALL harem fanfics goes to shit........dudes who like HAREM Go read or watch some hentai..... Freaks

I don't think a lot of people read fanfics for the action, I like reading action, but I like whrn a fight is as short as possible. If you are here for the action go watch action movies... Freak jk

RaGnAr_SK:No harem, is not realistic and the interactions become cringe asf...... do a action fic with romance (one girl), we are here to read action, ALL harem fanfics goes to shit........dudes who like HAREM Go read or watch some hentai..... Freaks

Sure dude, have Fun.....If the majority like It harem, you have to write for them, Just no Focus too much in this Pit(never goes well) the same guys that ask for that, always came back later to ask for more girls or critics the interactions with the girls......

KhadaFourJhin:I was planning to do a single romance or a love triangle at most but I wish to please my audience as much as possible. I don't read too many harem novels so I'm not sure how it'd work but that isn't the focus of the story, it is just a plus. Thanks for reading my story though :)

sure dude, sure ........

Shiliew:I don't think a lot of people read fanfics for the action, I like reading action, but I like whrn a fight is as short as possible. If you are here for the action go watch action movies... Freak jk

Haha yeah, I'm focusing more on the story than the romance. I only added it to make the ending a little better like a cherry on top. Thank you for giving me your opinion. :)

RaGnAr_SK:Sure dude, have Fun.....If the majority like It harem, you have to write for them, Just no Focus too much in this Pit(never goes well) the same guys that ask for that, always came back later to ask for more girls or critics the interactions with the girls......