
Review Detail of nebula in Hell's Resonance

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Loving this book so far. I have a few gripes and the novel is not perfect, but you should still be commended for what there is so far. I like the MC a lot. I think the way you combined Ethan's and The Boy's personalities is interesting and unique, and while he is smart and rational, he still makes mistakes and can be impulsive at times. I also like how we can see the MC open up to his friends over time, awesome character development. Other characters are less fleshed out because we know almost nothing about them, but hopefully that will change at some point when the MC actually properly becomes friends with people. We can already start to see this in Luna's struggles being hinted at. So far, the main "issue" I have with the book is it is very slow paced. And the problem is not the fact that it is slow paced- that can work really well- but that it feels slow paced. When the MC rises in ranks/number thingies, we just get told about it in his status. The slow pace isn't showing him gathering strength and progressing, it just is there. There is no excitement for the reader (in rank progression) as it doesn't feel like it means a lot, mainly due to how it seems brushed off when we are told of it. I did love how you did the fight against those pebble golems though - that improvement felt more satisfying than the rest of them. I can't say much about updates as I binged what there is so far in around 4 hours, but it scares me to see a slow book like this with 4 chapters a week as depending on how long the book is it could take a huge amount of time to finish. World background seems cool, and I like the way things are going. I don't really get the whole "KGS is too busy keeping people alive to prevent politics and shizz" part, but it's not that big of a deal. Families seem like they'll get fleshed out over time which I like. tbh I can't be bothered to write any more, that's why I'm not cut out to be an author, but I'll add on to this is a comment if there's more I decide I want to say. Thanks author and good luck, I'll be reading pretty silently for the most part but I am here.

Hell's Resonance


Beliebt bei 2 Personen




By the way, just wanted to tell you. For some dumb reason, webnovel isn't displaying this review. I didn't delete it, in case you were wondering.


Thanks for your honest review! First of all, the slow pace. Yes, I know it's slow-paced. And yes, it's a fault of mine. But I think that (hopefully) by the time Ethan advances to F rank, this issue will be resolved. The reason for this is (spoilers ahead) the innate abilities. I think that the point when Ethan's innate ability is revealed, along with other relevant stuff, that's when the true 'excitement' about his progression will kick off. Next of all, the updates. Yes, this is completely my fault. Actually, I have had exams going on constantly for the past 4 months(yes, I know, it's unbelievable). I plan on properly committing to this novel as soon as my tests get over, which would be by the end of August. In fact, that's part of the reason why I haven't accepted the contract offer. What's the point of accepting it, when I can't even write consistently. Thirdly, the KGS part. All I'll say is that there's still much to be explored, so sit tight! And finally, thanks for your honest and comprehensive review. I'll try to work on the aspects you've mentioned. I'm not perfect, but I can improve. So your words are very helpful to me. Thanks for reading!


Dumb webnovel doesn't let me make paragraphs


Thanks a lot for the reply. The whole F rank thing makes sense, and it was also said earlier in the book that progression speed increases then so that sounds good and I'll be looking forward to it! Also if anything updating at all in exam season seems tough, so props for that and it also clears my worries about how long the book will take. I'm getting excited for what's coming next, which doesn't happen often, so know you're doing something right.


oh thanks, I didn't even realise tbh. Although I suppose it doesn't matter in the end as the review was mainly for you, and if it has in any way helped then it has served its purpose.

J_Striker:By the way, just wanted to tell you. For some dumb reason, webnovel isn't displaying this review. I didn't delete it, in case you were wondering.