
Gran Rey Cero

This is a story set in an AU where during Ichigo's final battle with Ulquiorra while he is in the vasto lord form, he foolishly rips off his mask in such a way that he becomes an arrancar and as such he becomes a full hollow permanently, this also creates a storm of reiatsu killing Inoue and hollowifiying her, but heals Nel's mask, he becomes the king of hueco mundo, Gran Rey Cero.

red1reaper · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Of demons and Ghosts

I do not own bleach

Author's note:

OP Orihime let's goooooooo! What did you think of Orihime OPness last chapter? Now nobody is going to mess with her, no more being princess peach, now she is queen of the hollows, with a power to back that statement up, you don't mess with her unless you want to end up erased, it is not like you could do anything to her anyway, and she will murder you no questions if she considers you a threat to her loved ones, this is not the Orihime that Ichigo deserved, but this is the Orihime that we all wanted, or at least I wanted, no more kurosaki-kun and tears, now if something threatens her Ichigo-kun she can step in the middle and take anything like an armored tank can take ants. You do not mess with this Orihime, if you do, you risk being 'cooked up' like Barragan so her husband can eat you as if you were a piece of meat.

Let me make one thing clear, Tatsuki has a similar armor to the one Ichigo got in the hellverse movie, just without the head part, and she could be pretty badass, at least once she masters her shikai and gets a bankai, she will have a easy time getting a bankai because the Oni Zanpakuto are modified to make it easy, usually it comes to self reflection and accepting parts of yourself as the blade is forged from yourself, but these blades are not carved out of yourself, so it is easier


Ichigo woke up in his bedroom in las noches with his three wives, they were all nude as last night they all had relieved their pent up stress in a night of wild sex, thankfully Nelliel did not request to do it in her resurrección this time, that was a little bit too much, even for Ichigo, instead she had requested things that had required various healings by part of Orihime, certainly Nell was the kinkiest of them all, but orihime did not fall much behind, while she may not be as kinky she did indeed ask to do lot of experimental things, like doing it not in her V or her A, but on her hollow hole, and apparently she felt it very enjoyable, soo much that the other two requested to do it there afterward, seemingly doing it there filled a bit of the void hollows had, although this seemed like a bit of a too literal way of fling their holes, as he believed the holes themselves to be only physical metaphor for something deeper, but this time he learned the hollow of a hole is as significant as relevant or even more than it mask, and it is not only there for decoration, with difference the one he found most pleasant in bed was Tier, she was actually very cute in bet and not weird or kinky like the other two, she loved to kiss while doing it, A LOT, and she is the only one that does missionary, with Orihime it is all about that cowgirl position, and with Nell, it is doggy or bust.

As Ichigo was thinking about the bed preferences of his wives Tier woke up.

"Good morning Tier" whispered Ichigo to the blonde beauty

"Good morning dear" answered her, also in whisper.

As they said their good morning they started looking at each other lips and as soon as they noticed that the other was doing the same, they decided to do a passionate good morning french kiss.

As the kiss ended their mouths separated and a trail of saliva formed.

"So what do you say about this idea, we go to have a walk while the other two sleep a little bit more" suggested him by whispering to her ear, to which she nodded.

Ten minutes later they were walking outside of las noches as Ichigo hated Aizen's dome, he was going to make sure to have that thing removed sooner or later, as he found the eternal night of Hueco Mundo to be very beautiful.

They walked with their hands intertwined.

"So what do you think of all of this Tier?" Asked Ichigo as if to trying to make small talk but managing to do the opposite.

"Well, it is sure surprising all that has happened in these last weeks" Tier said only to giggle a bit afterwards.

"Don't say it, a mere 3 and a half weeks ago we stood in opposite sides as enemies and I was a human shinigami" sighed Ichigo, "But now that I have all of you three I would not change anything... At the time I though I was a fool for having broken my mask, I was mistaken as that is probably one of the best decisions of my life."

"Oh so you like us that much as to change an opinion that much" giggled Tier.

"I for one, am very happy with what has happened, we dodged a bullet, a massive bullet, me and my fracción and the others would probably had died that day would you not reversed summoned us here..." said her as a sad look overtook her face.

"Don't worry about that anymore, for I will not allow that to happen, I will protect you and all those you hold dear Tier" promised Ichigo with enough determination to move a mountain with his tongue were it necessary .

"Oh, I feel soo safe right now, but I rather Hime protect me, she seems more capable at that job" teased Tier as Ichigo's declaration had managed to make her cringe a bit, although she certainly appreciated it.

"Hey! I was making a romantic declaration i you had to ru..." was Ichigo sulking until he was cut by what they saw, a group of three arrancar running for their lives.

Both he and Tier sonido in front of these arrancar, making the stop.

"Tier-sama?" asked a a gothic looking female arrancar.

"Niño?" asked a devilishly masculine and slick matador meets conquistador looking arrancar.

The third one was still gasping and getting their breath.

