


I like books, and I write a bit too.

2020-10-16 BeigetretenNew Zealand



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  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twig6 months ago

    I really love the way this has been set up. It feels like I'm in for a crazy journey with Elias into this mysterious world. For a first work, I'm incredibly impressed, especially with how much planning has gone into this. If you ever need something to cure your LOTM addiction, this is it. Def a page turner!

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twig6 months ago

    My goodness, what a great "first" chapter. Apart from your MC Elias having the same as mine which pulls me out of it a little, it's got a great intro to the world, the characters and the system already in only one chapter and that really hooks me. THATS ACTUALLY CRAZY! Imma binge the rest another day but I'm highly interested in where this will go as I've been following your writing process on Discord too. Keep it up [img=recommend]

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twig9 months ago

    Shameless Plug. This is my first novel so I'm still getting better. For those reading, I hope you enjoy and I'm always open to feedback.

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twiga year ago

    This story really shows promise, although it has generic tropes, it's well done, it's got great visual storytelling, the characters have great dialogue and are interesting too. I can't wait to see how this story unfolds. Keep it up author 🙌

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twiga year ago

    What a good start. I've only read a few chapters but how the novel introduces the character is great and really characterizes him. Although the massive explanation in chapter 3 broke my immersion, it was rather interesting. I would work on your punctuation and fix a few grammatical errors but overall solid, and I can't wait to read more.

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twiga year ago

    I love the pacing and characterisation in this novel, also the mystery and history behind the tickets, mother and where Ulanni is really keeping me invested. This web novel looks like it'll do great if you keep up the great work!!

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twiga year ago

    I'm not a big zombie fan so with these kinds of stories they would have to be different to the norm. This one is pretty simple and really fast-paced. The chapters are very short so it's a very quick read, but I personally think it's a bit too fast. I hope you continue though because the more you write, the better it will get. Keep it up!

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twiga year ago

    Yeah, I'm very hooked. The mystery, the fascinating world and the vibrant personalities of each character really draw me in. The prologue even almost got me tearing up from its tragic nature. I love what you've set up and I can't wait to learn more about these 'Numbered' and the precious Autumn.

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twiga year ago

    OMG, that first sequence had me in the feels, gave me goosebumps and almost made me tear up. So dark and really draws me into the frame of mind of 'Autumn'.

  • Human_Twig
    Human_Twiga year ago

    So he absorbed his other selves soul, or spirit. Like the way he fought seeing as he's literally fighting... himself lol.

The Time Keeper.

Elias Ashborn is a highly intelligent and studious young man who has always been a dedicated student, pouring all of his time and energy into his academics. However, his single-minded focus on his studies has left him with little experience of the world beyond the pages of his textbooks. One fateful day, after an exhausting study session, Elias is suddenly and inexplicably transported to a strange new world that bears a striking resemblance to 19th-century Europe. In this new world, Elias discovers that magic is a forbidden and criminal practice, and those who are caught wielding its power are persecuted and hunted down. Despite his initial reluctance to interact with the people he encounters, Elias soon finds himself drawn into the complex and perilous struggle between various powerful factions, each vying for control of the world and its secrets. As Elias navigates this strange and dangerous new reality, he forms unexpected and unlikely friendships with the people he meets along the way. He uncovers secrets that should've stayed hidden, and he encounters great powers that only some dream of seeing. Through his experiences and struggles, what new things will he learn about himself and this brand-new world? ~~~ #BIG BIG WARNING# This is first and foremost a draft book as initially I was just putting this on Webnovel for my friends to read and eventually it'll be scrapped and rewritten much better once it's complete. So there will 100% be mistakes as this is also the first book I've written I also have a tendency to go back and edit already published chapters to fix plot holes and foreshadowing. Since I'm still writing this series this will happen a lot so some things might not make sense in later chapters if earlier ones have had changes.

Human_Twig · Fantasie
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80 Chs