


The more I read, the more brain cells I lose on this website.

2020-08-07 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • KhadaFourJhin
    Antwortet auf Blast_Niro

    Yeah except the hourglass is darker blue. He can also manually turn it off and instead of turning red it is just dimmer to represent how much power he has left

    He looked at the watch, noticing its black and gray heavy design and a hint of blue to complete it. What was eye-catching, was the hourglass symbol on top. Kane started messing with the watch before hitting one of the buttons, causing the dial to pop up.
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin
    Antwortet auf Fire_Boy_5319

    Starfire is actually a good idea. I might do that.

    There might be a few people that ask about romance, I haven't decided. Instead of completely pushing the idea of a harem away, I'll consider it if it's the right people. Otherwise, it's pretty obvious who it'll be, you just won't know how their relationship will develop.
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin
    Antwortet auf UnsimpleMexicano

    MC is an OC. However, his life is based on Ben Tennyson life but his character is different. I’ll try fleshing it out more later on.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2: Giant Robot
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Two and a half aliens are now shown in the Omnitrix. I'm going to probably introduce alien names soon as I'm tired of describing them as monsters, aliens, or transformations. Thanks for reading.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2: Giant Robot
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin
    Kane's torso grew immensely, along with the rest of his body. Muscles begin to build and stack upon one another. A large and powerful tail extends out of Kane's back before his eyes turn blue and the hourglass pops out onto Kane's chest.
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Things you can expect: Cool alien fights. Ben 10 Lore. Occasional DC Fights/Lore. Hopefully well-done relationships Things you probably shouldn't expect: Deep mind-boggling storytelling. Perfect comic-accurate setting. Murderous perfect protagonist. (Maybe in another story) Too serious of a story in general. Hope you enjoy the story. Thanks for even checking it out.

    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin
    Max Myers
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin
    Anna Moore
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Unlike Kane, I imagined Elsa as her for some reason. Probably because her name is Anna but this fits fine.

    Anna Moore
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin

    This too

    Kane Myers
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Didn't think too much about how he looked but I saw the Spider-man 2 game's trailer when thinking of this idea and thought this might fit.

    Kane Myers
    Omnitrix in DC
    Anime und Comics · KhadaFourJhin
  • KhadaFourJhin

    are you still doing this? I'm looking for something to read but this hasn't been updated for a month along with your other stories

    Ch 43 This Is Normal?
    Stranger Things: What if
    TV · Night132
  • KhadaFourJhin


    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Conquering The Omni-Verse!
    TV · KingSeyer
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Apart from the occasional grammar mistakes and iffy dialogue. This story is actually really good. Maybe it's because this is the first 'The Boys' Fanfiction I've ever read but I'm really looking forward and excited for what happens in the future. Updates look pretty good, although I've only read 11 chapters, the story looks decently done also. What I like the most though is the main character design. He is a borderline psychopath that wants to rule the world, his way of thought is seemingly perfect for someone as messed up as him, and if done right might come off as a pretty generic but decent villain. An MC being evil just for the sake of being evil sounds good to me at least. World background is pretty good as well, if you've never watched the series or read the comics you might understand the story but probably not as enthusiastic as me. Overall from the 11 chapters I've read so far, this is a strong story I'm really looking forward to, but my only wish is for an editor to fix the errors that come every now and then.

    Conquering The Omni-Verse!
    TV · KingSeyer
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Thanks for the chapter! First The Boys fanfiction I've read and I'm really enjoying it. I hope Homelander and Virgil have more of a friend/rival relationship than actual enemies. I feel like Homelander can be very useful and beneficial to MC. Apart from that, I'm excited for the future of this story please don't drop.

    Ch 10 Fame?
    Conquering The Omni-Verse!
    TV · KingSeyer
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Well, I'm going to have to disagree with most of this comment section. I can see its flaws and do think most of the criticism is good but sometimes I get frustrated that people say a movie is bad when it isn't what they were expecting. It was meant to be a detective story showcasing a character arc for Batman in his early days, yet people are saying he's too weak or the movie was too long when they spent almost the entire movie building up so many storylines, characters, and settings. The cinematography was amazing and this was the most comic accurate Batman in live-action, the soundtrack exceeds most other CBM movies and the story is more coherent than a lot of other stuff. If you don't enjoy it, it's perfectly fine but I do want people to know there is really beauty in it... a lot. I'm more of a spider-man guy and read every fanfiction, comic yet I still wholeheartedly think The Batman is such a better film than No way home, not including hype or experience. As in objectively in what makes a movie good. Check it out yourself!

    Anyways, I haven't seen the new Batman movie yet and so I wanted to know what your thoughts are on it. Frankly, I'm dreading to watch it since the lady who was cast as the Catwoman (Zoe something, something) is pissing me off with her attitude lately. She was accusing Christopher Nolan of being racist because she wasn't cast as the Catwoman during the Batman trilogy and now I saw a clip of snubbing and talkin' shit about Tifa and Aerith (T.T)
    I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU)
    Anime und Comics · ashes_
  • KhadaFourJhin
    Antwortet auf Prakhartheturtle

    I didn't find it long nor slow, they were telling a coherent story and I appreciated that. There were elements of stealth just not ninja-like, which is understandable considering he wasn't trained by ninjas in this iteration. He's walking because he's been tanking and fighting guys with guns throughout the course of days. It's meant to be a real detective take and you were expecting fighting and martial arts. I do think it is flawed to some degree with other elements but its fight, choreography, and the story is a lot better than most of the things that have come before it.

    Anyways, I haven't seen the new Batman movie yet and so I wanted to know what your thoughts are on it. Frankly, I'm dreading to watch it since the lady who was cast as the Catwoman (Zoe something, something) is pissing me off with her attitude lately. She was accusing Christopher Nolan of being racist because she wasn't cast as the Catwoman during the Batman trilogy and now I saw a clip of snubbing and talkin' shit about Tifa and Aerith (T.T)
    I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU)
    Anime und Comics · ashes_
  • KhadaFourJhin

    This would be a lot less jarring if every sentence the guy speaks didn't end with !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't take him seriously I just read it as him being so hyperactive and always screaming everything he says.

    Ch 3 Chapter 0003
    The Sims System
    Anime und Comics · _Patatas_
  • KhadaFourJhin

    Not a big fan of the whole changing POV thing but I'll deal with it. Please add more transformation elements here, it's so much more interesting than just brawling with superhuman strength.

    Ch 1 It's Hero Time
    Archived #2
    Anime und Comics · That1BoredWriter
  • KhadaFourJhin
    Antwortet auf BlackIight

    She's showing too much expression over things she shouldn't really show about. Well, it is what it is, hoping it tones down, if the author is trying to go for expressions then maybe using another character would be better, not the cold-blooded agent that's been trained since a little child. Love the story though.

    "Oh my god." Natasha gasped out.
    I Am Peter Parker (MARVEL AU)
    Anime und Comics · ashes_