"Don Panini?" asked Ichigo.

"His name is Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio, dear" corrected Tier

"Wait niño! I did say that I wanted you to become like a demonio, but I think you took that too literal there" said Dordoni seeing the quite honestly very demonic appearance that Ichigo donned himself in.

"yeah yeah, I an arrancar now and more, but that can wait for later, from what were yo three running?" inquired the king.

But it was the gothic arrancar girl that answered "We... were running... from.... chained.... men..." as she said that she collapsed, Ichigo though that maybe she was injured.

But before he could take her to Las Noches the assailants appeared.

There were three assailants clothed in black trench coats with hoods, and masked, but those were not hollow masks, but weird masked that where half white and half black.

"Their reiatsu doen't seem hollow, or shinigami or human, what are they?" asked a confused Tier as she readied her zanpakuto and pointed it at them.

"It doesn't matter what they are, since they attacked my subjects they will have to pay" said Ichigo, taking responsibility for the three privaron even if they were not at the coronation for he now considered all arrancar and intelligent hollows as his people.

After saying that he rammed his horns against the larger of the group, impaling his horns in the assailant and looking up, raising him along with the horns.

Ichigo started to charge a cero in his horns with the intruder still attached to them.


A crimson cero tore the night sky and the mand that was in the horns was no more as he had been vaporized by a super point blank cero.

Then he felt a presence in his back so he blocked with zangetsu and fake zangetsu, each in one hand, sending the other fliying.

For the part of Tier she had also blocked one with her zanpakuto.

"Tier take your opponent alive for interrogation, I am going to end this one!" Commanded Ichigo.

As he saw the nod from her, he started to charge a double getsuga tensho, one in each blade, as it seems that as long as fake zangetsu was summoned he could charge getsugas in real zangetsu, even if it was in a sealed state.

"Getsuga Jūjishō!" Screamed the hollow king as cross shaped getsuga tensho emerged from his two blade firing in a cross pattern.

"Fuck!" was the last words of the invader as he was not capable of dodging in time and was sliced off in 4 parts, killing him in that instant.

On the part of Tier she had managed to reduce her opponent to a limbless mess, and had used a piece of clothe to seal his mouth to prevent him biting his tongue, she also seemed to have used some technique to seal his reiatsu.

"Honey how come you sealed his reiatsu, i though that arrancar were not capable of Kido" asked the husband to his wife.

"I did not use Kido, but arrancar can use it, there is a numeros that learned it from Ichimaru, we just were not that interested on it, as for how i sealed his reiatsu I just used Sellado it is a hollow technique that only vasto lord posses, but since it can't be learned by instincts like other hollow techniques, I think only I and Nell know how to perform it, i can teach you and Hime how to do it later dear, what is important is taking the prissioner to the interrogation room and the privaron with Hime so she can heal them" said Tier.

"Una pregunta niño, why is se calling you dear and you call her honey? and why did you defend us with her? what did you say about subjects? and how come you became an arrancar when you were not even a hollow?" asked Dordoni confused.

Only for Tier to point her blade at him, "You should not be calling him a niño Dordoni, I will be forgiving for you had no way of knowing, but Ichigo is now the king of hueco mundo, Gran Rey Cero, so you should be more polite to your king, and the reason for our name-calling is because we are wife and husband" explained Tier, as Ichigo showed the 0 in his check and the sword crossing a crown.

Dordoni immediately kneel in front of Ichigo the moment the image of the 0 and specially the sword and crown imagery entered his eyes. even a few tears managed to come out from the man, as he looked to Ichigo with a mix of reverence, happiness and hope.

"Mi rey!" exclaimed the manly arrancar.

"Wh-what? I certainly did not expect him to kneel with that little explaining" muttered Ichigo with surprise at the arrancar's reaction.

"Mi rey, is because la marca real, the sword with a crown, that is the royal seal of the true of Hueco Mundo, while many hollows have already forget, I know that seal means that you are without a doubt Gran Rey Cero, ruler of all hollows and true king of Hueco Mundo, It can't be forged, for if a hollow tries to forge it in their body, the forgery will banish, the fact that you have it means that you are indeed mi rey, I hope you forgive me for calling you niño" said Dordoni very respectfully to Ichigo, still kneeling.

Ichigo nodded and thought that this only made things easier, "Very well Dordoni, you can raise and are forgiven, we must carry the other two privaron to Las Noches so they can heal as they seem to have collapsed, we also need to transport the captive for interrogation" commanded Ichigo.

"Si mi rey!" Dordoni responded as he picked up both Cirucci and Gantenbainne each in one arm, ready to transport them.

The captive was in turn picked up by Tier like a sack of potatoes and quickly all three conscious arrancar sonido towards Las Noches.

. . .

Human World

. . .

Uryu and Chad where both with very tense faces, sweat poring out of all their pores and a clear need to regain their breaths, it was as if they have been running a marathon.

