

2022-01-15 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • KingOfOlympus
    How could a grown man be leeching off a woman he might possibly be older than, however, he was already feeling quite grateful he couldn't get a boner, otherwise he didn't know what would have been the woman's reaction
    The Tribrid System
    Fantasie · CollinX_BrainZ
  • KingOfOlympus

    i read charmon as cinnamon

    "Xinlloc Zniarb Charmon."
    The Tribrid System
    Fantasie · CollinX_BrainZ
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf Master_Celestial
    "Xinlloc Zniarb Charmon."
    The Tribrid System
    Fantasie · CollinX_BrainZ
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf ShodaiKokyu

    thanks for the advice im sort of new at writing

    "This boxing stance feels a lot more comfortable too use then normal boxing not as cramped as the other styles. However it doesn't have as much defense as other boxing styles which could be a problem in the future but maybe that's because I haven't mastered it yet." Suiryu thought too himself as Naoya stared at them with stars in their eyes. Yet again Suiryu was able too get a general understanding of a technique just by viewing it. Naoya also expected that Suiryu would probably master this style of boxing just like hes done with all the other skills he has taught them in the past.
    Baki/Kengan Ashura Story: Suiryu The Third Son.
    Anime und Comics · KingOfOlympus
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf DaoistgRn1HN

    i really like animes that give a proper and detailed explanation as too what is going on especially in martial art animes so I try my best too explain what is going on also hey congrats your the first review

    Baki/Kengan Ashura Story: Suiryu The Third Son.
    Anime und Comics · KingOfOlympus
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf ShodaiKokyu

    Like I've said before in a previous comment i'm used too using their or they too describe actions or people especially in fighting scenes byt if it makes things easier I'll start using "She" and "He" in future chapters

    "Well this boy wanted too make a bet and he said he could beat any instructor or student in this gym so I decided too have you be the one too spar with em. I don't see a problem with this but if you don't wanna spar with them or are just too scared you can just decline and I'll find someone else too spar with them" Naoya said a mischievous grin on there face as they saw Jack's face quickly turn a deep shade of red as he said this. Naoya has been teaching Jack for a long time and he knows them well enough too know what can quickly anger them. He also knows Jack has a rather large ego and will never turn down a challenge when his skill is questioned.
    Baki/Kengan Ashura Story: Suiryu The Third Son.
    Anime und Comics · KingOfOlympus
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf Myriad

    thanks for the correction!.

    Dieser Absatz wurde gestrichen.
    Baki/Kengan Ashura Story: Suiryu The Third Son.
    Anime und Comics · KingOfOlympus
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf Electric_Dream246

    sometimes I prefer writing there in sentences when describing something because I thought it'd make things easier for the readers too understand whats going on but if it makes things easier I'll start using he or she in later chapters

    As Suiryu winded their fist back for a moment veins seemed too cover there arms before they unleashed there jab!.
    Baki/Kengan Ashura Story: Suiryu The Third Son.
    Anime und Comics · KingOfOlympus
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf Electric_Dream246

    it is quite the mystery

    "I can just weight them later but what if there telling the truth?. I think I've only ever heard of one person whose height and weight are the exact same but if this boy and that man are the same then that could only mean...." As Naoya thought this too himself a memory of a blond haired man standing in front of a metal wall that had a large fist imprint on it popped up in his mind.
    Baki/Kengan Ashura Story: Suiryu The Third Son.
    Anime und Comics · KingOfOlympus
  • KingOfOlympus
    Antwortet auf lord_of_all_realm_

    I know this and I probably worded it wrong but what I meant was that yes he still had body fat its and flesh that makes up his body and prevents him from living in agony its just that he doesn't have any flabby sort of fat you know what I mean? he doesn't have the type of fat that would negatively effect someones weight and physical ability all the fat his body does have has been converted into muscle unlike most body builders and martial artists who may be mostly be made up of muscle they still have bits of fat that effect there weight also congrats on being the first comment and I'm sorry for the long reply I just want too make sure my readers understand whats going on.

    Ch 2 The Boy Part 1.
    Baki/Kengan Ashura Story: Suiryu The Third Son.
    Anime und Comics · KingOfOlympus
  • KingOfOlympus

    way to be subtle when asking him a question

    “Gary… I have noticed you have been behaving super strange these last couple of days? I gave you the chocolate to test a hypothesis of mine, but I didn’t want to hurt you. I never thought it would turn out this way, please you gotta believe me. You know you can tell me anything, right? So I gotta ask… Gary, are you a werewolf? ”
    My Werewolf System
    Fantasie · JKSManga