


Hi there! My name's J_Striker, and I'm just somebody who's having fun writing books and reading webnovels. I love good world building and weak to strong novels with a bit of romance sprinkled. :)

2022-02-26 BeigetretenUnited Nations



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  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf nora_yato

    I've joined college. I can't find the time to write a book right now.

    Ch 77 End
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf Book_Creator

    Not exactly. Ethan isn't in Noah's 'bracket'. So the tests and trials he has to face are different. Also, I imagined that this the the part in 'The Ghost System' where Noah has already revealed his powers, and his admission into KGS was slightly glossed over due to this.

    Ch 15 Fight
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf nora_yato

    Oh. I see. Well that's unfortunate

    Ch 63 Real
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf nora_yato

    What do you mean? My latest chapter is chapter 71, and I released it yesterday. Even got some comments on that chapter. It should be visible

    Ch 63 Real
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf NObody

    Today. I had an exam on 28th august. Sorry for the delay!

    Ch 68 Justice
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf nebula

    By the way, just wanted to tell you. For some dumb reason, webnovel isn't displaying this review. I didn't delete it, in case you were wondering.

    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf KING_RIP_is1

    Their first members had B rank. But eventually, it was increased to SS rank.

    His potential! His potential! Ethan's potential was now SS rank. If he played his cards right, he could become as strong as the five families. But having good potential wasn't all there was to being powerful. The best gatekeepers understood their powers well, and were skilled in using weapons to complement their strengths and cover their weaknesses. And the perfect example of this was the Gibson family.
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf KING_RIP_is1

    Bully started the fight, but theykd blame Ethan. Stabbing somebody is generally a crime.

    "Arrrghh....." The bully screamed. "You....you asshole. You....you won't get...get away with this!" Ethan bolted, leaving the bully rolling in pain. He didn't want to be seen with that guy. They'd definitely find a way to pin the crime on him if he was discovered. He ran home, hoping nobody had seen him.
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf Slksk_Hshhs

    Is it better now?

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker

    Just saying neutered means losing ability to reproduce. Did you mean neutralise?

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    sci-fi · Copper_mask
  • J_Striker

    Why tf is this listed under cheering reads?

    Ch 1 Chapter 1. Revenge of the Righteous
    Rise of The Demon General
    Fantasie · UnrivaledArcaner
  • J_Striker

    Let me preface by saying that this book os a hidden gem. It is a unique book that is rarely seen on webnovel. It is well thought out, properly executed and overall fun to read. However, I ended up dropping it after 350 chapters. Let me tell you why. 1) Hypocritical mc. While Berengar is a good strategist who plans well for the future, and is an amazing kingdom building protagonist, he’s a huge hypocrite. He often says something is bad as justification to kill his enemies, then ends up doing the exact same thing while giving some kind of a moral justification that is extremely of-putting. I think tha the fact that he has skewed morals doesn’t irk me as much as the fact that he tries to justify them. Ultimately, I hate the fact that he doesn’t have a moral bottom line- something that he wouldn’t do regardless of hundreds of temptations. 2) Harem. Most of the times, harem sucks. It’s a messy genre that often fails because the girls have no personality and straight up fall over the mc. This novel is good in the fact that the women aren’t cardboard cut-outs, but fails in the ‘fall over mc’ aspect. It’s frankly pretty annoying how almost every woman that appears falls in love with Berengar, and I wish that their ‘oh, he’s such a great man, Idc if he cheats on me’ attitude would go away. 3) Incest. Oh god author why didn’t you put tags????!!!! . . Ultimately, this novel is good. It’s better aspects are exemplary, making it a hidden gem, while its worse aspects are, well, terrible. So it comes down to whether you, the reader can stand thise bad aspects and enjoy the novel for what’s good in it. Kinda like the mushoku tensei dilemna. I couldn’t stand this novel’s bad aspects. But I could wade through mushoku tensei and appreciate its good parts. It comes down to you as a reader. And anyways, maybe after I’ve let off enough steam by mentally cursing Berengar for two weeks, I’ll come back. Because that’s how entertaining and exciting the kingdom building aspect of this novel is. Enough to make you forget its worser parts. Great job on your research, author! I liked the book very much despite my qualms with it. So keep writing! Bye! J_Striker out!

    Tyranny of Steel
    Geschichte · Zentmeister
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf Slksk_Hshhs

    Wow! That means so much to me. I'm not going to use this comment as an excuse for my slow release schedule though. I WILL get things back on track and deliver quality chapters everyday. That's my promise.

    Ch 63 Real
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf nora_yato

    Exams lol. After that, I will post at least 1 chapter everyday.

    Ch 62 Spark
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf nora_yato

    Abyssmal until 28th August.

    Ch 62 Spark
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf NObody

    Didn't accept it yet. I'll probably accept it when I start regularly releasing chapters(which is in two months, lol)

    Ch 59 Dojo
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf AuthorKen

    Oh, I see. Well, he won't kill randomly, but he will kill when the enemies 'deserve' it. And some deaths may be harder than others ;)

    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf AuthorKen

    What do you mean by a 'hero complex'?

    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf Bonb_Crusher

    People are teasing him over here. They're saying that Ethan wouldn't be able to kill a goblin.

    "That idiot couldn't even reach the target, and when he did, he couldn't even destroy it. He probably couldn't even kill a goblin if his life depended on it." Ethan heard somebody laughing. He faltered for a moment. He was tempted to go on a rampage and vent his frustration. "Huff...huff...huff." He took a deep breath as he tried to calm himself down.
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker
  • J_Striker
    Antwortet auf Krown

    Got it. I’ll dial it down the n the future chapters

    Ch 57 Control
    Hell's Resonance
    Fantasie · J_Striker