"Chad any luck on you part?" asked the exhausted Quincy.

"No, I did not manage to find anything, what about you?" returned the question the gentle giant.

"No luck either, dammit, as if it was not enough with kurosaki and inoue-san, now even Arisawa-san has disappeared." growled the frustrated quincy.

"I think we telling her what have happened may have triggered this, she disappeared after that" pointed out the half Mexican.

"Yeah, that is clear" Uryu said as he readjusted his glasses, "This is our fault, damnit, with Kurosaki and Inoue-san we at least had an idea of where to find, we were just unable to go, but we have no idea where Arisawa-san might be"

"She was a normal human without power, not like me or you or even less Ichigo, she should not be in other world" Chad argued.

"No, we can't know that Yasutora-san, she already saw spirits, she may have become the same thing as you and Inoue-san, It is also not completely impossible for her to have had a quincy ancestor although it would be very improvable for reasons I am not confortable sharing about quincies, and even then, is not like humans do not have ways to gain powers, a shinigami can share his powers for example, and there may be a whole category of things we do not know about that could empower a human" explained Ishida.

Chad simply nodded, which prompted the young quincy to continue, "So we can't be sure she is in the living world, although that is still the most probable possibility... The least probable would be Hueco Mundo and Hell, for Hueco Mundo is sealed and Hell has always been sealed, let me call that odious shinigami shopkeeper to see if he had found something" conclude Uryu as he picked his phone and was ready to call when...

"There is no need for that youngling, hahaha" said a familiar voice as he revealed himself, and there he was, as if speaking of the devil had summoned him, Hat and Clogs in person, laughing with a paper fan covering his mouth.

"I always hate when he does that" said Uryu as Chad chuckled at his friend reaction.

"Urahara, spit it out, if you are here you must have found something, what do you have?" Said the quincy with an aggressive tone, clearly not happy with talking with a shinigami, and specially this shinigami.

"No need to be that aggressive with this humble shopkeeper, but We have found something by accessing human security cameras in conjunction with some spiritual recorders is set up to monitor the city, follow me." said the shopkeeper as he started walking away, both teens following him.

Thirty minutes later they where in what appeared to be an abandoned shrine, It lacked whatever was enshrined and a pugnant smell permeated the air, there where burnt marks and ashes in the floor in front of the altar, there was also a mobile phone that they recognized as Tatsuki's, there where other things like her school bag and a cleaning product designed to remove rust and a dirty rag.

"What the hell happened here?" Shouted Uryu shocked and disgusted by the smell.

Urahara had his serious expression instead of his goofy one and he quickly pulled a device out of his clothes, and proceeded to examine the air and the ashes, after which his expression only hardened.

He turned toward the boys and asked, "So do you want the bad news, or the worse news?"

"The bad news!" Chad decided, not even consulting with Uryu.

"Well... in short your friend is dead, probably double dead, you see i recognized this smell when i visited here before picking you so I returned to my shop to pick this device before going to you, to scan to make sure, and this smell is without doubt the smell of burned human flesh, what is more not only of human flesh, but also of plus flesh. I have also analyzed those ashes, and have found that they are a mix of ashes of human and plus, and without a doubt the plus ones correlate with the spiritual reading I have stored of Tatsuki Arisawa as well as for the human cinders they correspond with her DNA, so...." Hat and Clogs lowered his hat to hide his eyes a bit, "I can say for certain that your friend has been burned alive, and then even her soul has been burned, I am sorry." ended Urahara.

"No... no... It can't be..." cried Chad, as he cumbered and clenched his fists, again he has failed to protect, he should have protected Tatsuki in Ichigo stead while he was not here and he had failed, what is more, it is possible that he and Ishida babbling too much have conducted her to her death.

For the other part Uryu was more composed, as he did not know the girl as much, but he still considered her a friend and was very shaken, but he had learn to hide this type of emotions, so he asked the obvious question.

"If those where the bad news, what are the worse news Urahara" inquired the quincy very seriously to the usually goffy shopkeeper.

"Well, the thing is that Tatsuki remains is not the only thing this has picked up, it has picked up... well... the energy of hell, of flames of hell in a more specific manner, which leads me to believe that she was burnt not by normal flames or even spiritual flames, but the flames of hell, which as you can imagine by the name, is problematic" explained Kisuke.

"Do you mean that...." Uryu was going to ask before he was interrumped.

"Yes, I mean that she might be in hell right now, trapped and suffering eternal torment" interrupted Urahara.

"Shit!" sweared Uryu as he clenched his fists.

Chad was not even responding anymore.

"There is another possibility, but i would not count on that..." said Urahara only to be interrupted by Chad that picked him with his hands from the shirt and elevated him with a desperate look.

"What possibility, Urahara-san, anything!" demanded the Giant in an uncharacteristic fit of rage mixed with desperation.

