
VRMMORPG:The Sun Sets When The World Ends

Dante, an apostle for the evil God????? kneeled on the collapsed floor of a building coughing up blood, looking around he saw nothing but destruction where there was once prosperity and laughed self mockingly while he reminisced about how he did it. "Why?... Why did you do it Dante!" the hero said as his eyes swam looking around at this destruction, his voice sounding like he was on the verge of crying, his sword weakly at the neck of Dante, waking Dante from his reminiscent due to the icy sensation of the magical metal. "It was the only way...and even if there was another option, it's too late anyway," Dante said as he looked at the hero with his already half-blind blue eyes from the fight they just had. Hearing that, the hero didn't even continue speaking with him and just swung the sword, instantly decapitating him. The last sight he saw was the beautiful sunset mixed among the ruins of buildings as his vision turned black. [Activating Chronos's last wish] A villain's end is never the end (PayPal link) https://www.paypal.me/LeoKala3q ____________________________________________ (Author Disclaimer) I don't own nor claim the rights to the picture If want to be removed, please contact me (MASSIVE REWORK EMMINENT!!!!!) A's an author. I want to give you my best, so that's why I will rework will be reworking all chapters released. ___________________________________________ (Ps Goals) 100 Ps =2 chaps extra 500 Ps=5 chaps extra 1000 Ps=10 chaps extra Ps goals are stacked so if you complete all of them you will get 17 chaps

Death_Penalty · Spiele
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35 Chs

Me VS Me

As Dante was standing by the window overlooking the brilliant neon lights of the city, he then noticed something strange in the corner of his eye. His reflection that should be still was slowly moving.

Instantly, this set off his mind's alert system as he stepped back and raised his guard,watching how the reflection slowly moved until it completely disappeared from the window.

WHEN SUDDENLY, he collapsed to the ground, the only indication of something being wrong with him being how much his body was tensed.

This had continued on,progressively getting worse by the minute, till his vision went utterly dark.When he opened his blue eyes, he found himself in a blindingly white room, and sitting in front of him was another Dante. Something was different though,the version of himself seemed mildly sane.

"Why are you taking what doesn't belong to you!?" the other Dante demanded, his voice shaking the room they were in, displaying the rage he felt from his body being stolen from him.

Dante simply showed a cocky grin, expressing how arrogant he currently was.

The other Dante's eyes widened. "I see.I guess there's no point in talking."the other, Dante said as he slowly raised a sword that magically appeared from out of tin air.

Dante nodded, "Indeed, let's get this over with" He said as he also raised a sword getting into his stance.

The other Dante shook his head.Disgusted at the lengths his future self was willing to go to, even decide to kill off his own self.

Without warning, the other Dante suddenly vanished, appearing instantly in front of the future Dante, his sword slashing through the very space of the room. The future Dante, even though taken by surprise at the speed of his past self,still managed to block the swing due to the lack of experience his past self had.

With this, they traded blows over and over again with the future Dante in a slightly losing position due to how strong the past Dante was,when he suddenly remembered where the place he was fighting at was.

Gaining this epiphany, he slowly started to increase his strength and speed, reaching the level of the past Dante allowing future Dante to surpass his past self instantly.

The two Dantes circled each other, waiting for an opening. The other Dante made the first move, lunging forward and unleashing a flurry of attacks. Dante blocked them all, but he could feel the strain in his arms.

"Is that all you've got?" Dante taunted, grinning inwardly, knowing that he wouldn't be able to handle this fight if it got dragged out.

The other Dante didn't respond, instead focusing on attacking with even more ferocity. Dante found himself being pushed back, and he knew he couldn't keep this up for long. He needed to end this quickly.

With a burst of speed, Dante launched himself forward, slamming into the other Dante and knocking him off balance. Taking advantage of the moment, Dante struck with all his might, his sword piercing the other Dante's armor and drawing blood.

The other Dante stumbled backward, clutching his wound. "I... I can't believe it. You're stronger than I thought."

Dante smiled, but remained silent as he slowly prepared himself for the final clash. They would have.

Breaking this tense silence past timeline's, Dante said, "Do we really have to fight? You could just go back" the end almost sounding similar to the begging of a dying man.

Dante laughed already, as if he knew he would win this encounter. "Don't worry about me. I know what I'm doing."

Without warning, the other Dante lunged forward, trying to do a Hail Mary to prevent any attacks from being dealt to him. But Dante was ready for him, and with a swift movement, he cut off Dante's head.

The last thing the past's Dante hearing was a soft whisper, "I'm sorry"

Meanwhile, as the victor of that fight future, Dante's vision went black as he felt his body on the ground.

He sat up, gasping for breath, his heart pounding in his chest. Had it all been a dream? He looked down at his hands, expecting to see his old, worn-out body. But instead, he saw that he was back in his young, healthy body.

Dante smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.After that though the only feeling that was left was regret as he would've liked it to end another way, but he knew that he couldn't disappear just yet, there was still much he had to do. He had absorbed the other Dante's spirit, and now he had the power to change the world. Dante, now no longer confined by his own restrictions, and he was prepared to tackle whatever obstacles were ahead.

And with that, Dante stepped out of his old room and into a new world filled with endless possibilities.