


I like romance over every other genre and Toradora is my all time favorite. (Still need to read the LN though.), I'm relatively well versed in other genres as well however so my culture level is high.

2022-04-09 BeigetretenUnited States



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  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf King_linley123

    Truth be told that was the whole point however I can see how unsatisfying it is for it to take so long so I completely get you.

    Ch 67 Chapter 66 - Defeat of Angel
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Falsic

    You know. I completely understand this and have come to a decision. I made a lot of mistakes since this is my first story and I’d very much like to correct them. So I will be creating a new story with a different protagonist but the same concepts such as the king Cadidates and what not as even I’m frustrated with my horrible pacing problems. I hope you can at least try that one once it comes out and I very much thank you for voicing your criticism as it really does do a lot to help. I’m very sorry about this. (Truth is I had already noticed the bad pacing but since I didn’t get any comments criticizing it I sort of gas lit myself into thinking it was mostly in my head due to my constant second guessing of my actions.)

    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Lambhendelta

    Though I mostly did that since I really wanted what happens during the “Auction Confrontation Arc” to hit as HARD as possible.

    Ch 67 Chapter 66 - Defeat of Angel
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Falsic

    I keep emphasizing it because it’s a huge flaw that she indeed is not doing anything about… flaws like this are crippling and we’re right about to reach the arc where all of her flaws that she seems to refuse to work on are going to come back to bite her and those around her. Her unwillingness to put her all into training. Her willing ignorance at what the other king candidates are planning. Her lack of impulse control. Her constantly running away from thinking about the future. And even her arrogance. We’re like RIGHT THERE. The fall from grace, the true start of the hero’s journey. The call to action. Her weaknesses are only piling up more and more and yet she’s still for the most part Ignoring it. Luck can’t save her forever. Though I understand if you still want to drop the story, I myself have realized that I’m foreshadowing a lot of stuff far too much and if I could go back I’d definitely try cutting ALOT of the fluff since I could do those characterizations and focused stories during canon.

    Ch 67 Chapter 66 - Defeat of Angel
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf King_linley123

    Indeed she hasn’t gotten much better since chapter one. She’ll start improving once she stops hesitating when it comes to thinking about the future. Which is to say…. When she’s properly forced too…

    Ch 67 Chapter 66 - Defeat of Angel
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Destroyer404

    That’s a good thought though falling doesn’t work exactly like that in this story, it is still a bit strange that she can act like that…

    "YOUUU BIIIIIITTTTTTCCCCCCHHHHH!!!!" She screamed swinging her bat down towards Cebrail's head mercilessly.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Monzer_Abbas

    Hmm? I have never been one to confirm nor deny anything~

    "Hey! What are you doing you stupid boy!" Riko took off her shoe and threw it at the boy. "Stop ogling at Big Sis Brail! She's a PRINCE! A LADY KILLER! PRIME YURI MATERIAL!!!!!"
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf camo

    I’m sorry friend…

    "Tsk. Why must we look for this lackadaisical woman every day?" The next child asked bitterly and with great hostility in his voice. He was a boy with somewhat neatly kept light blue hair and angry blue eyes, his mouth completely set into a frown.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta

    That... is almost as shiny as Krillin's head.

    "Obviously so that we can see more Yuri scenes!" The next child chastised slamming her fist into the back of the boy's head. She was the most normal looking of the three with long brown hair that nearly reached her back and bright big green eyes. Her most distinguishing feature was the fact that with her bangs being held back by a hairpin her forehead looked very much like a fivehead.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Lambhendelta

    I'll be her all day. Thank you~

    "Tsk. Why must we look for this lackadaisical woman every day?" The next child asked bitterly and with great hostility in his voice. He was a boy with somewhat neatly kept light blue hair and angry blue eyes, his mouth completely set into a frown.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta

    His master is a real BEAST of a woman!

    "Tsk. Why must we look for this lackadaisical woman every day?" The next child asked bitterly and with great hostility in his voice. He was a boy with somewhat neatly kept light blue hair and angry blue eyes, his mouth completely set into a frown.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta

    Anyone remember this show?

    "Big Sis Brail! We're here!" The first child called out. The child had neck-length pink hair with a white hair band and a face that already seemed to be growing into its future beauty. Though she wore the female uniform, this person was in fact biologically a male. Of course, Cebrail didn't care all that much…though looking at her did seem to be confusing the Seraphim's preferences, she often now thought, "What would Roygun look like crossdressing?" and the like.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Zeus_Lawliet

    That’s a good question… though each of their heritages are important spoilers. Just know that only Cebrail is what you would really call “all natural”

    The first and most obvious person in the room was the girl. She was not only taller than Cebrail but also rather well endowed in her curves. It wasn't so much that she looked like a short adult but enough that anyone looking could tell they were only just getting started. With her blueish almost lavender hair tied up in two short pigtails on either side of her head and piercing green eyes, she could definitely pull off the innocent beauty look even when she got older.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Zeus_Lawliet

    Biological at first

    Holy Water Creation - All of her bodily fluids are considered holy water capable of healing others and purification.
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Yuki_55

    Kokabiel is one of the leaders of Grigory and one of the first Fallen Angels meaning that he likely participated in the war against God and the Devils. You’re saying a kid that has likely barely lived for 18 years should be able to beat him based on who he’s related to alone? The combat experience and the amount of skills they each have at their disposal should be night and day in my opinion is all I’m saying.

    Ranking: High-Class Angel, One Wing Set, King of Hearts
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Yuki_55

    I know that but you must realize he lost to BASE VALI no juggernaut drive and if my memory serves me no dividing of his power. He was still beaten immensely easily by a devil who should be weak to his arsenal and hasn’t even begun to approach the higher levels of power in the verse. You gotta admit that it makes both Angels and Fallen Angels look pretty bad power scaling wise…

    Ranking: High-Class Angel, One Wing Set, King of Hearts
    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    Didn’t want to respond since I really am wasting Data (Check Chapter 55’s author notes if you think that for some reason I’m running away… from a conversation… over the… uhh internet…) But to my knowledge after doing just minuscule amount of research and cross referencing… Devils killed his parents and he even seems to hold actual animosity towards them given that he claims that he can’t forgive them, since… they killed his parents. Also I guess shame on me for not reading 19 volumes of a light novel and memorizing every single character I guess…

    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    I feel as though I have explained myself perfectly. I think perhaps that you just aren't understanding or you're simply not trying to understand. Unfortunately, while I'd like to continue this conversation I have no Internet at the moment and am using up data so I need to go. Have a nice day.

    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    What do you mean?

    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta
  • Lambhendelta
    Antwortet auf Pythia

    God's System and the Sacred Gear System? Yes of course.

    Seraphim Princess of DXD
    Anime und Comics · Lambhendelta