"Do not put your hopes in to it, it is basically impossible, but you see, let me tell you both a story about how a group of narcissists wanted to control hell but since they could not, they created their own version of hell"

. . .

Onigashima, exit door

. . .

Tatsuki stood in front of a scary looking door that she have been searching for the past 3 days, at her left and right stood two kneeling men, one in each side, one of them had a half burned face, white hair, red skin, small fangs coming out of his mouth and two horns, slightly bigger than hers, he also had kanabo, a spiked mace. The other one has purple hair and his bang covered one of his eyes, he had blue skin, also small fangs in his mouth, and one single horn the same size the horns of the other, but this one had it single horn in the middle instead of to the sides, and of course also had his own kanabo. Both men were fairly muscular with their torso and arms completely uncovered and their lower body only covered by a loincloth that seemed to be made out of the skin of a tiger or a leopard. Behind the demonic woman and the two oni looking men stood ten Kushanada.

The Onigami woman had have quite the events in these past days, for one she had discovered that her body had changed more than growing horns and changing eye color, it seems that she her body had growth older, more mature, according to her sword spirit, around 23 years old, she noticed this when she realized that the floor seemed to be a little bit farther away, her bust seemed extra heavy and her rear seemed to be a little bit more meaty, even her hair had grown a bit. According to Onimaru when a Onigami is reborn, if they are a day older or younger than their prime, they will either age up, or age down to match their prime, this included both the body and the mind, so the body was in the best physical state and the mind sharp and fast. She now had curves and was a proper woman, her bust was only slightly smaller than Orihime's was, but again she was comparing her 23 years old body with Orihime's 16 years old, if Orihime was also in his prime, she for sure had them even bigger Tatsuki thought, not realizing that Orihime indeed had also aged up to her prime as she had no way of knowing that.

At her left and right were the two Onis that she had created. At around the second day or she believed was that, as the time was hard to keep track in here, she found these two running from Kushanada, and weirdly enough they did not gave her the feelings of hate and disgust other Togabito gave her, so she appeared between those two and the Kushanada and ordered the automata to stop, which it obeyed.

She found out that these two where named Shuren and Kokuto, and they told them their stories, Shuren was someone that lived in soul society and one day a noble was visiting the Rukongai, when the noble saw Shuren's wife he intended to take her forcefully to his mansion and force her to become his plaything, what is most this noble has a bad reputation of killing his victims when he bored of them, Shuren could of course not allow this fate to fall on his wife so he defended her, but sadly the noble was accompanied by 3 shinigami and he was forced to watch as his wife was broken and later killed in front of him, later the noble pulled some stuff and Shuren was found guilty by a corrupt judge of being a sinner scaped from hell, so he was wrongfully convicted to here.

Kokuto story was even sadder, he was a human with spiritual powers and he was essentially the parent of his only sister as their parents had passed away, but due to bad luck the shinigami assigned to their village in the human world to take care of hollows was from a noble family and had a weird fetish, in those times in that land the people knew of shinigami and soul society, so this shinigami appeared in front of the village elder and requested that little girls be sacrificed to him in exchange of him taking care of hollows, and as such his sister ended up sacrificed, and the fetish this rotten noble shinigami had was that he liked to eat pluses alive with their chain of fate still attached to their bodies, as if he was a hollow instead of a shinigami, so he devoured Kokuto's sister and when Kokuto found out he used his spiritual powers to try to take revenge on the shinigami that ate his sister very soul as if he was a hollow, but Kokuto failed and the shinigami killed him, and instead of performing normal konso on him to send him to soul society, he used a strange seal that performed a corrupt version of konso that always sent the souls here, and thus he was condemned to rot in here.

As Tatsuki found both their stories very very sad, and the lack of hatred in her soul for them confirmed that at least they did not deserve to be here, she broke their chains, found two Kushanada and shared a bit of her powers and the two Kushanada to reborn them as Onis, so they are free from eternal torture and so they can fight against the evil shinigami and take revenge, by this point the mental image Tatsuki had of the shinigami of soul society was so low that she could not even believe how come the supposed good afterlife was managed by such evil beings, not realizing that is not necessarily a problem of the shinigami perse but more so of their government as she was a bit of a hothead.

As for the ten Kushanada, she just has gathered as she searched for this gate with her two oni.

"Tatsuki-sama, we have arrived toward our destination, this is the hellgate, if you open it we will be in the world of the living" said Kokuto with respect.

"Thank you two for guiding me here, but there is one thing I have to reveal to you that I have been keeping from you"

"What it is Tatsuki-sama?" asked Shuren with the same amount of respect.

"Well, you must be curious of why I have shinigami-like clothes or why I can command the Kushanada or why I could break your chains or make you onis, right?" asked the demon goddess

"So i will tell you, or at least what has been told to me, for I myself did not know until very recently, you see..."

