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2019-02-04 BeigetretenGlobal



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  • red1reaper

    The story is very good overall the only drop in quality are the parts in Orario, man are the Orario segments boring... except for the character development of the girls it feels like filler and that character development does not justify the hundreds upon hundreds of chapters spent in the Danmachi world. The segments with DxD are good, the very original segment about medusa was very good, the most recent segment in the Bleach world is good, the segments about the ExE are super good... But the segments in danmachi are just bad, it is not even danmachi fault, it is just that the danmachi world is not a very interesting world to have Kisuke in, the only interesting thing that happens is the characterization of some of the girls but they could have gotten that characterization in a place that was more interesting

    Playing with other Supernaturals
    Anime und Comics · Goyya
  • red1reaper
    Antwortet auf mow

    just as s headsup to those reading this thred and thonkong about droping it, the story gets better... after half the point, mc drops the hero schitch, becomes a fae lord or some shit, tecreates hueco mundo, and startd collecting wives.

    A Hollow in DC and Beyond.
    Anime und Comics · Azazyel
  • red1reaper
    Antwortet auf Vernable_Reviewer

    technically he is soul fused with the hollow, it is like whe hollos eat hollows, all the douls that form them fuse. It is as if I higo "devoured" white(the hollow), so his hollow part is not external, he is just a werird menos were the dominant soul is a living plus.

    Affiliation: Human - ???? - ????
    Bleach System Within Bleach
    Anime und Comics · Seion
  • red1reaper

    I catched up, will be following this story, the mc is a slimy mf but the concept is fun.

    Ch 131 CHAPTER 142: Internal Crisis
    Bleach: Starting as a Vasto Lorde
    Anime und Comics · GloriousMilfHunter
  • red1reaper

    This story is awesome, while the part at orario was a bit dull, everything else is amazing.

    Playing with other Supernaturals
    Anime und Comics · Goyya
  • red1reaper

    good story, will follow it from now on that i catched up

    Ch 1111 Chapter 1111 Welcome To Hell
    Playing with other Supernaturals
    Anime und Comics · Goyya
  • red1reaper
    Antwortet auf Jaziyah

    I am, I finished writting chapter 10, which is the longest so far and possibly the last they are locked in hueco mundo yesterday, I sent it to my betareader/editor, and when he finishes I will publish it. As my chapters are kind of long and I do have a job that takes creativity I sometimes will not be able to post chapters in a long time, and sometimes I will post chapters quickly. For example, the first 7 chapters were written at a pace of 1 each day, the 8th chapter took me a week, the 9th chapter a month, and the 10th chapter has took me a bit more than a week. In general I will publish the next chapter which is like 4 chapters in one as soon as possible as it only needs to be revised right now.

    Gran Rey Cero
    Anime und Comics · red1reaper
  • red1reaper
    Antwortet auf AllenCross

    Eh? I never intended to make fighting the main point, more than anything because I really hate fight scenes in written format, I always skip them when I read novels so I do not know how to write them

    OP Orihime let's goooooooo! What did you think of Orihime OPness last chapter? Now nobody is going to mess with her, no more being princess peach, now she is queen of the hollows, with a power to back that statement up, you don't mess with her unless you want to end up erased, it is not like you could do anything to her anyway, and she will murder you no questions if she considers you a threat to her loved ones, this is not the Orihime that Ichigo deserved, but this is the Orihime that we all wanted, or at least I wanted, no more kurosaki-kun and tears, now if something threatens her Ichigo-kun she can step in the middle and take anything like an armored tank can take ants. You do not mess with this Orihime, if you do, you risk being 'cooked up' like Barragan so her husband can eat you as if you were a piece of meat.
    Gran Rey Cero
    Anime und Comics · red1reaper
  • red1reaper
    Antwortet auf Gunts92

    This is an AU, It is not a pure what if so I can add the lore that I want and ignore cannon as much as I like, In cannon bleach it may not work that way but in my story it does. In general hollow Ichigo stories are boring if you stick to cannon since Hollows are a tad unexplored so unless one is writting a story of Ichigo joining Aizen, one has to write an AU to make it interesting.

    Gran Rey Cero
    Anime und Comics · red1reaper