And as such Tatsuki explained to them what Onimaru explained to her, how she is a Onigami, what an Onigami, is, that this is no real hell but a placed called Onigashima, how Onigami and their swords are formed, how the Onigami where betrayed by the shinigami, how she ended up becoming one a few days ago, about her friends and her purpose, and lastly how this fake hell had been sealed for many years and no new souls have entered for a long time, as it was sealed in Hueco Mundo, specially that the gate they were going to pass will not lead them to the world of the living, but the world of the hollow, a world that was as sealed as this fake hell was sealed before.

"That... is a lot to take in..." said Shuren.

"Damm shinigami, always the same with them it seems, how hateful they are, toying with souls they should be protecting" cursed Kokuto with hate in his eyes, as he still remembered how his little sister soul had been completely destroyed by being eaten by a shinigami, at least with a hollow they can be purified afterward and all the souls they ate with them, but no such luck if your soul is eaten by a freak cannibalistic shinigami.

As Tatsuki was wondering how she was going to open the gate as her two subordinates cursed, she heard the voice of Onimaru on her head

"Just point me to the door and command it to open in the name of the Onigami, as it is not sealed in the other side, it will simply open normally" explained the sword to it's wielder.

Tatsuki nodded mentally and unheated her sword.

"I command you by the name of the Onigami, open hellgate!" Ordered Tatsuki


As she said that everything started to tremble as if it was an earthquake, soon both of her minions stopped with their sulking and protected her flanks with their spiked maces in their hands, ready to protect their savior.

That was unneeded as the trembling was only because the doors where opening, soon they where opened and what greeted their eyes at the other side of the door was the visage of a seemingly endless white desert, of the night sky with a big moon, of what seemed like very sparse dead trees and the occasional rock formation, everything white and empty, as that visage entered their eyes they felt the emptiness and void of suck a realm, and where hopeful, for they have been stuck in a place where they were full, full of daily torture of suffering at every corner and fear, so the visage of a world lacking anything, so empty seemed like a paradise to them, a much better place than hell. And one without evil shinigami at each corner. The fact that instead of having to be hunted by shinigami or Kushanada they were going to be hunted by hollows did not escape them, it is just that at this point, a rabid hollow seemed much preferable to a corrupt shinigami or the mechanical Kushanada, it was like choosing between a den of killer robots a den of evil demigods or a den of hungry animals, they choose the hungry animals all days of the week and all weeks of the year.

As Hueco Mundo filled the Oni minds of weird ideas, Tatsuki started walking towards the world of the hollow and as such both Oni and Kushanada followed her.

"Wait for me, Orihime, Ichigo, I will help you!" muttered in a very low voice Tatsuki as determination filled her body.

. . .

Las Noches, throne room

. . .

All the current espada and the privaron espada stood there looking at the masked limbless figure.

"So anyone has any idea on interrogations?" asked the king as he though that there was probably none in this group capable of doing so.

"What about me Ichigo-kun" volunteered Orihime.

"But, you have not done interrogations ever Hime, are you sure?" tried to confirm Ichigo

"Oh, I may not have interrogated anyone, but i figured it out that if I just put him in my Santen Kesshun while Tsubaki cuts him again and again, while it being healed each time, he eventually would crumble, is it not a good idea?" Asked Orihime in her bubbly and happy voice with a genuine smile in her face, which only made what she said even more creepy.

"It is no use hollow!" shouted the figure as now the cloth that stopped him from talking have been removed.

"I am a togabito, a sinner escaped from hell itself, no torture you can imagine can beat what I suffered in hell, there we were also regenerated after torture endlessly" shouted the Togabito.

"Well It seems this is not a bright one, he started revealing information while saying it is no use in trying to extract information from him" smirked an amused Coyote Stark.

"Stark you shouldn't have said that you lazy ass, now he knows and will be more attend to his slips of mind" shouted the man's only fracción which accompanied him even to espada only meetings.

"Then what if I negate his will to resist?" Asked a smiling Orihime as if she had a very good idea.

"That may not be very safe Hime, you could erase him completely or something" warned Ichigo

"Yeah, you may be right."

"Hey kingy, me, me, I had an amazing Idea, although others will not hear it, hehehehe" Zangetsu laughed in Ichigo's head

'And what it is zangetsu?' asked Ichigo desperate at having to deal with his zanpakuto spirit antics.

"So here is the plan kingy, you release our resurrección, then you start charging a cero at his face, and before you release it, you do a hollow shriek in to his ear, he will be so scare that he will piss himself, hahahahaha" joked Zangetsu

'How is that supposed to help with interrogating him?' questioned the boy to his sword spirit.

"It will not help with that kingy, but it would be very fun, think of the comedic value alone, hehehehe, to be fair kingy there is no way none of you is capable of making a sinner of hell talk, I doubt you or your band of merry hollows could even get close to the level of torture that is common for a sinner in hell, you are all softies, well softies by hollow standards at least, heck even I do not know what the frigging do about it and I am no softie"

"I have a good idea about what to do" said stark.

"What do you suggest Stark?" inquired gran rey cero.

"It is very simple, either he talks or we eat him, for sure not even sinner from hell will enjoy being eaten by hollows" said Coyote as he tried to look threatening towards the togabito.

"It is true that I would not appreciate the prospect of being devoured but that doesn't mean shit, you are all hollows anyway, I am sure the moment I stop being useful by revealing my secrets you will just eat me anyway" feared the togabito.

"Damn it, back to square one, Hey Ulquiorra you have some touch for torture, you did broke me quite a bit in that fight, so now it is your problem, i command you to interrogate him" ordered Ichigo to the bat arrancar, this clearly being some kind of petty revenge.

"Understood Ichigo-sama" Accepted Ulquiorra as he dragged the togabito towards some dark place in las noches.

. . .

Hueco Mundo, outside of the hell gate

. . .

"So this is Hueco Mundo huh? Seems kind of bland, only dessert and dead trees, everything white, also very quiet" said Tatsuki a little bit let down.

"Tatsuki-sama as this is the world of the hollows it is to be expected that it is a bit empty." Shuren pointed out.

"I guess you are right, to be honest the only different thing i can see is that thing in the distance, I can't see it very well but seems rather different than everything else" Tatsuki said as she pointed towards a thing very far away.

"That thing, Tatsuki-sama, is if I am not mistaken, Las Noches, the capital 'city' of this world, I do not know much since this is information i got from other togabito, but i am pretty sure that is what it is supposed to be, what I do not know is why hollows would live in a city or any building, they seem animals" explained Kokuto from what he had collected over the years.

"That oni of yours is right, while I am also not an expert in the world of the hungry ghosts, I do know that the center of it is called Las Noches and is supposed to be an enormous palace that can be seen from almost any part of Hueco Mundo, the fact that it appears soo tiny means that we must be very far away" added Onimaru.

Tatsuki thought that it is very possible that Orihime was captive there and that Ichigo had ran to it as well to save her, after all that seemed to be the only building she can see and it makes sense for a captive to be held there or so she reasoned.

"Okay then, we will go toward Las Noches first" commanded Tatsuki

"Understood!" complied her two minions.

As she was thinking of the fastest way to travel she suddenly felt she was picked up by a Kushanada, and looking around she saw the same thing have happened to Shuren and Kokuto, not a second faster all 10 Kushanada started to make engine noises.


It was just a very few moments of engine noise resembling a rocket ready to launch mixed with a jet-plane, but after that all ten of them rocketed forward at breathtaking speeds, eventually it settled at match 1.2, around a little bit higher than the speed of sound.

"Whaaaaaaaaat Issssss Thissssssssssss?" Screamed Tatsuki as this sudden acceleration completely took her off guard.

"Do not scream Tatsuki, it is not something someone of your current power and position should do, you are embarrassing me" complained the sword.

'But what the heck is this Onimaru? You did not tell me that the Kushanada were that fast' demanded the scared demon goddess in an embarrassing manner to her sword.

"Sight.... Tatsuki.... You did not ask, if I was to explain to you everything I know we would need one or two human lifetimes, so if you do not ask and I do not consider it relevant, I will not explain these things to you. But I will explain this as you asked right now, Kushanada are supposed to pursuit Togabito, and some Togabito can be very fast, so of course the Kushanada need to be fast to be able to catch any and all togabito they pursue, and as you commanded to go to a far away place with certain urgency they interpreted it as an order to pick your three slow asses and give you a quick ride... still by the slow peace Las Noches seems to be increasing in size as we approach, even at their speeds this may take a while" exasperated did the sword explain the his wielder.

. . .

Las Noches, Espada meeting room

. . .

All current Espada where present, some fracción where present as well like like Nelliel fracción, Stark other half and Orihime's


After the coronation and ¿wedding? took place Orihime was walking the halls of La noches, reminiscent of how much she hated these walls when she first arrived and the reality seething in her that this was now her home and she was not a prisoner princess but the queen of the place, well, one of the three queens, and not only that, she was now an espada, outranking her captor by many ranks even... and a hollow, like her brother Sora, and as such she started to think about her brother and started to hope that maybe he has not been eaten or assimilated into a guillian or purified by a shinigami and he may still be be out there in Hueco Mundo, waiting to be saved, so a little hope filled her void, the hope she will one day find him, bring him to his husband and have that mask removed again by him, but his time for real. It was while she was wondering those things that she stumbled toward two arrancar girls that where very familiar to her, both had their masks covering one of their eyes, each one opposite to the other, one had two pigtails, black hair and violet eyes while the other was blonde with a boy's cut and had emerald eyes, despite everything these two had done to her, she actually liked them, she understood them, they felt insecure with her around, she was used to feeling that way so she really empathised and did not blame them, if that was not the case she would have not revived one of them, and to be honest she though, both seem rather terrified, as she saw that both of them where trembling at having encountered her, and quickly Menoly knelt to her, forcing Loly to no the same

"Queen Orihime-sama we wish to ask for forgiveness for you previous actions to you, please discipline us" said Menoly as if talking for both of them

Orihime laughed which caused both girls to tremble as they where very aware of how the previous princess peach now was a cold queen of hearts capable of executing Barragan with such ease she made a show out of it, and rumors had that she killed Nnoitra in a single blow on sight and ate him, least to say they where both as terrified from her vengeance as they could be, for them she did not appeared as the princess that they perceived her at first not the madwoman that they perceived her after she health them, no, they perceived her now as a top predator, a Lioness while in comparation they themselves where little rabbits ready to be slaughtered and eaten at her mercy like she was rumoured to have done with Nnoitra

"There is no need for you two to fear me that much Loly, Menoly, I actually like you both" said Orihime with a warm smile that was in fact genuine but to the two arrancar bullies seemed more fake than Ichimaru's

They whispered "Hey Menoly she said she likes us, as I though, she is going to eat us, she must be referring that she likes us as food" and was replied "I know Loly, but after how we treated her, what did we expect, if either of us were in her position eating would actually be one of the most kind things we would do", "You are right Menoly, maybe if we cut one of our arms and offer it to her maybe she will eat that and leave it at that?", "Unprovable but worth the shoot"

As Orihime was wondering what those two where whispering suddenly they both took their zanpakuto and each cut their left arms and presented them to her, "We offer our arms to you queen Orihime-sama, pl--ease don't eat us"

At the sight she sighed, and put on a worried face, ordering her fairies to heal their arms, as she was not in her resurrección the fairies came out of the guard of her zanpakuto, once they where both healed she spoke "I am not going to eat you girls, sigh, I did not meant that I liked you as food, but as people"

"Bu-but your majesty, after what we did to yo-u" muttered Loly

"That is all forgiven you silly" said the queen as she smiled "I actually find both of you real cute, you where scared from even back then, that is the reason you attacked me, you both are really dependent on attention and I was robbing you of that attention, you both like to think you are predators, but you act like little rabbits starved for attention that would die of loneliness" chuckled Orihime, "You know what, you where numeros right?"

"Yes your majesty!" said both at the same time

"Then since I am now an espada, la primera, I will be taking you both as my fracción and give you both attention so you do not get lonely" said Orihime as she smiled with the warmth of a thousand saints

"You will be ascending us to be your fracción?" said Loly ,"The fracción of la primera?" continued Menoly as their fear was completely replaced by a mix of surprise, bewilderment and a little bit of hope

"Yes, from now on and by my authority as an espada you both are my fracción, but you are right you deserve some punishment after all you attacked me before and as a queen, primera espada and you espada I guess it would be problematic if you did not receive some punishment." Orihime wondered as she started thinking of a punishment

"I know! It just occurred to me the perfect punishment, wait a moment" after that Orihime sonido'd away, only to reappear some good 2 minutes later with some clothes in her hands, "here, put on this aprons, a small one for Loly and a the big one for Menoly, also put these maid headdress as well" After obeying the orders, both Loly and Menoly seemed to be the arrancar version of maids, the aprons and headdress were as white as their clothes, but had black in the borders distinguishing it from the other clothes, they looks like maid versions of themselves, "From now on you two are to be royal maids as punishment, you will make the sheets of the royals, clean when we dirty something, bring our food to the table and in general be there for small tasks, like helping us clothe or bathe, or in the..." Orihime stopped as she put on a devilish look, "Well for that last one I will need permission from the other two, well see"

End of flashback

In the meeting of the espada behind Orihime where her two new fracción, Loly and Menoly, dressed now in proper arrancar style maid dresses and not just apron and headdress over their usual clothing as they appeared at first, they where the ones that moved the chairs backward and forward to aid the espada as they sat, they also brought some appetizers and served to every espada.

These appetizers were not from Hueco Mundo and probably was something Aizen brought from the living world or the soul society as there was a lot stored in the warehouse of las noches, preserved with some kind of kido barrier.

"I will starting this espada meeting, the first since for this new group of espada in fact. The theme of today is the intruders in Hueco Mundo that should not be here, we have some idea as our captive blabbed some information, but Ulquiorra has managed to extract even more from him, so Ulquiorra could you explain to us what you have managed to understand." Commanded Ichigo, with this being a command even if worded as a suggestion.

"With pleasure Your Majesty, these individuals seem to be named Togabito, according the them they are sinners from hell that have escaped from hell, the reason they are here is that the only exits they fin seem to lead here to Hueco Mundo, This all started around the time Hueco Mundo was sealed by our king, which brings me to think that both events are related, maybe the seal over hueco mundo, originally sealed hell, or that is my deduction given our information, It appears these togabito are organized and in largue quantities, they are leaded by a man that refers to himself as The Fallen, he leads his group of hell escapees that call themselves Abaddon, They are troublesome enemies to deal with, it seems that when they die they simply are reborn in hell and since fisures from hell to Hueco Mundo have appeared it means they can come at us again and again, according to testimony this process of rebirth usually takes years at the minimum, but this Fallen individual seems to have hijacked the process of rebirth and is capable of rebirthing them the moment they die, they are at least numbered in the tens of millions of Togabito in their troops, each having not much reiatsu but more than the average plus or human, around the level of a recently formed hollow from a plus without any reiatsu, but some of them are strong, but even their elites should prove much lower than the weakest of numeros, while their top fighters should be around the level of fracción, the ones we encountered are a bit above privaron espada and bellow espada and they seem to have been the closest aides to their leader, while The Fallen himself is probably according to what I deduced at the level of a low rank Espada, the currently missing Grimmjow probably could crush him in a fight after some injuries. They seem to have mounted a base near one of the biggest cracks that lead from hell to Hueco Mundo, it would be located inside the dark forest, a place where the zone of the forest of menos that is under it have trees that grow much bigger, thus reaching the surface, it is south east from Las Noches, around 6981km away from las noches, around 6 hours of sonido, as we have already killed two of them, they must be alert of our present as those would have revived." Ended Ulquiorra

"Good job Ulquiorra, anything else?" inquired further the cero espada.

"Yes Your Majesty, It seems that they where talking about some entity that they refer to Demon Queen, Demon Goddess and Queen of Hell, it has been impossible to extract a lot of information about this figure, as our captive did not know a lot, but had heard talking other Togabito about her, but we have a possible physical description, This demon queen seems to be clothed in modified shinigami Shihakusho, but red instead of black, and with black where it was white before, she also seems to have two small horns, carry a zanpakuto looking blade and some kind of gold skull shaped armor scattered armor pieces, she seems capable of releasing her blade and when she does so, her horns turn in to flame horns, her blade in to a blade of blue flames, her red clothing catches fire but without burning and fire wings appear on her back, allowing her to fly, we do not know if she is allied with the Togabito or not, but it would seem reasonable to assume she is on of their members, maybe even higher than The Fallen individual" concluded Cifer.

"Understood Ulquiorra, this information is vital, anyone wants to ask any question?" asked King Ichigo.

Ashido was the one to raise his hand and then spoke once Ichigo nodded in his direction, "How do we plan to win against an army of ten million with less than 100 troops?"

"That is a reasonable question Ashido, but one I have the answer for" said their king, "I plan on directing an army of one thousand gillian that is stored here in Las Noches, as for transporting them I have studied the last days all of the arrancar of las noches, their names, personalities and abilities, and there is this little numeros that has an interesting ability, he is not much of a fighter and his ability is rather limited in scope, but he can leave his zanpakuto in any place of hueco mundo and use his resurrección from anywhere in Hueco Mundo no matter how distant, once he uses his resurrección he becomes a portal thank links the position where his zanpakuto was and where he was, so I plan on bringing him while leaving his zanpakuto in front of the gillian, and then have him release when we are positioned, portaling all the gillian from Las Noches to the battlefield directly, in fact only him and Ulquiorra will go to that place in person, we will all come trough the portal as Ulquiorra can fly in his resurrección he should be able to take us there in 4-5 hours instead of 6... Any more questions?"

No one said a word.

"Then I declare this meeting finished, Ulquiorra I command you to pick this numeros, he is called Perez Oso Conveniente, and fly towards our destination, make sure he laves his zanpakuto in side the gillian storage" commanded the orange haired young man...

. . .

Somewhere in hueco mundo

. . .

Tatsuki was still ridding the kushanada when her sword talked to her.

"Tatsuki, since we are going to Las Noches, it is probably that the kind of the hollows that sealed this world is in there, if they have you friends captured it would be wise for you to hide your identity so they are not used against you, you can take the skull armor in your left shoulder and put it in your face, it will hide your face and distort your voice a bit " Recommended the sword.

Tatsuki thought that it was a rather good idea, and as such followed the suggestion, she put the golden half mask in her face, it covered the upper half of her face, covering even her nose and eyes but not her mouth, but when she tried to talk with the mask on, her voice sounded very demonic, and as such they continued, now she saw what appeared to be a forest, and for some reason what appeared to be a huge ass lot of people where fighting against black giants with scary white masks that fired red beams of energy, commanding them was a figure that looked even more demonic than her, the onis or the kushanada, it was some kind of humanoid creature that had white skin, red tattoos, a hole, and a horned mask that was the scariest thing she had seen in all her life, the creature also had orange hair, claws, red fur in wrists, ankles and neck, and this figure donned some black pants and a completely black katana with chains that wrapped around the arm of the creature until the elbow, this creature also charged the read beam, but his was much stronger, decimating thousands in a single attack.

"That doesn't look good" said Tatsuki in a low voice, clearly slightly intimidated by the visage of such a creature surrounded by an army of black giants in creepy masks, all with red lasers.